What is Garrison?
I will quote what I wrote for the previous Garrisons.
A Garrison is a level capped event where you defend an outpost from several waves of attacking hordes. Each wave has several normal enemies, and one boss-type enemy (who is stronger in some way than the normal enemies).
Fighting alongside of you in the Garrison are a number of NPCs. These NPCs must be kept alive. If the NPCs die, then the Garrison is over and you lose.
In between waves, you have a very short time to regroup. If you intend on resting (to get more MP, for example) then you will have to do it during the battle, or bring food to help you out.
There are two ways we can do these Garrisons: Kite or All-out-warfare.
Kite is where we have two or more parties (so an alliance of 12 or more). One party has a Ninja (or another tank with high evasion or defense) who is willing to take the boss from each wave and run around the field (dragging them like a 'kite') while the rest of the team kills the enemies.
All-out-warfare is really only possible if you have three full parties or 18 players in an alliance. If you have 18 people, then kiting is no longer necesary as you can just pummel the enemies to death quite efficiently.
Generally speaking, we kite our garrisons and fall back on "all-out-warfare" if things go badly. Come prepared for both :-)
Pool and item distribution
There are three different types of items that drop during and after Garrison:
- Mannequin legs and feet
- Dragon Chronicles
- Military weapons (for 30-capped Garrison)
Generally speaking, by the end of the night everyone will have gotten at least one Mannequin item. Often, everyone leaves with both legs and feet. Because of this, I have to stress that you come to Garrison with NO FEET OR LEGS either on your person or in your MH. If you currently have feet or legs, give them to a mule or sell them before the event. We have actually lost Mannequin parts in the past because people came to the Garrison with them in their posession.
So, to repeat myself for those who may not heed this warning:
If you have Mannequin feet OR legs now, trade them to a mule or sell them before the Garrison!!!!
If we lose Mannequin parts because of you, people will be pissed.
The Dragon Chronicles are items that give you a random amount of EXP. These we will lot on. No worries about people lotting unfairly on these, if you already have one and win another lot, the system will not let you have this item.
The Military items are generally the source of conflict and contention. This is because this is really where the money is at in Garrison. Thus, we will strictly adhere to the following system:
- IF the Garrison item was your item, THEN you get to pick ONE (1) of the Military items that drop during the Garrison resulting from your item trade.
- All other Military items go into a community pool. This pool will be sold off and the profits will be distributed evenly amongst those who participated in the Garrison.
In a nutshell, this means that you cannot get any of these Military items for yourself unless you either purchase them from the pool at a fair market value, or supply a Garrison item and obtain one of the Military drops from your run. (This is the incentive to farm and bring Garrison items).
On outpost warping
One bit of advice beforehand, if you haven't already done outpost runs to either of these areas, I'd recommend strongly doing them now. There is a 15-20 minute cool down between battles that you could use to outpost warp to your home country and send items to mules (if needs be).
One warning, however, DO NOT BE LATE FOR THE NEXT GARRISON! Return within the alotted time, and do not keep people waiting.
Usually these events are a "first-come, first-serve" basis with a waiting list of people wanting to join. If you delay people too much, you might be kicked and someone else will be given your place.
ENM on Monday (FFXI patch permitting)
Saturday Garrison - done
Sunday Rise and Shine with Hilkiah - done (Bye-bye Holla Spire Boss)
Monday Evening ENM next, Ru'Lude Gardens at 9PM Eastern, by Venessa
This ENM Event may be postponed or cancelled if all the FFXI Servers are being patched, patched, patched
Or Players cannot Connect :(
Thanks! Let's do it again sometime.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this. It was my first time with garrison, and it was a pleasant one. I told Maior that I have a Gustaberg garrison item and a Xarcabard garrison item. He said that they were 20-cap and 40-cap, and that we may be able to do them sometime. Now that I know how it works, I'm a lot less intimidated. Good job, everyone!
Hilkiah - Galka - White Mage
Other Garrisons
Just wanted to comment on other Garrisons:
* 20-capped ones: These are a royal pain. We've tried these in the past, and have yet to have any good results. The Gustaburg one is strong Quads with high def. The Saru one is all mage and monk Yagudos. The Ronf one is Orcs (people say the Ronf one is the easiest).
The biggest problem is, at 20 you don't seem to have enough job abilities to make much of a dent in these. We could try them again (maybe our results would be different with a full alliance) for sure, but I know of several folk who would be leary of it.
* 40-capped ones: Xarcabard will be tough because it will be fighting Demons. Ouch. Otherwise, I'm game.
* other 30-capped ones: There are other 30-capped ones out there. We've tried Passhow in the past with bad results (though, if we had more RNG and BLM we probably would have been fine), and then there's the Gigas one in Qufim. The main reason we stick to the dunes and buburimu is because we have really nice winning strategies for them. Pretty much, we very rarely lose.
* 50-capped and higher: I have several items for 50-capped ones and higher ones. I know others do as well. I think our biggest problem with these are that we just don't have enough people 50+ to form an alliance yet.
FWIW, the 20-capped ones don't seem to have the best drops in the world (all the level 20-ish Garrison armor). The 30-capped ones consistently drop nice items. I personally don't know much about the drops higher up except that there are many Rare/EX items that couldn't be sold or pooled.
Vis Maior's Journeys

Full Weekend Clan!
Maior is leading a Garrison on Saturday at 3PM Pacific!
Hilkiah is leading a Promyvion ENM (with possible Boss Fight) on Sunday at 10AM Pacific!
Probable Farming for Recollections/Anima Sunday Night!
I am leading a Promyvion ENM (with possible Boss Fight) on Monday at 6PM Pacific!
Garrison-Promyvion-Anima-Promyvion, now who could ask for more? =~_^=
In spite of all of this, it still isn't as hectic as some of our older clan weekend events were.
With the older clan, we played FPS (mainly Unreal Tournament, then UT2k3 and 2k4 shortly before FFXI took over) and we wouldn't play during the week (usually).
This meant we scheduled these HUGE weekend events that sometime would take all weekend long. We'd have massive "Weapon Lords" events Friday nights (to appease people like Rooster/Thersites and Bombastic), which would usually go from 7pm to 3am(ish). Then "Invasion" or "Insta-Gib" matches Saturday afternoon and evenings. Then we'd round out Sunday with normal or "mission-style" matches for those people sick to death of games like "Weapon Lords" (Raptor/Meretrix, a_Little_Girl/Ravenclawx and myself found "Weapon Lords" to really lack balance, and the "Weapon Lords" matches generally devolved into huddling in corners lobbing off huge attacks randomly knowing you're bound to hit something).
I for one appreciate the smaller, more focused events we have now. I just don't have the time to devote to weekend-long things anymore :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
