Submitted by ravenclaw on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 12:40.
Time: Mondays 8am MDT (10am EDT, 9am CDT, 7am PDT)
Goal: Do ENM-Holla and ENM-Dem for 6000 XP every week
Hey guys, I've been wanting to have my own ENM static for a long time and I've finally decided to start one up. Unfortunately, I work swing shifts, so I'm not always flexible with my time. So I'm hoping I can find other people who are interested who can join.
What we want to do is ENN 30 Holla and ENM 30 Dem every week for the XP. I dont want to do the Promyvion Bosses, so everyone in this static needs to be past these two bosses.
For jobs, here is what we already have:
* COR/RNG (Me)
* WAR/NIN (friend from old XP static)
* SMN/WHM (other friend from old XP static)
We need more DD, maybe a nuker, and a WHM (for raise).
Please reply to this thread if interested or contact me in the game.
We have our static
STatic is set. Thanks to all who asked and were interested.
In two weeks we will be needing a tank as our tank will be out of town. Would anyone be interested?

for 2 weeks
I will be out of town next september 8 thru 19. So I will miss 2 weeks.
The replacement will need to be able to go for those 2 weeks.
I would be interested in joining this static. I have many jobs lvl 30+. so give me a yell in game to find out more. That way I can give you the exact jobs and lvls of each.
Love to give you a shout in game, but I've never seen you in game lol.
I work swing shifts and usually play from 5am-10am weekdays. That's my peak hours.
Well, we have a DD and a nuker now, what we need is a WHM. Do you have WHM30+?