Submitted by Tamara on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 18:27.
Not really a static post, nor even a posting regarding starting a Guild Wars variant of the Clan of the Angry Monkey Guild, just an entry on my GW Monk (White Mage variant).
I play Guild Wars as much as FFXI so if you want to look up my Guild Wars white mage avatar on Shing Jea Island (Factions Campaign) she is there, name is "Tamara Of Vanadiel". She is a level twelve Monk/Mesmer going on level thirteen.
I imagine come October she will be level twenty and running around, working to complete this PvE WoH Monk build.
Not really a static post, nor even a posting regarding starting a Guild Wars variant of the Clan of the Angry Monkey Guild
lol... if you look in the forums you see this one forum called off-topic. It has the following as its description:
posts that have nothing to do with FFXI or ClanAM
Maybe if your post had nothing to do with making a static, FFXI or Clanam, then it should have gone in there^^

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Unlike book/guide entries, forum posts can be moved to different forums. So it's not a big deal or anything.
You may need to be an admin to move it (e.g., if Tam wants it moved, she'll have to ask me) but it's not difficult.
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