How is this different from the last event?
This is different from our last Promyvion event in that our goal is not necessarily to complete the first chapter in the Promyvion missions. Our goal this time is two-fold:
- Fight the ENM : This will give the victors 3k EXP (or 18k EXP divided by the number of members there) as well as items.
- Gather Anima : We've found winning strategies for the spire bosses, and they involve everyone having Anima. So, we will gather as much anima as possible to allow those who still need the Promyvion missions to complete them with more success.
What are the ENM?
ENM stands for "Empty Notorious Monsters". They are special battles not unlike BCNMs atop the spires. Unlike BCNMs, however, they do not require any special inventory items for entrance. They do require key items known as censers which are granted in Ru'Lude Gardens by Vanessa.
The ENM at each spire can be thought of as a "mini-spire boss". They look like and have the same attacks as their spire boss big brothers, however, they are much weaker. They give a certain EXP amount and drop items. Additionally, if you lose an ENM, you do not lose any EXP.
The ENM give 18k EXP divided amongst those members in the party or alliance fighting them. This means that a party of 6 will get 3000 EXP for each member, and an alliance of 12 will get 1500 EXP for each member.
For the drops, ENM battles have the following:
- Bitter Cluster
- Burning Cluster
- Fleeting Cluster
- Malevolent Cluster
- Profane Cluster
- Radiant Cluster
- Somber Cluster
- Startling Cluster
Brilliant Vision
Painful Vision
Timorous Vision
Venerable Vision
Violent Vision
Valiant Vision
Audacious Vision
Pretentious Vision
Vernal Vision
Solemn Vision
Vivid Vision
Malicious Vision
Punctilious Vision
Endearing Vision
Brilliant Vision
Pristine Vision
The clusters are clusters of memories (just like elemental clusters, when you use them, they break into stacks of their constituents). Memories are used in Alchemy synths.
The Visions are used to create earrings that have specific effects for specific jobs. Creation of these earrings is not a synth but a quest. The visions are a very rare drop. You can see which earring is created from which vision here.
Farming for Anima
Anima will not be used for the ENM battles (except for maybe Terroanima). However, we will be farming the anima on the way up.
Recollections to make each anima can be found in each Promyvion. However, depending upon the Promyvion certain recollections can be obtained easier than others. Wanderers will drop one Recollection, Weepers drop another, Seethers drop the third. Seethers can only be found on the second floor and higher, which means that it will be easier to change Promyvions to collect all anima rather than just try for them.
By Promyvion, the drops we want are as follows:
- Dem
Wanderers: Pain (Hystero)
Weepers: Guilt (Terro)
Seethers: Fear (Psycho)
- Mea
Wanderers: Guilt (Terro)
Weepers: Fear (Psycho)
Seethers: Pain (Hystero)
- Holla
Wanderers: Fear (Psycho)
Weepers: Pain (Hystero)
Seethers: Guilt (Terro)
Will we do any actual spire boss battles?
Looking at our poll results, most of us still need at least one Promy. While it is not our goal to do a boss battle, we certainly will entertain the thought. This will ultimately be left up to those in each team to decide.
Unable to finish
I'm sorry for last night, due to a family issue I had to get off POL and couldn't help anymore than I did last night. I will still help today for as long as I can but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do both the ENM and promy run.
Again I'm sorry for the way I left yesterday but I really don't want to go into the whole reason, lets just say I had a difference of opinion with the person who pays the Internet bill.
Streamlining the ENM fight
I would hope the Clan could streamline the ENM run-to-the-spire and subsequent ENM fight so participants could just show up in Jeuno for at least one ENM each weekend and collect their experience and be done.
The ENM fight should not be that complicated of an affair, when you stop to think about it. If you have some holy water, some poison potion, some antidote, some echo drops you should be equipped for any of the three ENM's. Food and hi-potions being optional, level 30 gear and all three Censers being mandatory. Seems like you don't even need a fixed party size, since experience-given is apparently decreased for alliances.
It is Boss Fights and Anima which are complicating things. =^_^=
I may be in luck
We are traveling to Tuscaloosa for the football game Saturday, but the game has been moved to 12:30EST. We may or may not be back in time Saturday, but I should be available for the run Sunday night definitely. We are leaving first thing Monday morning for Florida, so I won't be available all night. So looking forward to a run or two.
YESSSSSSSSSS!!! I get off work on Saturday at 3:30 pm so I'll get home around 4:00ish. I can come for Sunday also Because I get off at 6:30 pm. So if we start at 7ish I can come then too. :0
EXP Party In Promyvion Areas?
Here's a novel idea: How about earning some serious experience points while farming animas? A party of six players can get some good exp on the third level without too much risk. A smaller party might do well on level two. Think about it... We need animas anyway and since its level capped its easy to put together a party. No need to worry about finding folks with just the right jobs and level. Anyone with any job over level 30 can easily participate. All thats really needed is tank, healer, and someone with ranged attacks to pull and kill strays. The other slots could be filled with just about any jobs. Let me know if anyone wants to give this a try. -Thersites
This exact thing has been discussed before... and I've always thought it was a good idea. In fact, the most recent patch increased the EXP available in these areas, so it really can work better now.
The way I see it, there are pros and cons to this.
In all honesty, considering the pros and the cons, I'd say that for a job that may be your sub and you never intend on leveling something like this would be ideal. For example, I'd love to get my WAR to 37 this way :-)

Vis Maior's Journeys
I need them!
I need all of the Promys, however I'll have to check my schedual later this week, most likly Webnesday to know if I am available for Sunday, and Saturday night. I can bring WHM/BLM, and this time I won't pull hate off the Tanks. I should be available to farm Friday.
Again I will check my work Schedual and get back to you.
As a WHM would I need any of the Anima? I will also buy a Reraise Ring so I won't have to get a scroll.
Everyone in the party tosses Anima.
It appears to have a shorter range than spells, I have to run up close to toss my Anima at the Spire Boss.
I'd recommend everyone getting anima. If everyone has it, and uses it strategically, you can prevent the boss from doing any real damage to your team for most (if not all) of the fight.
That's why we want to head out and farm... because these battles go so much more smoothly if everyone has the anima.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Weekend ENM's (and maybe Boss Runs)
Sundays will in the future likely be a no-go time for me but *IF* Thersites is tanking I want to be in on this Run/Fight/ENM/Whatever. I've seen Tanks just drop from Promy Bosses but Thersites takes a lickin' and just keeps on tickin'! LOL!
So I am up for farming Anima on Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It's easy - just takes two people to farm on floating island one. One Exception: I don't farm for or make Terroanima anymore, I view Terroanima as mostly worthless and I need the storage slot. If the Boss goes after a Mage toss a combo of the other two Anima in this situation and the Mage can pat the Boss on his head for a bit.
I now have all Promyvion Spires but I want to help the Clan out. I am generally available for Promyvion Boss Fights and ENM Fights most nights except Wednesdays and Sundays (sometimes I can make a Sunday exception). I am willing to spend my gil on potions and anima and food and Reraise Earrings to make these Boss Fights work. Also you can generally expect me to ask if Thersites will be Tanking =^_^=
A ENM/Boss Fight combo is the Way To Go if you ask me! Anywho I will be dropping by to check if Thersites is making this run.
"Unlike BCNMs, however, they do not require any special items for entrance."
ENM's require 'Censers' to get inside. So folks don't forget to visit Vanessa? up in the Gardens on the highest level of Jeuno for your Censers (all 3) if you want to participate in ENM's! We fought 3 ENM's this past weekend and I checked Key Items, all 3 of my Censers were consumed! In five days Vanessa should restore them if I ask politely and I can go back for 3 more ENM fights.
/waves to_the_Clan
WHM34/SMN17 capped to 30 by Promyvion
Thersites will be there Sunday
Thanks for your encouraging words Tamara! I think you are a great WHM too! These promy missions started going alot better when Tamara joined the link shell. I will be available for promy/enm this Sunday but not Saturday. I can go as WAR/NIN or RNG/NIN.
Tamara for Sunday Promyvion
I'll go with Thersites on the Sunday Promyvion Run.
As I understand it the Clan will be gathering in Jeuno, Sunday at 8PM Eastern. The run is to be a DEM Spire Run,
followed by the DEM ENM Fight,
followed by the DEM Spire Boss Fight
(if I read the above correctly).
So Maior as RNG/NIN? Thersites as WAR/NIN? Tamara as WHM/SMN? Others?
If we can get 12 Clan folks for the run, two parties of six for two ENM fights that would be great. Before the ENM fight we need to designate a party of six to remain for those who desire a victory against the Dem Spire Boss. This is because on exiting the ENM you are given an option to Exit Promyvion - would hate for anyone to be stuck in Promyvion Spire with DeAtH their only option out.
I will get Censers and Anima and Potions and ReRAISE in advance of Sunday (no Terroanima for me).
And as a small point to mention:
when the ENM Fight is over do not move, do not breathe, do not touch the pretty glowing sphere until the WHM tells you to do so! He/She may have folks to RAISE, first!
In all honesty, I'd prefer to go as WAR/NIN for the ENMs. My RNG is not a job I intend on leveling too much now, but my WAR needs to be leveled for my MNK sub.
If we go up in two teams, I'll try to be the WAR/NIN for the second team. If, however, we only have one team, I'll just be RNG/NIN. (Unless I am not needed there).
Personally, I say we don't do the boss fight unless we have someone in the party who needs it. If everyone in the party has Dem, then there's no reason to risk losing the EXP for it. I mean, other than completing the mission and maybe attempting server record, what other reason is there to attempt the spire bosses?
Vis Maior's Journeys
Spire Boss Fights
I only fight a Spire Boss if at least one person in the party says they have not beat that/this Boss; otherwise it is just an ENM run to me.
This yields the question: why fight the Holla ENM? The Holla run is very much a minefield of Empty waiting to aggro players.
If no one needs Holla, then the only reason I see to go to Holla is to farm anima (the two most important anima you need can be found on the first floor of Holla, unlike the other two).
Now, this doesn't mean you ascend the tower or anything... just farm.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Ah, that's right... I forgot that they require key items. I'll fix that.
Also, terroanimas are by no means useless. They just aren't as useful as the others (which is why I suggested Holla to farm).
Terroanimas are great for hate management or for use in ENM fights to let a mage heal up MP. The reason they suck during boss fights is because they can render most 2 hour attacks worthless. Thus, using them in a boss fight is incredibly risky and usually not worth it.
Vis Maior's Journeys
The one weekend I'm gone. Booooooooooooo Hissssssssssssssss! ^_^
No worries
Several people want to make these semi-weekly events.
Vis Maior's Journeys