Submitted by sam on Tue, 08/22/2006 - 13:41.
Not promoting this to the main page... this doesn't really concern everyone on the site.
After some of the problems we've had lately with people making posts in bad places (DK's DRK post, which she wound up placing under book/parent/848 which is PSC Assault - Excavation Duty is an example), I've been wracking my brain to try and figure out a way to prevent stuff like this in the future.
One thing I did mention was making a site guide/howto, which I still plan on doing, but I'm not certain that will really help. I've recently updated the Guides page and I think it's pretty easy to find things there. But it seems most users don't use that page, but rather try to search for things (this search by Mynx is an example. Instead of going to Guides->Assault, she searched for "staging points" and had to figure out which result was relevant). So who's to say a site guide/howto will really help.
So, I'm begining to think that I should more sharply define access roles for the site. Since the update, I have a lot of options for sharply defining user access roles. A lot more than I used to when I first set up the current access roles.
What I'm thinking of doing, and I'd like other admins to toss in their 2 cents here since this will affect them the most, is to retain the original roles that we had before, namely:
- ClanAM Members
- ClanAM Forum Admins
- ClanAM Event Coordinators
- ClanAM Gallery Coordinators
- ClanAM Admins
But tweak them so they each have less access rights (except for Admins). Basically, more sharply define them based upon what they actually do.
Then, after these have been tweaked, I want to add the following new access roles:
- Guide Author
These will be people who can write and update books/guides.
- Poll Admins
These will be people who can update and admin polls.
The ClanAM Admins will still have complete access rights over the site.
Basically, this will mean the following:
- 1) Only "Guide Authors" and "ClanAM Admins" will be able to write/update books and guides.
- 2) Only "ClanAM Admins" will be able to create/update static pages.
- 3) Only "Poll Admins" and "ClanAM Admins" will be able to create/update polls.
- 4) Only "Forum Admins" and "ClanAM Admins" will be able to promote forum posts to the front page.
- 5) "Even Coordinators" will no longer be able to promote forum posts to the front page, or create polls, books, or static pages. They will still have admin rights to the event queue.
- 6) "Gallery Coordinators" will no longer be able to promote forum posts to the front page, or create polls, books, or static pages. They will still have admin rights to the image gallery queue.
The normal "ClanAM Members" will remain largely the same, except the standard registered user (a user which has registered on the site but which I haven't promoted to "ClanAM Member" yet) will now be able to post forum comments, vote on polls, but do nothing else (this is an anti-spam tactic).
Phew... well I think that covers it... Questions or comments from the site admins?
Keep It Simple
Sam, It seems like you're setting yourself up for alot of hassles having so many categories. It is likely that a player who is active in the linkshell will at some time or other want to contribute to many different facets of the site. Keeping track and fine tuning access like you are proposing is likely to become a time consuming and problematic chore. How about making just 3 types:
Members- can post to forums, upload images, vote in polls
Coordinators- essentially merge all the coordinator and sub-admin roles into one, with the understanding that certain people are in charge of certain areas, and should act responsibly or risk having their status revoked.
Administrators- People who are trusted with complete admin access.
Can't Keep It Simple, Stupid...
I tried it more simple in the past, it's what's led to the problems I've talked about.
Actually, I guess what I'm talking about doing is making it more simple for the users of the site. By reducing what people can do on the site, it simplifies what they can mess up.
Honestly, adding more access roles is easier for me than reducing the number of access roles to 3. See Ravenclaw/tabke's post below for the explanation why.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Event Coordinatiors
I'm not really an admin but I was asked for any input I had. I never really thought that events needed to be promoted to the front page after the 2-week calandar was created. With the New Forum Topics section on the side of the page I really dont think they should be. I always checked the fourms anyways and found most events. Yep thats my 2 cents.
Actually, you're an admin. You're classified as an "even coordinator" :-P
I don't mind the events promoted to front page, honestly. What I don't like is having them linger. I'd prefer if they fell naturally off the front page after a certain time and/or number of posts.
The problem is, the average user doesn't delve deeper into the forum topics. I'm hoping the "new forum topics" thing will help, but it's only been in place for a few days, so I can't say for certain that it will.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Reducing rights
ive been a big fan of right reduction since the start of clanam. i do understand we didnt have the features then that we do now, but i always thought book creation in drupal should be more strictly controlled.
i think this really could solve some of the problems we've been having. the only problem is, after this, do we really need seperate "forum" and "event" coordinators? seems to me, the two will have very similar access roles.

forum/event coords
This is true, they will have basically the same access rights. After this, they will become redundant and could be merged.
The problem is, I'm too damned lazy to go back through all the accounts and do this, and I don't know how gracefully Drupal handles deletion of existing roles (do the members of the deleted role simply become 'undefined'? what does that mean if they do?)
So, it makes sense from a simplicity standpoint to just keep them seperate, but define their roles the same.
Vis Maior's Journeys
like i've mentioned before
I'm pro restriction on accounts, cuz in the long run it'll save you more headaches. Those look like a good start.
I still believe content should be approved if like for instance someone wants to create a book, this will prevent material from being added to the wrong book and virtually being lost.
On Authoring books -> the content should be more controled (approved) by the Author, for addition to the core book they have established. This will give the Author the feeling of control over what he/she was trying to convay.
So to sum it up: only the Author of the original text and the site manager/webmaster (Sam) would have control on page additions to their books. (possible problems, if content remain awaiting approval too long it could bog down the server, similar to Sams previouse queuing problem.)
With classifying these roles to? Are there going to be limitations to the number of persons added to each new role?
Actually, I'd like that functionality... unfortunately, Drupal isn't designed that way (to give per node access restrictions). All you can define for access rights on book pages are the following:

So it's all or nothing.
Thus, my logic was to restrict it to people who I really can trust to not only know when and where to add stuff... but also know how to use Drupal well enough to actually contribute to the books.
No... and in fact, you can actually combine roles now with the new Drupal.
E.g., someone could be both an event coordinator and a book author.
Vis Maior's Journeys
After i posted, i was actual wondering if these was fesable in Druples environment.