Submitted by Tamara on Sat, 06/10/2006 - 11:42.
* EDIT on June 10th
* One more week of voting then I will tally the results
I announced three months worth of Assaults here when I would organize two Assaults each week. Cyclonus and I have heard "I would like do Assault" from about six or eight folks now - but very few of you bother to show up. Just two folks showed for the last Assault.
Here is your last chance for ClanAM Weekly Assault, then I am done with you =^_^=
If you want to participate in Weekly Clan Assaults you vote, and when you vote it means you are going to try to get all the Assault Staging Points (since when we gather we have to figure out an Assault which is common to everyone). The Assaults we will do are either level 60 cap or level 70 cap (if there is such a thing as 70 cap) or uncapped. This means you need one job at or above level 58. My own job is WHM 66. You will also need level 60 gear for that job you are bringing to Assault.
You can vote to hold the weekly ClanAM Assault on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. You vote for a three hour block. We are going to try to do two Assaults in that three hours and we should really be able to get both done in approximately two hours once we understand what we are doing. Cyclonus even wrote a Guide to Assault of what is required to succeed most of the time (Assault was designed by Square Enix to never be a sure thing).
If you want to participate in ClanAM Assault vote for Thursday, Friday or Saturday. You vote to start at 6pm Eastern or 8pm Eastern on Thursday or Friday. You vote to start at 3pm Eastern, 6pm Eastern or 9pm Eastern on Saturday (if Saturday is your preference).
And for some reason everyone asks me, "what Assault are you doing?" So if this thing takes off we will be doing the Golden Salvage Assault at level 60 as the evening's first assault for a while (a few weeks). I think we can survive Golden Salvage with a combination of jobs(even if we do not always win it), this Assault seems to be heavily about luck. Remember, a lot of Assaults are just dumb luck and this one certainly is. So as I said before I wanted those who gathered to vote but now it seems best just to tell folks what to equip and show up for the first several weeks - then after we have won a couple we can negotiate how we want our Assault evenings to go (negotiating makes for good teamwork in my opinion). Maybe we will do round-robin amongst those Assaults we appear to have the level 60 jobs for?
Golden Salvage spawns 12 chests sprinkled out amongst 20 possible spawn points and eleven of those chests are Mimics we will have to kill, so bring two stacks of antidotes and we will always try for a party of six. I do not know if these Mimics have draw-in but I will ask Cyclonus to post his experience with Golden Salvage below this poll.
Golden Salvage makes use of the Ilrusi Atoll Staging Point and the voting booth is now open for when Clan AM will do it's weekly Assault =^_^=
End Game Activity
Tam, even if people don't reply or vote on this, never fear. I've had enough requests from the end-game players in the group as well as people outside that I think we will make Assaults a ClanAM End-Game activity.
My big problem is that I haven't had the time to do anything there. Right now, I'm guessing after the last Promy I run (likely next week) I should have more time for it.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Please continue to vote while I sort out if enough individuals are really serious about doing Assault - or whether Cyclonus and I were just victims of general wishy talking.
There is NO Assault I am scheduling for this week.
If Assault is to take place on Thursdays (eventually) there is no Assault on either June the 8th nor on June the 15th.
My vote and guide
I'm voting for Thursday @ 8PM EDT.
My Golden Salvage Guide (Yes, yes, I'm working on the rest...)
Thursdays @ 8PM EDT
That works for me too... Bear in mind that next week we may have a conflict however...

Otherwise, Saturday during the day usually works for me, and a lot of people seem to be on around that time.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Saturday during the day
Saturday during the day (prior to 5PM EDT) works for me as well. If are allowed a "write-in vote" that would be my first choice, else my vote stays with Thursday @ 8PM
I'd love to come, but I can't make it at the times previously posted.
I work swing shifts, and so I usually play in the mornings. On saturdays, I generally am done playing by around 4pm eastern time (at the latest) with the bulk of my time spent doing stuff from 6am to noon or so.
Weeknights: X
Weekend-nights: X

hi tamara^^
i'd love to try out an assault or two. i havent really explored the ToU area in depth. I've got my nin to 60 and have somewhat decent gear. Due to my unstable schedule i can only play on week-nights or weekends from 9pm est till whenever. if there is a run during these times please include me in the party set up.