Submitted by Piskowit on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 16:47.
For those of you I talked to last night in the LS, how's this sound?
Tenative schedule for Some day in the future that isnt today looks something like this:
5:00 p.m. CST; Those wanting to participate log in to ffxi or make themselves known
5:06 p.m. CST; Turn those recollections into anima! That is...if you have em.
5:10 p.m. CST; Determine party setup...make sure ENM is activated...congregate somewhere
5:15 p.m. CST; Head to spire to get recollections for those who need. Make sure if you
         need anima to have a way back to jeuno. this will speed up the process
         as I can head back with you, and teleport you back to the spire.
6:00 p.m. CST; Head for the top! Pit stop at ENM...get 3k exp...kill boss....celebrate!
6:01 p.m. CST; Repeat.
The 1 minute run to the top, beating of ENM, and boss is only a rough estimate of the time needed to complete. Actual time may vary ^_^
Who is interested in helping a whm...such as myself...finish these damn promys?!? Now now...don't all jump up at once!
I have completed Dem, and have a full arsenal of anemia ready for the next one, whichever it {may} {bee}. Reason I ask is... 1) I need them done (obviously) and 2) I hear some of you are professionals at this.
I would like to set a date within the next 2 weeks. I graduate this Sunday, and start my new job a few weeks later, so I really don't know what my schedule is like. If I can get 4 of you (Kaliv, my roommate has no say in this, and he WILL be going, whether he likes it or not ^_^) to help out, that would be great!
My available jobs are...well limited to WHM or BLM. My SMN is only 23...but it might be possible to get it to 30 fast if need be.
Kaliv can go as WAR, NIN, PLD, n00b, or any combination of those. Probably WAR/NIN or NIN/WAR....whichever is better for this.
Needed: Able bodied, fearless, organized members who want to help! Oh, and if any of you have a BLU at 30ish, that would be fun to see in action. From what I hear...they are pretty damn good in there.
That's all.
Didnt feel like making a new blog entery for this video, but I wanted to share it. You may have seen it before. May not have. Clicky here.
i want to go asap
i need promys bad ....the only thing i need is a time when im not working nights....this can be scheduled up to a year i have my schedule that far in advance...i work swing so its very hard for me to do group things but i want it and need it
First Post!!!
Pisk: I would love to participate in the promy runs that you would like to lead, but it looks as if I am a little late in posting (final exams {Impossible to gauge} ^^).
The only times that I can join:
Saturday, mornings and afternoons only (evenings are reserved for friends)
Sunday (except from 9-11pm)
Also, the two jobs that I can join with are either, RDM and BLM, the only two jobs I have leveled past 30.
I cannot, however, join today 05/12/06, just a little late in reading the site and all, but if you planning any other runs this weekend I would be able to join. Just need to know when, so that I can plan before. I do have a set of Anima waiting to be used (no, Cyclonus, I didn't throw them away ^^).
Central Standard Time
Who is on Central Standard Time?!?!
Okay Piskowit, I'll try to help out tonight. I really don't know what time you are starting though, as CST seems to be more of an error than an actual meeting time.
You have times posted, but what about a date?
Vis Maior's Journeys
May 12th?!
GAH! So you update it to change the date to the 12th... on the 12th?!
Generally speaking I like to give people a few days to prepare for events, but, who knows, you may actually pull it off :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
Promy Bosses
I'm in! Just let me know when. I have WAR or WHM.
if you can get me a date...
if you can work out a date for your runs let me know... i'll go but i'll need time to prep, and it'd be nice to get someone to help farm some animas. I currently have BLM, WHM, WAR, SAM available... upon request i can get BST to 30 its currently at 25. well look forward to hearing from you.
I'm there
I only need Holla, but I'll come to all of them to help out.
Jobs past 30 I have:
Just post us a date so we can start discussing it.
First, go and read this. The Promies are VERY easy if you just come prepared. In fact, if you follow the strategy mentioned in that link, you will always win every Promyvion.
Second, there are plenty of people who still need the Promies who would be willing to help. Slothimus still needs Mea, and has WAR and WHM past 30 and capable of helping. Axeman still needs Holla, and has NIN and RNG past 30. Post a time and event on the site and get the discussion going and I bet it will work out.
Third, I personally will not be leading this up. I used to lead up weekly Promy events back in 2005, but I was burned by people who just wanted their hands held through the Promies and didn't want to prepare. The Promies are only difficult if you do not come prepared.
That being said, Pisko, if you had 5 people that needed this, or were willing to help, everyone had their animas beforehand, and the time worked with my schedule, then I'd glady tag along to help. Hell, I'd even lead the ascent if everyone was ready to go since I do know my way around the areas pretty well.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Anima is the key to my success!
Anima is the key to my success!
Anima is the key to my success!
Anima is the key to my success!
Ok, got it I think. Question though about ENM.
If I do not do an ENM battle, I have wasted a trip up the Spire!
If I do not do an ENM battle, I have wasted a trip up the Spire!
If I do not do an ENM battle, I have wasted a trip up the Spire!
If I do not do an ENM battle, I have wasted a trip up the Spire!
If you succeed, do you end up at the gate to enter the boss battle as well? Or is it like the boss battle, and success puts you at the enterance to the spire? Or, am I just confused as to where they put me after the battles. I wouldn't mind not wasting a trip up the spire!
I need my own chant...
I will stop visiting until I finish studying for my final
I will stop visiting until I finish studying for my final
I will stop visiting until I finish studying for my final
I will stop visiting until I finish studying for my final
After ENM
Ok.. the success, or failure, of an ENM puts you back at the entrance to the spire.
Here's the gotcha though... unless you can raise everyone, you're screwed. If you wipe on the ENM, you do not lose EXP, but if you can't raise everyone, then your only option is to HP.
Thus, the WHM must bring a reraise item (level cap 30, you don't have RR as a spell) and use it before starting the ENM.
The same can be said for the boss battles.
Vis Maior's Journeys
It's easy.
It's easy.
You run to the Crag Spire Hallway.
The Hallway allows you to go up to a Web of Recollections which offers up a Menu of choices.
Those who have gotten Censers will have a choice to go fight the ENM; those who have not beaten the Spire Boss Mission will have a choice to go fight the Spire Boss.
So you can have zero choices (means you messed up, badly).
Or one choice.
Or two choices.
Those who are helping out on the Mission (have already beaten it) have to wait for someone in the party of six to go inside the Spire Boss's lair before they can join the Mission.
If you beat the Spire Boss for the first time you end up outside the Crag (as I recall). So you always choose to fight the ENM first. Win or lose against the ENM you end up in an antechamber which allows you to exit the Crag or takes you back to the Hallway (make sure your party members do NOT leave the Crag).
If you beat the 3rd and Last Spire Boss Mission you end up in Lufaise Meadows following a cut-scene. This is a looooooong ways away from the Crags.
Once in Lufaise Meadows you make a run for the Tavnazian Safehold.
Once in the Tavnazian Safehold you have several mini-missions (and quests) to complete before you are prepared to take on the Minotaur.
The Minotaur fight is easy. The remainder of the Minotaur Mission (getting some final cut-scenes) can be annoying.
Just give a time and date and i will see if i can show up.
I know martamay also needs promy holla and mea so ask her to help, she can go as a whm / blm / drk
However don't post too much on here as only 10 ppl at most read this stuff.
Dragonlance, just because you do not read the site too often doesn't mean no one else does.
In fact, if you were to read the site more, you would have caught a post I made earlier, State of the Onion Brigade... Part II which showed we have, on average, 2187 Unique visitors per day
That's a fucking hell of a lot more than 10 people.
If it was 10 people, this site wouldn't cost me as much as it does.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Ya, there's more than 10 people who's made comments in this thread alone^^
I think the misconception that no one reads the website is entirely due to the fact that we have a few very vocal people who say they never check the website. I always find these people complaining that they have to log out of ffxi to check the site or other lame ass excuses.
However don't post too much on here as only 10 ppl at most read this stuff.
GAH! rtghjnm,.! /angry
SMN 29
I can show as SMN 29 with my own re-raise earring.
I suggest a Sunday night. The people you want to talk to are Maior and Cyclonus, since they do Dynamis on Sunday. They will know a time when their Dynamis ends and they will likely do a run to help folks out.
I don't need the Promyvion ENM experience (though it would be nice), I do not believe Maior can get the Promyvion ENM experience, so of course he may opt to not attend.
Not I
Actually, I stopped leading up Promy runs long ago. I was burned too many times by people not being prepared. That being said, I'd gladly support others doing it, and possibly even show up to help if people really showed they were prepared for the event.
Vis Maior's Journeys
On leading a Promy..
I think you'll find most of the people who are the most knowledgable about Promy will not want to lead them up for others. This is entirely because of the abuse that many of us experienced when we were doing these more regularily.
Understand, we even had certain members going into other linkshells and inviting people back to ClanAM where we could "get them through the promies". I mean, we had people totally take advantage of us. This is why promies are a sensitive issue here.
But, everyone is still going to be very helpful, especially if the people who need the promies are willing to post an event (in the event forum) with a firm time and date.

"I think you'll find most of the people who are the most knowledgable about Promy will not want to lead them up for others."
I have no problem leading up a Promyvion for Piskowit. Seems a bit odd to do so, though, as it is really not that hard to lead the runs through the trio.
Whatever yourself
Ravenclaw is 100% correct. Those of us who have done a billion of these blasted things and know the spires inside and out have been burned so many times by others[1] that we really have no interest in getting screwed again.
Also, a big reason we refuse to lead up these events is because they are very easy to do, and others are more than capable to do so themselves.
*[1]: I've personally been burned by a) people wanting these and not being prepared, b) people inviting strangers from other LSes to have me or my friends hold their hands through the promies, c) people wanting these and then not showing up. So, I'm sorry, I've been burned and will never lead up a Promy event again.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Yes, Maior, I know.
I was just saying I could lead Piskowit's if he gets cold feet. That's all.
Did you hand these 'other folks' a Clan pearl? I've done that a lot, quite a few find the Clan a nice place and stick around.
What Sam said...
No interest in leading it up; helping out - count me in.
Pisk: You may want to talk to Darknoble, he needs the Promies as well and has anima (unless he threw them away)
Members so far...
Ok, then people I know of now who need the Promies are:
* Piskowit
* Kaliv (PLD, {Yes please})
* Darknoble
* Slothimus
* Axeman (good luck with that, only plays once per week these days)
Boom, right there you just need one more and you're good to go.
Pisk, if you could coordinate with these folks, I'd wager you could bang out all 3 Promies in a week. Depending on their jobs, you could probably also get through the aqueducts stuff before you graduate.
Vis Maior's Journeys
SMN 29
I do not need Promyvion-Anything.
I keep the two main Animas in Mog Safe.
I have SMN 29 available.
I can contribute to an ENM alliance if you want to go fight the Promyvion Crag ENM mini-bosses (more than ten can even fight, though you will not get much experience per player).
If you are one shy of a party of six, Piskowit, I can bring my SMN 29 into a Promyvion Spire Boss Fight.
And I can help you farm Recollections for your two main Anima.