Submitted by Tamara on Mon, 05/22/2006 - 21:15.
I am hosting the following Saturday Assaults:
June Assaults
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
July Assaults
1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
August Assaults
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Then I am going to take my break. Three months of Saturday Assault Hosting will be quite enough for me =^_^=
To participate in the above Saturday Assaults you need to appear in Aht Urhgan Whitegate between 8PM East Coast and 9PM East Coast according to this web clock. At 9PM Eastern my group will either head out or begin to Shout Out in Whitegate for specific jobs at a specific level to fill out my Assault Party for a specific Assault. So the Saturday Assault may turn into a pick-up group (please take this into consideration when you decide to travel to Whitegate - that the party may still be filling out).
The assault program I am hosting is tiered priority, we will be attempting this tier ACCORDING TO HOMEWORK ACCOMPLISHED (read on):
(1st) Extermination
(2nd) Lamia No. 13
(3rd) Golden Salvage
(4th) Some Other Assault
We will fight two Assaults each Saturday. If a lot of folks show up in Aht Urhgan I will attempt to organize two Assault Parties of five members each, I will never attempt a group size smaller than five. By utilizing the world-famous instruments known as pen, ink and paper I will attempt to allocate party slots on a first-come, first served basis in order to prevent someone from traveling to Aht Urhgan only to discover there is no space left in an Assault Party (but such things can happen).
If we come close to winning, but lose, on assault one then assault two will be a repeat of assault one. If we lose horribly on assault one we will attempt a different assault altogether on our assault attempt number two.
Most of the time I suspect we will be attempting Golden Salvage at level 60 as that is one I feel most folks will have finished their Assault Homework for (read on).
A lot of my Events have stupid Square Enix pre-requisites which I find to be quite annoying (I am really getting rather tired of them, to be honest). In other words things have to mesh to a horrible degree for an Assault to take place - a lot of you will refuse (for reasons I can understand) to do your
Square Enix Assault Homework:
o you need to have the Aht Urhgan Expansion installed and registered
o you need to have completed Aht Urhgan Mission Three (rather simple)
o you need to have a job to level 60 (not so simple)
o you need to have level 60 and/or 70 equipment (can be rather expensive)
o you need to bring food for your job (no more Valkurm Dunes' job levels)
o you need to have several Staging Points under your belt (at least three)
(the above things have to be done in advance before you can attend my Assault):
*** A Brief Re-cap of some FFXI Point Systems ***
Get Conquest Signet (the original)
--> Conquest Points (if you beat a difficult mob)
----> buy Conquest Items (like Warp Scrolls and Empress Band)
Get Imperial Sanction (ToAU)
--> Imperial Standing credits (if you beat a difficult mob)
----> exchange for Imperial Money or exchange for Maps
--------> exchange Imperial Money to expand your Mog Locker or enhance your Puppet
Participate in my Assault Event
--> Assault Points (if we win)
----> buy Assault Treasure (nice stuff for the higher level jobs)
*** Frequently Asked Questions ***
Q: What level of assault party?
A: If those who showed up have a level 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 job we will attempt uncapped otherwise we will attempt capped at 60. Just one person with no level 70 job will result in the decision to cap at 60.
Q: What if not everyone has attuned to the same Staging Points?
A: The Assault will not be announced in advance - folks need to show up with their level 60 or 70 job and they need to have level 60 or 70 equipment available in their Mog House, then we will judge which Assault we will attempt from Staging Points represented in our party.
Q: What if no common subset of Staging Points can be found?
A: We may have to boot someone from the party and Shout Out, this is a good reason to try to obtain three or more Staging Points before you consider participating in this Event.
Q: Who can show up?
A: Anyone who reads this posting at Clanam.Org can participate; however, priority will be granted to Lights Templar and Clan of the Angry Monkey pearl holders. Which is to say you can be booted if you have no pearl.
So you may want to ask for a pearl in advance. Just tell Maior ( ) you want to participate in the Three Month Saturday Assault and he may give you a Clan Pearl if he is not in an angry monkey mood =^_^=
Because of this:
Assault Points ---> buy Assault Treasure (very nice stuff)
I have already had some interest expressed in my Three Month Saturday Assault. Since I used to run some Clan Garrisons I know the question I will have to deal with at the last moment: 'what job do you want me to come as'. To be honest I have trouble dealing with what should be an easy question! =^_^=
With this weakness in mind I am putting together an Assault Job Matrix in Excel. If you want to participate in the Three Month Saturday Assault you need to speak with me in-game and I will fill out one of my sheets for you. Here are the questions you need to consider:
1) what Staging Points have you attuned for?
2) what jobs will you have level 60 and level 70 gear for in your Aht Urhgan Mog House and/or Aht Urhgan Mog Locker?
Note that question 2) is NOT 'what jobs do you have above level 60?' but rather asks what jobs will you be willing to equip, once you are in Aht Urghan Whitegate, at the level 60 and/or 70 level from equipments in your Mog Safe and/or Mog Locker.
Do not consider equipment on mules, do not consider equipment in your Mog Storage. Do not consider that higher level job you hardly ever play and put all the equipment up for sale a month ago.
Although we spoke in game, I wanted to post here just in case (things change, assist in planning, etc).
Question 1) Attuned to all 5 Staging Points.
Question 2) BRD. I will have BLM at level 60 shortly and would be able to bring that, if required.
Again, this is just a post to express interest and help you plan the event (for purposes of an auxiliary/back-up player). As I said, I will not be able to attend the event at the time listed – I hope this post isn’t counterproductive to your planning.
Imperial Agent Rescue
I know we did this particular Assault three times but to build up points for a given area you need to win it multiple more times. In any case I would be more than happy to do Imperial Agent Rescue six more times or even more.
Of course I would be happy to skip around, too. I think you telling us which assault our resources are best matched to, on a given night, is a great idea. Someday maybe I will have that knowledge =^_^=
I wanted to thank those that showed up to the Assault last night. It was impromptu and you all could have been doing other things; I really appreciate you all taking the time to participate.
It was fun! More Assault!
Well, I will not be able to attend the Assault runs at the time listed – {Mega Boss} aggro. However, if you do have a general idea as to who will/will not attend a particular run and the jobs that will be involved, I would be more than happy to share my thoughts with you (in game or here on the website – w/e works best for you).
In all honesty, most of the Assault missions can be approached with an EXP party setup. There are some instances in which a particular setup would make the run more efficient. However, you do not “need†a particular job for any of the initial Assaults.
Also, I would like to reiterate that even with an efficient setup and even if you do everything correctly in an Assault, there is a chance you may lose. I think most players are not used to this and should be made aware of the situation (to avoid bitter feelings in the event of a loss).
One final comment: It may (or may not) be beneficial to elect an “armband holder†for given Assaults. Assume for example that a WHM in the LS desires a turban from, oh, let’s say the Ilrusi Stage point. Now, if this WHM holds the armband he/she would receive bonus Assault points for each victory*.Thereby allowing the WHM to achieve his/her goal of obtaining the turban just a little bit faster; however, as with all other things politics are an issue and should be considered.
FYI: Assault formula for post-primary runs is (Assault points / # of participants) * modifier. In the case of the armband holder, the modifier is 1.11).
Assault Guide!
GAH! Make us a guide, foo!
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'll work on it soon...
What would you all like in the guide? Perhaps this question is better asked in a separate thread?
General strategies and party setup are two recurring questions... what else?
Guide contents
Personally, I view this as something very similar to BCNMs or ENMs. It has different and unique aspects for sure, but ultimately I think they are very similar.
Thus, a guide could always be modelled after my BCNM or ENM guides. E.g., one page detailing all the general pre-reqs for every Assault, and then one page for each individual Assault giving the specific details/strategies/etc for it.
You wont get all of the Assaults in such a guide that's for sure, but the few that you do get in will be rather complete. Also, the big advantage to doing a guide like that is, if someone else decides to they can easily add to your guide.
Also, if you wanted I wouldn't mind helping with such a guide. I could even get you started.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Your call
Also, if you wanted I wouldn't mind helping with such a guide. I could even get you started.
Else, I will *try* to work on this over the weekend.
Why you guys always gotta do stuff I wanna participate in so late? ; ;

Maybe because I could not get more than three folks last Saturday when I tried to do it at a time convenient for you?
Bad Seed: only Maior, Tamara, Dragonlance expressed interest at the 3:30PM Eastern time last Saturday, maybe toss in Kaliv who was asking pertinent questions.