Submitted by sam on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 23:10.
We're pleased to announce a family of gaming-related portal sites here at Clan of the Angry Monkey. These sites will help foster the Clan of the Angry Monkey community's expansion into other areas. The new sites are as follows:
- ClanAM Portal
This is the portal site for all of the ClanAM sites. The news and discussions from all of the sites are aggregated here.
- ClanAM Phantasy Star Universe
Phantasy Star Universe is a new MORPG from Sega that will be released on PS2, Xbox 360, and PC in October 2006. As soon as it is launched, we wanted to have a community site ready for it.
- ClanAM 360
Dedicated to all aspects of gameplay on the Xbox 360. Here you will find forums relating to new and upcoming Xbox 360 games as well as playing older Xbox games on the 360 hardware. Eventually, once we decide on some games and times, we will start hosting 360 online events and matches.
- ClanAM PSP
Dedicated to all aspects of gameplay on the Sony PSP. Forums and discussions of PSP games and a schedule of upcoming online PSP events.
- ClanAM Gamer Blogs
Would you like a place to blog about your gaming? Have an opinion on some new hardware, announce your latest gaming accomplishment, or just want to expound on the virtues of a game you love? If so, this is the place for you. Additionally, we have forums for a large number of gaming consoles and environments where you can have specific discussions about specific consoles.
- ClanAM Final Fantasy XI
This site is nothing new, it is the ClanAM community-site centered around Square Enix's FFXI and has been operating for nearly 4 years now. The site isn't going anywhere, however we will probably be disabling blogging on it to encourage the usage of the ClanAM Gamer Blogs site.
These sites are already active right now, so check them out today!
Read the original announcement here.
Comments, suggestions and error reporting
If you have any comments, suggestions, or have found errors on any of the ClanAM sites, please don't use this forum. Please comment here as that is the relevant place for it.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I can't comment there, nor on gamer blogs - seems ID's and Passwords are not valid across all of ClanAM?
Oh well =^_^=
So hard...

Having a bad day,
Having a bad day, Ravenclawx?
No, you will need to register on them. It's actually not good practice to have them all meddle in eachother's databases to allow people to use the same account cross-site.
Basically, the best way to allow multi-site single-signon would be to use XMLRPC, which has lots of security problems, so I wont be using it.
Vis Maior's Journeys