Submitted by sam on Mon, 09/26/2005 - 05:00.
Thanks for the turn out guys. Was mostly successful (except for one snafu where people didn't listen to their leader, and I actually got upset about and logged... I came back, though :-) and we all did really well.
We now started many others down the CoP path, and it was a great success in the end.
For next week, I have another weekend that I would be available to head up something. The question is, do we want to try another spire for Promy, or do a Garrison? (Or even try an ecowarrior :-)
Please comment in this thread what you'd like to do.
Looks like there are A LOT of people wanting to do Garrison (from conversations in LS chat, IRC, and here). The second most popular idea was the Ecowar quest.
So, do we want to do Garrison, if so, what level? (I'd love to do a 40, but understand that 30 may still be needed to accomodate the most people)
If Ecowar, which nation? (Or even, which nations :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Level 40 Garrison
Seems like Garrison makes a lot of use of WHM. I could only come as WHM 36. I don't know if that would be good enough. =^_^=
Thank-you for the 'Charming Trio' strategy, Maior. As WHM I am 8 wins and 0 losses on Charming Trio and I received my own pair of Mann. Hands twice.
Great way to earn money, no? :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'm the same
I am also game for about anything, however I usually don't find out if I'm free for Sunday untill later in the week. Sometimes I close so I don't get home till 9:30 PM EST. But if someone wants to do somthing and I'm free I will help.
Another note, I would like to thank Avatarx, sorry I still haven't figured everyones screen names out, for helping me get the NIN quest item, and the DRK sword. We did this after exiting the Promy - Dem and it took about an hour and a half. :-)
Ya i think the afk message scrolled through my log to fast, i didn't catch it... Next time a (call5) might be in order to help avoid confusion (^.^). I did enjoy the experance, and the boss battle went off without much of a hiccup. I'm open to any future ENM, BCNM, ECO, PROMY, GARRISON and the like. As i am sure Gol, and Durr would be up for as well. We'll be around... (^.^)
Some Notable Highlights from last night:
Golagres death do to /follow (>.>),
ENM Mix-up,
Durr and Malks no Warp to level 4,
Maior's initial DC problem,
Maior's i'm not following, i'm filming comment (genius (-.^)v),
Wow just wow... we'll later
The DC's really were due to the storm we had last night, I'm reasonably certain anyway.
As for the filming, I turned off all the screen traffic (got rid of the dialogs and everything, like I was taking screenshots) and recorded. So, no, I didn't see everything that was said. I seriously was just following Ava :-)
I'll post a sequence from the film I recorded to show you what I mean.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Sorry :-(
Just wanted to say I wus sorry for the problems last night. I was one of the ones who rushed in without checking that people weren't afk and waiting for the strategy. I hope we can still do it again sometime because the rest of the night was flawles.
No worries
I got mad... logged... fumed around my living room for a bit... then realized that I could come back and still help with the boss battles if we needed two teams.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Ecowar is one of the few early quests I've still never completed. I'd love to get a couple of alliances together and do them in the 3 nations.
Other than that, I am always down for more Promys or Garrisons (tho I want to try the level 40 Garrisons for a change^^)
My only problem is time... is there any way we could try for some of these earlier?

The time that everyone choosed was in this poll. Honestly, I am not opposed to changing the time, but we would have to decide on one together as a group.
Vis Maior's Journeys
No thank-you for EcoWarrior
I used to do Weekly Windurst Eco-Warrior, standing by the Windurst Woods fountain for sixty minutes while the Alliance formed.
I can assure you as someone who did nothing for seven weeks in FFXI (real time - it was a tough school term) except for Windurst Eco-Warrior that the rewards in Eco-Warrior cannot hold a candle to either of the Clan's Garrison or the Clan's Promyvion ENM events.
Eco-Warrior is mildly amusing, that is about it. And you might get about 800 experience out of your Dragon Chronicles. =^_^=
Quest, EXP, and Fame
Well, it is a quest, which means fame. And it does require an alliance for success. All of this means that there will be plenty of others interested, so don't feel obligated in any way.
Also, the Dragon Chronicles are technically the same as we get from Garrison. Which means anywhere from 500-1500 EXP (my last page gave me 1196).
But yeah, that's why I post it up there... I'm trying to gage people's responses to see what others may be interested in.
Vis Maior's Journeys
"Well, it is a quest, which m
"Well, it is a quest, which means fame."
It is actually three quests with fame tied to a specific city. Which eco-warrior are you talking about? Or are you proposing to do eco-warrior over three weekends, rotating amongst the cities?
Yes, I know there are ecowarrior quests for each city... I have been playing this game for two years now :-) I also understand how fame and quests work... I did write our guide on it :-)
I hadn't specified any particular ecowarrior for the same reason I didn't lock down any specific garrison or promy run. All I am trying to do with this post is gauge the interest of people and see what the most people would be interested in doing. I personally would be fine doing any of these things (which is why I posted them) I just wanted to more narrowly focus it to what most people wanted to do.
So basically, if you were to pick one of these events, which one would you most prefer? Once I can get enough feedback either in this thread or online as to what most people would like to do, I'll start organizing it.
And if whatever everyone picks isn't to your liking, don't feel obligated to come or anything. Ultimately, this is just a game, and you shouldn't feel obligated to drag yourself into a quest or mission you don't really want to do. No one will be upset or anything... In fact, I'm a big fan of people not forcing themselves to do things just to help everyone else... that's a sure-fire way to burn yourself out (and the big reason I only organize two or three events a month :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys