Week of 2005-10-01: Garrison Event
Submitted by sam on Sat, 10/01/2005 - 17:15.
- Friday (Farm for Garrison items) Sept. 30th @ 8pm Eastern (7PM Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific)
- Saturday (Actual Garrison) Oct. 1st @ 8pm Eastern (7PM Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific)
Valkurm Dunes (maybe Buburimu Peninsula, depending on commitments)
Pashhow Marshlands
Level cap? 30
What do you need?
- Sand'Orians need Galka Fang Sack (drops from 30-40 level gobs in Ordelles)
- Windurstians need Silver Engraving (drops from 30-40 level quads in Beadeaux)
- You do not need an item to participate, but we will need a minimum number of items (3) out of the whole group in order to start.
Because so many people have wanted another Garrison, we will attempt another one this week. However, this week, we will not allow any last minute Garrison item runs. If, at the alotted time, we do not have at least 3 Garrison items, we will not attempt the Garrison.
Because of this, the day before the Garrison, Friday September 30th, those who need Garrison items can meet to collect items. Thus, if you do not plan on collecting your Garrison items at another time before Garrison, you can come on Friday to collect them with others.
Then, the official Garrison will be on Saturday October 1st. As I said, if we do not have at least 3 Garrison items by this point, the Garrison will be cancelled. Sorry, don't mean to be a pill about this, but when we have an event that can take as long as this we really do have to start right away.
What is Garrison?
I will quote what I wrote for the previous Garrisons.
A Garrison is a level capped event where you defend an outpost from several waves of attacking hordes. Each wave has several normal enemies, and one boss-type enemy (who is stronger in some way than the normal enemies).
Fighting alongside of you in the Garrison are a number of NPCs. These NPCs must be kept alive. If the NPCs die, then the Garrison is over and you lose.
In between waves, you have a very short time to regroup. If you intend on resting (to get more MP, for example) then you will have to do it during the battle, or bring food to help you out.
There are two ways we can do these Garrisons: Kite or All-out-warfare.
Kite is where we have two or more parties (so an alliance of 12 or more). One party has a Ninja (or another tank with high evasion or defense) who is willing to take the boss from each wave and run around the field (dragging them like a 'kite') while the rest of the team kills the enemies.
All-out-warfare is really only possible if you have three full parties or 18 players in an alliance. If you have 18 people, then kiting is no longer necesary as you can just pummel the enemies to death quite efficiently.
Why not a Garrison 40?
We have had some interest expressed for a level 40 Garrison, however, due to a small poll I've conducted among a few people, not enough people have either level 40 jobs or level 40 armor available. Perhaps we can try one of these again in a few weeks.
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it was a looooooooong Garrison
8PM Eastern to 5AM Eastern - that was a long Garrison!
Still, thank-you for having me along =^_^=
I don't think I'll come to this one everyone. I will work on leveling WHM and getting DRK done this weekend. I don't feel right in comming and not contributing to a Garrison, meaning trading the item needed.
Rooster/Thersty is 100% correct on this. Even if you aren't trading an item, we need all the help we can get.
For example, I haven't traded an item the last two times :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys

Don't give up!
You can still contribute even if you don't have the item to trade. I'm sure we will need healers to keep the npc's alive. We'll need at least 12 players to make this work. So, please, please, pretty please, show up!
What do I need?
Being from BAstok what item do I need or can't I trade an item to the npc?
You can get the Item, but you can't Trade
Bastok controls no level 30 Garrison Outpost this week.
Steps to Initiating a Garrison
Step 1:
Find yourself a level 30 Garrison for an Outpost currently staffed by your country's NPC's (means logging onto FFXI)
Step 2:
Obtain the Rare/Ex Item for that specific Garrison
Step 3:
Show up during Clan Garrison and TRADE the R/E Item when told to do so.
Thersites got Silver Engraving off Quadav to fight in the Pashhow Marshlands Garrison because Windurst currently staffs the Derfland Region's outpost.
says Pashow will be a difficult garrison because we will likely have to fight water elementals at the same time - I've seen them appear by that outpost, too.
For this week only:
Norvallen L30 Beastmen JugnerForest Jade Cryptex
Derfland L30 Windurst PashhowMarshlands Silver Engraving
Aragoneu L30 Beastmen MeriphataudMountains 13 knot Quipus
Zulkheim L30 Sand'Oria ValkrumDunes Galka Fang Sack
Kolshushu L30 Sand'Oria BuburimuPeninsula Mithra Fang Sack
Water Elementals
Yeah, nuts I didn't think of those that spawned near the outpost.
Perhaps what we should do is have one person designated per garrison who remains their higher level job to clear the area for links and other aggro. For example, as I recall the Goobdues and Malboros were pretty nasty when I was 30.
Vis Maior's Journeys

Even still, I applaud picking a different area than the dunes and buburimu. It should be fun to try a new one^^

Thersites and Kitchel
Thersites and Kitchel will be there. We both got our silver engravings last night. They are dropped by Bronze and Zircon Quadavs in Beaudeux. These quadavs are on the upper level. But you can pull them down with ranged attacks. Be careful of links! As a level 60 RNG I was able to kill them with no sweat. And Kitchel (THF34) didn't get any aggro on the lower level. We must have killed around 30 of them before we got the drop. But then we got two drops in a row!
Kitchel wont be there for the first garrison, but she will probably be able to make the second one. Also Nelsh said she might be able to join us later in the evening. She's a Sandorian player and she has the Galka Fang Sack.
A Few Comments
I have done Garrison as All-Out-Warfare, your sleep-bind strategy off to one corner appears to me to result in more dropped treasure. The reason being that the WHM's tend to run out of Mana Pool during All-Out-Warfare so more dead NPC's.
Zulkheim (Dunes) is currently controlled by San d'Oria; Kolshushu (Buburimu) is currently controlled by San d'Oria. Looks like the Elvaan control everything (however did THAT happen? :)
I also agree with Start-on-Time. I think the last Garrison was four hours?
Preference on kiting
Oh we definitely prefer kiting... we've done that everytime.
The text up there is just the exact same text we've included in EVERY Garrison post we have... I just keep copying it and reposting it... I should probably update it :-)
Thanks on the update as to who controls what.... I wonder if Valkurm and Buburimu are the only level 30 Garrisons... (I assume so, I've just never checked).
Vis Maior's Journeys

All level 30 Garrisons
Hmmm... maybe we should try one of these other ones? Any idea who controls what? If not, I will check when I go home :-D
-Jugner Forest
-requires a Jade Cryptex obtained from Orcish Impalers,
Bowshooters, Brawlers, and Beastriders in Davoi
-Meriphataud Mountains
-requires a 13 Knot Quipis obtained from Yagudo
Interrogators, Drummers, and Heralds in Castle Oztroja
-Pashhow Marshlands
-requires a Silver Engraving obtained from Bronze and
Zircon Quadavs in Beadeux
-Valkurm Dunes
-requires a Galka Fang Sack obtained from Goblin
Furriers and Smithys in Ordelles Caves
-Buburimu Peninsula
-requires a Mithra Fang Sack obtained from Goblin
Smithys and Shamans in Maze of Shakrami
-Qufim Island
-requires a Ram Leather Missive obtained from Giants in
Qufim Island (including Delkfutts Tower)
Vis Maior's Journeys

If my work schedual works out I would like to come and help out, I will be going as WHM/BLM again.
If Bastok dosen't controle one of the areas I will get the item(s) I need and that way we can do both, if Bastok isn't in controle, or if it is I can do the area Bastok is in controle of.
I'm fairly sure Milo, Gol, and Durr would like to come and that would be 3 other ppl from Bastok.
I know that everyone else if from Windy or Sandy so we will be able to do both areas.
LOL! I'm hooked to this site, I wrote my first comment when I was in my Visual Studios class. :)
Ok, I checked my schedual and it looks like I won't be able to get my items with the rest of the group, however I can get on earlier in the day and get them on Friday.
I would like to ask if anyone will be on earlier to help me get my items, looks like I will have to get both sacks from what Tama says.
I don't have to go to work untill about 12:30. So I have all morning to get my sack(s). I would appreciate the help, but I will understand if no one is able to help.
Also I will be late in coming on Saturday, I won't get off work until 9:00 so I should get home at 9:30. If I get my sacks I would still like to join.
I don't know why but Staples has been schedualing me to close for the past 3 weeks, and from my schedual for next week it's going to be me closing four out of the five days I work. :-(