Submitted by Milotheshort on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 08:23.
The 10th-12th of this month will be used for farming animas for a spire boss run, if you are at all interested in getting these runs done please show up between the designated times of 7pm-1am est on Friday, 4pm- 12am est on sat and 12pm-7pm est sun. We will be farming until every one has the three required animas, then returning to farm for three additional memories each.
Between farming sessions, runs will be made to jeuno to create the anima please note that each anima costs 2k. Please let me know if you plan on attending. There is a possibility for a map side quest time permitting.
If you have already completed all the spire runs, and are free to help out please make a point of showing up to the farming dates, or farm on your own as well. Your expertise will be greatly appreciated.
The actual spire runs will be FEB 27 and 28 for Holla and Mea and an additional run will be offered March 1st for Dem.
Time: each run will begin promptly at 9pm est, and finish hopefully no later than 1am. However everyone is asked to start prepping at 7pm and meet in ru'Lude Gardens at 8:45pm Sharp, if you are not here at that designated time you will not be allowed to join. Parties will be teleported to the appropriate craig at 9:15pm and the runs will commence shortly there after.
Here's what you need to bring:
Your job lvl 30+: (no jobs under 30 will be allowed to make the run there is no exception to this rule! You will be thanked for your time and promptly asked to leave)
Food:Bring food appropriate to your job, if i catch a mage eating a taco you will be asked to leave
Gear 30-: if your rank is 5+ i will expect you to have at least each slot of your gear filled this is not a hard request, rank 3 and below will be granted some lee way. (Please do not show up without these slots filled Body, Hands, Head, Legs, Feet and Main or you will be asked to leave)
Anima Set: If you cannot bring anima you cannot come this it is simple, I'm giving you a month from when this is posted to when it will take place to farm the anima.
Add: add gear is medicines, none are required for dem, but poison potions are for Holla, also invis potions and sneak oil are helpful but not required.
YOUR EARS: I will be leading up the alliance for this event, durraur and golagres will be heading up each additional team, just because it doesn't seem like we aren't communicating doesn't mean we aren't we all know each other in RL and often play in the same room, much in the same way we will on the runs. Listen to instruction, if you are warned heed it. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO STOP YOUR CORSE OF ACTION MORE THAN TWICE. The resulting consequence will be prevention from participation in the later runs, and immediate expulsion from your party, you can figure out how to get down on your own.
If it seems I'm being a bit harsh its because i am. I've been on too many failed runs as the result of others actions i want more than anything to complete these. We have to work as a team in order to beat these.
additionally i ask that only BST were the shade set... it doesn't seem very effective.
This post will be updated periodically:
Name: Jobs at 30+: Status:
Milotheshort BLM,WHM,WAR Allience Leader
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
Durraur BRD,WHM,BST Party #1 Leader
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
->Malkier? WHM, Closed
Golagres RDM,BLM Party #2 Leader
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
-> ??? Open
->Darkpheonix? BLM,WHM,SMN,DRG Closed
Please post below your character name, jobs at or above 30, and which group you wish to be posted to, note this is subject to change.
i would love to go.....BUT
i would definatly love to go but im on swing shift that week and have to leave my house by 1020pm est THIS SUX!!!!! i really need it too
This is first come first serve... although with the increadable inaccuracy of ppl if 18+ have signed up fret not. For i seriously doubt all of those 18 ppl will show up and you my very well be able to fill that slot.
i'd like to point out that i am giving everybody plent of time to prepare for this hence why the runs a scheduled for the end of the month... In accordance with recent complaints about events, perhaps setting up events well in advace might give ppl more time to prepare rather than springing it on them an wondering why nobody shows up, or everyone isn't prepared or why the event fails. Most of the events such as the subligar farming a prepared well in advance to aleviate this situation. This is my goal with scheduleing this event.
- respectfull submited
clear up a few things here!
This isn't my fist promy run go check out the clan video, i've completed dem, i know dem is a push over but i'd appreciate a little more respect in this ls. I'm not a noob to this game please understand this. I want the same respect that i give most of you. I went over the guides last night. i do think there is some substance here and will consider these suggestions for each of the two runs. I am running all three for those whom still need dem. On the note of a full allience, i agree with the fact that ascents such as mea and dem might be hindered by the large mass of ppl, but holla with its fences an allience is often benifical to get through these tight areas. Yes the anima will take that long to gather, i understand that ppl are busy so it is better to offer my time for as long as possible. What you don't know this is an open event i might be inviting others from my other LS's this is not strictly a clan event much in the way it has been in the past. My harshness comes from the frustration of the additional 20+ runs that have all failed. I have found it in my experiances if you cut clear rules for ppl before they will adhere to them more willingly. If need be i will boot ppl from the run mid ascent, claners or not if i need to make an example i will, i'm not doing these for "fun". Fun time is reserved for friends and light hearted momments. I'm not saying i'm gonna be an asshat on this run either an occasional joke during recover after the MR fight is ok ^^. Not when we are trying to move through evil mobs. The constant nagging reminder of our last ascent to holla and you would understand why i'm approaching this as i am. Our failed run on mea proved there are exceptions to the rule, we had 3x blm, 1x whm, 1 x smn, 1x war/nin and hardly any anima... guess what? If the smn had not died 30 sec into the fight we would have beat it, this is not what the typical party set up should be, hell as my blm i did over 1/4 the dmg and was the last to die. we reduced it to less than 50 hp so all in all i think if the smn haden't died so soon i wouldn't have to run mea. Additional our last climp into holla resulted in failer when the war/nin didn't voke an aggro and our only whm died. So please offer suggestions not critisim... Thats all i've been recieving from clan members as of late and i'm getting fed up with it. Maior thx for the suggestions once again ^^ i didn't know that about the holla boss. If anybody would like to review my credentals as a blm i will gladly state that i get pickups for parties when anon(usually anon because i'm out doing something for someone, although i don't believe i desirve a pat on the back its just who i am), i've been playing for 2+ years, like i've said before in over 5 servers and got WW to 100 while only lvl 20. If you have a problem with how i'm trying to orginize this run plz tell me in game (/tell) and lets avoid the liable.
With much consideration
Required reading
Sounds like these may be your first Promy runs because you seem to have a few confusions here and there.
Before you go, you should read these:
* Promyvion - by me
* So you wanna bet a Promy? by Sam
* ENM Guide by Sam
The ENM guide really is just helpful because it gives you the incentive you need to get others who've beeten the promys before to help out.
If this is your first time in Promy, you're gonna be very confused by a lot of things. It really is different than anything youve seen so far. It always helps to have someone who's more experienced with these along to show you the way.
Also, just wanted to say good for you for being firm and all in Promies, but you may be too firm LOL. You can't exactly kick people on the way up because you will need them for the boss battles (you have to have groups of 6, so you can't just boot someone once you have groups of 6 in place because it will cost 5 other people their chance of winning). So I'd recommend just making sure everyone knows that ascending the promy is hard and they have to be serious. That's usually all you can expect.

What Raven said and...
I agree with Maior in his comment on alliances and climbing the promies. For those of us that have done the climb and happen to encounter a Jeuno pick-up party, you know how much it can suck.
I wouldn't expect 3 alliances worth of people showing up. As I understand it, there are 2-3 people who have currently shown interest in completing the promies (although there are quite a few that still have to complete them).
Also, doing as Raven indicated, a player with experience can greatly improve a first climb. Communication and following instruction on when to move/not to move is vital
Just a general comment about the climb: Don't make it harder then it is, avoid aggro, kill MRs and climb. The real "issue" is coordination of anima use on the spire boss.
Also, it will NOT take you that much time to farm the anima.
General stuff
As we come closer to the time, I'll try to make myself available to help for these. I don't mind helping out if everyone has their anima.
Now, a few notes:
Other than those comments, read up on the battles, the ascent, and the strategies, and you'll do good (as long as your parties are balanced).
Promy really isn't that hard. In fact, I think it's far simplier than the first real Zilart Mission. As long as everyone knows what to do and they stay focused, you can't lose.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Spire Boss Fights
What Maior and Avatarx have shown us (and told us about)...
For Spire Bosses - if you have five sets, of the two anima, no Boss is hard if your party can deliver damage.
Fighting ENM in advance to learn is a good thing, but the MEA ENM is frequently a horrible experience with less than eight players.
For the Holla Spire Boss and Holla ENM:
WHM and BLM can use MP food (who cares if a spire boss gets more MP?)
WHM should cast barsleepra on the party
WHM should NEVER cast Shellra (this non-casting is for the SMN)
WHM can cast Protectra 2
For Holla everyone should drink Pamama au Lait and drink a Poison Potion before the ENM and/or Spire Boss Fight.
For any ENM practice fight:
Loot should be Group Loot
Only one person (the leader) should be allowed to touch the 'shiny glowing sphere' at the end After everyone has been raised
WHM needs to use a re-raise earring
so tru... it was so unfortinate when our only whm died mid ascent and we had no way to raise them. those earrings tend to be overpriced tho >< if we can get a minmum of 2 whm and some tank/dd vokers who know how to play there jobs i think we could get by without one, but i'm making a point of playing it safe on this one, so i'll be forking out for one reraise earring which will be given to either durr or malk if they bring whm. I know them in RL and trust them not to vacariously waste charges or steal my item. Ya unfortanatly i've been involved with an ongoing investigation concerning the scam of several ppl by a car. named darkfather, so i've become a little suspiciouse of ppl barrowing my equipment. the party leader touching the orb is a really good idea, never thought of that one personally i'll need to incorperate that ^^. I'd agree with the mp food too, so marrion glace might be the best food, most mobs in ffxi have auto refresh and mp pools that number in the thousands, it why they can always cast no matter how much you aspir them ><. So if we think about something with an infinite supply of x substance, if we give them x! more it really makes no difference as long as x = infinity. infinity plus a number is still infinity. Ok thx tam this is what i was looking for on key suggestions.
A correction needs to be made.
Ok durraur went on a run to holla last night, he said that he boss steals your status effects per hit. We all agree that he steals status effect, however we don't agree on which he steals, so if you guys could site some evidence else where that states he steals food effects i'd appreciate it. Durraur is almost positive that the think never once stole his food effects. Plus it made me start thinking if the spire boss starts stealing food effects wouldn't you want your tank to eat shity food so he get those efeects. Example: Pld eats marrion glace -> marrion glace provides the following effect for 180 min mp+10 Mp+10% and vit -1 -> spire boss drains food effect-> we have already determined that the MP makes no difference so this would be ideal for the melee to score bonus dmg. Which makes me question why SE would allow us to get away with something so easily. Ergo i'd have to support what durraur stated because it doesn't logically add up the other way. Please show me some more emperical date that proves otherwise. Additionally if this were the case you'd want to only bring Mithra and Galka PLD's to this fight. Why? because raw meat gives you some of the worst additional stats, and if this thing steals the food effect based on it attack, plds are ment to get hit to tank, nin aren't. SO a galka/mithra PLD spaming stacks of raw meat would be more effective than a NIN who never gets hit to loss this food effect. Your thoughts and comments please.
Negative effects
Nah, it's silly, don't worry about it. Just don't eat any food going in and you're fine.
Refer back to Ravenclaw/tabke's guide for the moves that the bosses do. He's rather complete in that guide. Seriously... I mean it... EVERYTHING you need to know is in that guide (and others here).
You also are kind of over thinking this. You don't want him to be using any moves on you. You don't want him to hit you with the status effect sucking (Trinary Asorption, if memory serves me) move any more than you want him to hit you in general.
You want him not to hit you, which is why you bring enough Anima.
That being said, honestly food doesn't seem to enter into these battles very much. I typically use food for the ascent if I remember, and if the food effect is still there for the boss then so be it.
Vis Maior's Journeys
List of ideal neg. status foods.
Rarab Tail = -3 vit +1 agi
Wild Onion = -4 vit +4 agi
Kazaham Pinapple = -5 agi +3 int (this might be the best rather than raw meat)
Yagudo Cherry = -3 agi +1 int
Pamama = -3 str +1 int
Coral Fungus, scream fungus = -4 str +2 mnd
Mithran tomato = -3 agi +1 int
Dance Shroom = -5 str +3 mnd
Faerie Apple = -4 agi +2 int
San d'orian grapes = -5 agi +3 int
This is an important point I often fail to make (I should add it to the guide).
5 or 6 anima will guarantee a win if and only if you have a reasonably balanced party with enough firepower.
~3min (6 anima) seems like a lot of time to kill the boss, but if you have a party of people who can't give you the damage output you need, then 3min later you will merely have a very angry, not-quite-dead-yet boss.
Vis Maior's Journeys
ya thats been my experience thus far.
Often on these slapped together jeunorific runs, few anima come along for the run. Usually if and when durr and gol make the run we are the only three with anima -_-' i want everybody to farm and translate one set, then farm the memories for the next set that way we are sure to have the anima for both runs without much delay, even though there will be a 24hr break inbetween runs in order to prevent the enevitable burn out of those on the runs, also i have classes on wed morning so avoiding the whole 1a.m. time fram might be for the best. Ya we are considering a few different job combinations currently. Please note to that i have decided that on mea, we will form the allience for communication and MR fight purposes, but each party will rush areas as an independent group. This will allow for the other parties should they get wipped to potential get a rais from non-wipped parties so they may continue the ascent. Level 2 i believe it was in holla had the nasty fence that took some time to negotiate on my last run up there, a mop up of the surrounding area i feel will be the safest and inherrently quickest method for negotiating this terrain. Further more i'd like to add that this post will be linked to an allakazahm forum this weekend, to ensure that we can get the approprate jobs for the run, however who knows what we might pick up in terms of player skill. I will continue to use the same brash tone untill i can be assured the quality of members attending. Unfortinatly i don't want to be leading lost sheep into a slaughter ><. Anymore suggestions would be great maior, thx for the help thus far. Also i was not certain are you going to be available on the nights of the runs? I was not certain if you had work or what not. Anyways an additional note here is the 9pm time and the dates selected just happened to be the times that seemed to work best for gol, durr and myself i'm sorry if it conflicts with nebody elses schedual, please let me know if you need help completeing your respective times and maybe one of us might be willing to lend a hand.