ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.
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We won!~
We did great! The ENM was a great go and the boss we beat with ease. Mea maybe in 2 weeks, not sure yet.
lol I still remember you were the first person in the clan to try a promy mission way back when it came out (you guys failed lol)
well grats! You'r 2/3 of the way there!

Heh yep.
The day after CoP came out I was in Jeuno shouting "Want to try the new Promyvion?" got an alliance and we of the first to lose to damned Holla! Oh well I'm done now!
Well, I have a CoP 2-3 run set sometime in the future, I just haven't committed on a date yet. Hopefully, you can get Mea out of the way and be set for the next chapter in time for when we do it.
Right now, I'm tentatively looking at Sat. Sept. 2nd... simply because that's the next block of time I'll have available for such a big event.
Vis Maior's Journeys
As of now we only need a WHM. Any WHM wanting to do this please let me know ^^.
i can go on friday if you still need me
DD and WHM
ok with you in we'll need a DD and WHM then we're set
My offer
I can possibley get you the whm and DDs from my other ls, if you still need them let me know. if you need any help farming to let me know.
ok cool
As of now noone has talked to me so if I dont know by tomorrow Ill let you know.