Submitted by sam on Mon, 02/27/2006 - 14:18.
I know it's been on our Calendar for a long time now, but supposedly this week there are going to be three rapid fire Promyvion runs hosted by Milotheshort. Anima farming logistics aside (usually you need to give people at least a day between runs to get anima, unless, of course, everyone involved is patient enough to farm before or after the runs), I've personally not seen or heard from Milo about this in over three weeks. So, I'm wondering if the runs are even taking place. Does anyone know if the runs are on?
If people are planning Promy runs this week, I would recommend highly that everyone involved read the links that were posted here. Especially read So you wanna beat a Promy, huh? as it gives a winning strategy for all the Promies that does not lose.
I personally wont be able to attend the Monday or Tuesday night events for this (Monday I wont be in the game, and Tuesday I have a conflicting ENM static) so, if Milo and company doesn't show, then others may have to step forth to lead these up. Wednesday, however, I will be online and might be pursuaded to help out if and only if everyone has their Anima ready to go.
conflicting ENM static
"and Tuesday I have a conflicting ENM static"
Milo's Holla ENM did not get underway until about 11pm Eastern this Monday; I heard they won against the Spire Boss. Alythira was in Milo's group.
I spoke with Thersites about our Tuesday Static. The minimum commitment is to complete the Promyvion-DEM ENM and I told Thersites I would honor that; afterwards I was probably going to do a Promyvion-MEA ENM with Meckruco and Alythira (who both need MEA Spire Boss only and then they will be in Lufaise Meadows).
Thersites said we would have to see what Tuesday evening brings, since Milotheshort has his Promyvion-MEA Spire Boss posted for about the same time. All I know about the MEA ENM is that you are unlikely to win it with only a party of six.
I have my three Anima for the MEA Spire Boss. I can come as WHM/SMN.
ENM Static
I would be willing to invite Tamara's 2 friends to join us with Mea tonight. We could fight the enm-mea with 8 players then fight the Mea boss with 6 players. After this we will fight enm-dem for our core members. If tams friends are not ready by our usual starting time, then we will fight dem-enm first.
Some general comments about this static party: Once again I would like to remind everyone that the mission of our static is to get experience points for our members. I believe there are two reasons this static has lasted as long as it has. First of all we have a highly competent group of players. Secondly, we have a narrowly defined mission. Most of our members dislike last minute changes to our plans. In the future lets try to make last minute changes the exception rather than the rule, lol. Thanks! -Thersites
I really hate only doing 1 ENM in our static per week.
In my opinion, I see no real use of it anymore if all we're ever going to do is 1 ENM per week. 3k can be obtained easily elsewhere, what I really need is the guarantied 6k per week (this really helps me on weeks I can't otherwise level). People ditching and changing it at the last minute is really frustrating.
At any rate, I will be scheduling a Minotaur run this weekend for anyone who needs it (since we have so many now who need it again). All we really need is a THF to show up I think and we'll be golden.
Vis Maior's Journeys
what I really need
"what I really need is the guarantied 6k per week"
This is most definitely a change over what we discussed at length on Thersites original thread (months ago). Please bring this up again tonight, so we can gather some member input.
Bah II
All I'm saying is that for the effort that goes into these per week, 3k isn't worth it. Doing one ENM is relatively hard with all the pre-effort that goes into it (getting gear, food, items, etc. for a 30-capped area when you have other gear/jobs you're working on) but adding one more ENM is trivial since you already have all your stuff ready to go.
So, basically, what I'm saying (and I've always said this, it should come as no surprise, it didn't surprise Thersty when I mentioned it to him in IRC) is that unless we're getting 6k per week on these, there's little motivation for it.
If you do check Thersty's thread on this the purpose of the static is for us to gather together and get EXP. It's not to pull friends from this or other LSes through the Promyvions.
As Thersty says above, the purpose of these are rather narrowly defined. As stated in the previous thread, any changes to the schedule really need to be made in advance so that everyone is prepared for them.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Promy Holla
So we completed Holla without to many bumps... Some things i'd like to state.
Now we did have some deaths on floor 2 before the boss, but this were incalculable errors.
Poison Potion- not really needed to all animas are gone... after last set is used 2x poison potions is plenty.
Whm should use "A Worms Turn Method"- well call it scatter casting... WHM runs in range to cast cures then dips back out range and rests.
About BST- Durraur and I are huge advocates at the incorperation of Beastmasters both in Exp parties and Event quests... We both have done extensive research and work with BSTs, actual one of our most succesfull exp parties involved only 5 member on of which was a BST. My personal belief is too many ppl are afraid of BST because the have been missinformed by its abilities. Fun Facts about promies and BSTs... 1. Pet will transfer through memory streams. 2. Pet will auto kill strays when they aggro him which they will, very effective.
3. MR's don't use seed (force) attack on pets. 4. When PC's are in range MR's seed attack largly doesn't move the pet. So some future experimitation might be inorder. ^^ Personaly i think it worked very well
Early War 2hrs is very effective at reducing the HP... most ppl don't understand that a WAR has a cycle 2HR... WHM is the oposite.
WAR 2hr is ineffective by the time the player or party is dieing. So we had our War stagger there 2hr's very effective
We used a blind method for the animas, animas are used after the mob starts moving not on a timer method... this provides huge benifits making them more effective.
A BRILLIANT ACCEDENT: Terroamnima-> the one that makes them run around can be used effectivly, as long as there is at least on player who can land bind try sometime and tell me it isn't the sweetest thing since sliced bread ^^
Anywho we got holla beat. Tomarrow mea! then the WOrld!!!!!
On Terroanima
Terroanima (see my post here) should be used sparingly on the boss. You guys just so happen to have had a great party set up for it, but generally speaking you wont.
Terroanima can really mess up many jobs 2 hour attacks. Thus, if you're relying on something like MNK, BLM or SMN to deal significant damage, Terroanima can effectively waste their 2 hour attacks.
This is why most people recommend not using Terroanima on the boss. I will say for Mea, because of the hate control problems, I would highly recommend not using Terro unless your party is nearly dead and you need a 30-40 second breather to recoup.
But at any rate, congratulations on the win!
I think I will go ahead and schedule a Phomunia Aqueducts (Minotaur) run for this weekend or next in anticipation of you guys being ready for it. Looking at the older poll we have enough people needing this next mission that it would warrant me setting one up.
Vis Maior's Journeys
We preformed hott footed research on this run too... lol guess what we found? A forum post siteing the 3 best links for promy info, Clan Am was second... congrates Maior ^^!
Ya srry
The runs will continue as planned... the original goal was the holla and mea runs, which logistacally speaking does work if you translate one set to anima and have the second in reserve. The runs will take place tonight. Things have been crazy around here as of late, busy with exams, two unexpected deaths, and being ill to name a few. Holla is tonight i'll hop on to let ppl know. I've also decided to shore up the list too, other than the gates in holla i've become reluctant about the whole allience situation.
Holy cow
Sorry to hear about the troubles lately. Hope everything's alright.
Okay, well I will update the lsmes when I get home tonight before I mule.
As for Alliances, yeah, I'd avoid them if I could. A small group of 6 people just running quickly through the areas avoiding mobs as needed is really the way to go :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
I read Milo's original post, and I think that Milo is a lot like everyone else who's never done these in that they don't really understand what is involved.
The Promies are really really super easy IF you just have the right anima strategy and can kept your ascent simple. Sam was right in this post when he said that it's much easier with a party of six than an alliance. I originally did this as alliances and it would take hours, but, after Sam's advice, I tried with a small group of six and found that by avoiding things you can bang these out in 30 mins to an hour easily.
I wont be able to help on these because they are all when I'm working (I work evenings) but I'd certainly be able to help anyone who wanted to try in the mornings sometime^^