Submitted by Tamara on Mon, 10/24/2005 - 19:06.
Proposed Clan Promyvion, need SIX votes!
This is a by-popular-vote Promyvion; Maior has been posting nice descriptions of the ENM's so perhaps time to make use of Maior's efforts? =^_^=
This Clan Promyvion Event will consist of:
1) You farming Hysteroanima and Psychoanima before Friday
2) You getting Censers Of ____ from Venessa in Ru'Lude Gardens before Friday
3) Gathering at Venessa's feet in Ru'Lude Gardens at the agreed-upon time
4) A run to one of the Promyvion Spires
5) Doing One or more Quest Fights versus Spire ENM for experience points and possible uncommon drops (group loot will be used for non-cluster drops)
6) One Mission Fight against the Spire Boss utilizing Anima to ensure victory
The Event will BEGIN at Venessa's Feet in the gardens during
8pm Eastern this Friday to 2am Eastern Saturday
8pm Eastern this Saturday to 2am Eastern Sunday
8pm Eastern this Sunday to 2am Eastern Monday
8pm Eastern to 2am Eastern is:
7pm Central to 1am Central which is:
6pm Mountain to Midnight Mountain which is:
5pm Pacific to 11pm Pacific
The event will only be held if six folks make the effort to post vote ballots for this event - otherwise I am not even going to bother to show up to teleport participants to the chosen crag.
For voting your Event Ballot includes:
one positive vote in favor of a specific Crag
one negative vote against a specific Crag
one positive vote in favor of a specific time
one negative vote against a specific evening
------------ Tamara's Event Ballot --------------
I vote in favor of Promyvion Holla for the event
I vote against Promyvion Dem (this time around)
I vote in favor of beginning on Saturday at 9PM Eastern
I vote against Sunday night (but I'll still show up if Sunday wins)
If the Event is held (depends on ballots posted) then Maior or Raytien can lead if they so desire, if they don't so desire then I will lead (even if Crag Dem wins the vote). The Clan has run through these events enough the drill should be commonly known to many by now.
I am coming to this event as WHM/SMN.
Since this event includes a Mission Fight jobs discouraged are BST and BRD.
Looking for five more ballots to be posted so this Event appears to be worth hosting.
Maior is running Promyvion Mea
If you look at the comments you will see that Maior is heading up a Promyvion Mea run (ENM and Mission) this weekend.
Malkier needs Mea Mission so Malkier is in Maior's team for ENM as Maior's WHM. I am coming along for the Spire Run and I will be heading up the ENM 'overflow team'. So if Maior's team fills up you can join my group.
There is no guarantee of participating in an ENM if you find yourself in the overflow team. Sorry. I will only be doing Mea ENM if our overflow team has at least five folks, no I am not going in against the Mea ENM with only four. The overflow team's Primary purpose is to get individuals to the Mea Spire who still need the Spire Boss Mission.
Spire Boss Mission Fight Team will be constructed in the Spire Hallway (probably before the ENM fights begin, so ENM folks will know if they can use their 2hr against the ENMob).
Looks like Maior is doing a Saturday Run so see you fine Clan Folks on Saturday Evening in Jeuno gardens near Venessa! We have two WHM's so I would hope we can keep everyone alive. From Jeuno gardens I will teleport folks to the Crag, warp back, teleport another group.
Read Maior's Pages on ENM and Spire Boss Fights. You will need Potions, you will need Anima. This Spire Boss does not steal effects so everyone uses food. Folks always use 2hrs against the Spire Boss Mission Fight so do not squander those abilities in your ENM fight. And the Mea ENM and Boss use Carousel - you will need hi-potions, no way around it. Last Mea fight I was in Carousel went off three times. It hurt.
Malkier - you will need to purchase a Re-Raise Earring for Maior's Team. All buffs are stripped (except food) as you enter the ENM, so you will need that earring to cast Re-Raise inside.
No, you can't bum mine! I've become attached to it! LOL! =^_^=
Remember folks, we are trying to get through the Promyvions so Raytien can one day take the Clan to see the cute little Minotaur! I hear he has a stall in the Tavnazian Petting Zoo =~_^=
Enough votes to start
I think we have enough votes to start a sticky event thread, so I'll do it.
Please continue to vote what you want in this thread though, as I will update the sticky as needed.
Vis Maior's Journeys
My vote is for this * Promy:
My vote is for this
* Promy: Mea, Dem, or Holla
* Against: None
* Day: Saturday or Friday
* Against: Sunday or Weekday
My ballot
My ballot:
I vote for Mea
I vote against Dem or Holla
I vote for Saturday at the usull time
I vote against Sunday
Who in their right mind would do Dem for this? Dem is sooo easy you can just get a stranger pickup party for it and expect to win^^
- FOR Mea
- FOR Saturday morning (I know, I'll never win)
- AGAINST Sunday
I almost said Mea and Holla, but we just had a dem event three weeks agao, and holla is so hard to navigate that i think people should get more practice on climbing the towers before they try holla. just my 2 cents.

Take this Ballot...please.
------------ Raprot's Event Ballot --------------
I vote in favor of Promyvion Mea for the event
I vote against Promyvion Dem for the event
I vote in favor of beginning at 8pm Eastern this Saturday to 2am Eastern Sunday
I vote against Sunday night (but I still won't show up if Sunday wins)
Thersites Vote:
Holla or Mea
Not Dem
Friday night
Not Sat or Sun
Any crag but Dem is ok with Thersites. Some of us (including Tamara) made a prior commitment to fight ENM Dem on Tuesday night. Since the censor is only good for one fight every 5 days, I can not fight Dem ENM again this weekend. Also Friday night is the only time I am sure I can play this weekend.
This is true, but...
...but I just verified not one person of the group who said they were going to fight Tuesday ENM needs a single Promyvion Boss. Not any of them. Which also means 2hrs are available against the Tuesday ENMob, which means we can be flexible.
I know of no ENMob which can survive six 2 hour abilities.
Anyhow that Tuesday party is already formed and does not need to be discussed - we are talking here about a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday Clan Event for everyone who shows up. So ballot which crag you need, post which day you can come, vote down those crags you have, vote down those days you are not available. I will attempt to sort the mess out.
But this much of what Thersites says is applicable - come Wednesday I should be able to post which one Promyvion Crag we will NOT be doing this weekend.
And I fully agree with Maior - this coming run we are going to try to get some of you fine folk another Promyvion Win under your belts! So we can eventually move on to having stuffed Tavnazian Minotaur with Faerie Apples for dinner! LOL!
Heres my vote ^^
I vote for dem
I vote against mea
I vote for saturday at 9pm est
I vote against sunday
I can come as blm/whm,blm/smn,smn/whm,smn/blm just tell me want you want and im there and i wont make ne stupid mistakes to keep me from coming this time XD
I Vote for Doing a Promy-Dem. This was I can get XP for my whm, which I haven't leveled in some time and I have the Mea Boss beaten so I just need Dem and Holla. I would recomend like 7PM, if not sooner, so that we can get to the Spire and beat the ENM and those who want to do the boss, like me, can stay and do the Boss fight. This would be best for me because I don't have to close, WHOOT!
Here is your ballot
Please modify your ballot if incorrect:
------------ Malkier's Event Ballot --------------
I vote in favor of Promyvion Dem for the event
I vote against Promyvion Mea
I vote in favor of beginning at 7PM Eastern on any of the 3 nights
I was Wrong
I Need to change my vote. I did the Dem boss.
I vote in favor of Mea or Holla, I'm sorry for the mix up.
I Vote against Promy Dem.
You beat me to it :-)
I was going to post one today, but have been too busy with work and things to do it yet :-)
After you get the votes, would you like me to post a sticky one like the ones I've done in the past for this event? You know, the ones at the top of the page that have different background colors. I wouldn't mind doing it if you wanted me to.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Yes, please.
"After you get the votes, would you like me to post a sticky one like the ones I've done in the past for this event?"
Yes, please.
I still need your ballot though =^_^=
FWIW, voting on these things wasn't 100% necessary. We've already had polls semi-recently on the subjects... and we just barely did Dem as a group a couple weeks back. So, really, the best option would be to do Mea next.

Vis Maior's Journeys
I still havent got dem. In ac
I still havent got dem. In act, several people didn't go on the last event so alot of people donet have dem.
I know
Yeah, I know several people didn't come for the last Dem event... and I know that several people wont come for this event. It's just a fact of life.
However, we can't just keep repeating the ones that many of us have already beaten time and time again simply because some people don't show up for the event. These Promyvion events are complex and most certainly not a walk in the park. If people aren't able or willing to come with us when we are doing them, then it's unfortunately their problem. I don't mean to be a hard-ass... but it's the truth (and I am a hard-ass... we all know this by now I'm sure :-)
That being said, in all seriousness, Dem is the easiest boss (moderately difficult to get to though, since the 4th floor is quite a bit more complex than say Mea). Anyone can honestly get a pickup party for Dem with no anima and have a reasonable chance to win it.
Also, don't think for a second we're done with Dem as a clan. I just think we should get the more difficult ones (Holla and Mea) out of the way for many of us since they are the ones that require the most preparation.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Last Dem was just an ENM
Heavens! You have been busy recently! The last Clan Dem was just an ENM, Maior. It was NOT even a Spire Boss Mission Fight, nor was it intended to be. I should know, I organized it.
In any case you raise some good points - for those of you who NEED a Promyvion, Maior has provided this web site, the Clan is a large group (lots of folks on even last night, a Monday).
Post your own poll, start your own run, folks will show up to help you out. Where folks who have run a Promyvion do NOT show up is when you decide you want to try your Mission Boss Fight WITHOUT Anima because you are too lazy to farm for Recollections.
Farm your Anima, pick a night like a Friday or a Monday - I bet you would get enough for a full party and you can defeat the Crag which you were missing.
And be sure to include an ENM as a gift to those who have already beaten the Spire Mission Boss.
-Tamara WHM/SMN for Promyvion
Heh, I wasn't talking about that one, you misread what I wrote. The last one I lead up was a Dem boss and ENM fight. I wasn't talking about your Dem ENM only run (which was very successful, BTW ;-) I was talking about this one which was Dem boss... and some people did ENM (remember, my group messed up on the ENM and I got angry? :-)

Vis Maior's Journeys
Chronology (because they blur together)
#1 Mea event - Result : Failure
#2 Dem Boss/ENM event - Result : Mostly Success
#3 Dem ENM event - Result : Success
Ya, I knew which Dem Mai was talking about to. I didn't find it confusing at all. I knew he was talking about the Dem Boss/ENM event (#2) and not the Dem ENM event (#3).