Submitted by cyclonus on Tue, 05/30/2006 - 13:35.
This section of the guide attempts to explain what stage points are and how to visit them.
Stage What?
Stage point.
These are the actual areas that contain the Assault missions. Some can be difficult to get to and others are easy.
Here are a list of Stage Points and the paths associated with each (please note, that this is a direct link to another website, so correct credit can be given to the creator of the maps).
Stage Points
Getting to these staging points is hard!
Yeah, I know – it can be.
However, once you visit a staging point you can warp to and from it; similar to the teleport crags (this process is referred to “Attuning with the Stage Point). The teleport devices are found directly across from the Commissions Agency in the Chamber of Passage. NOTE: If performing an Assault mission you will notbe required to spend Imperial Standing Points to use the facility.
A Note on the "starred" Stage Points
Lebros Cavern: Although I have NOT personally tested this, apparently this trick works great. To easily access this Stage Point, zone into Mount Zhayolm from Halvung and cast Escape. This will leave you on the same side of the map as the Stage Point.
Periqia/Dvucca Isle Stage Point:
*EDIT:* Apparently, there is a "easy" shortcut to this staging point. You will require one Imperial Silver Piece. More information regarding the shortcut can be found here. I have left the original content of this section as is.
This is by far THE WORST stage point to visit. You will require two Lamian/Lamia Fang Keys . These can be obtained from Lamia in Arrapago Reef or from a ??? in Caedarva Mire (the ??? in the COR/PUP quests). A note: you can only obtain the key one time from the ??? in Caedarva Mire.
All jobs adversely affected by silence will require at least one stack of echo drops. At a point during your journey, you will pass by "Imp Bridge" (I just made that up); this bridge - found on the second map of Arrapago Reef is located roughly around G-10 or I-10 (I cannot recall) and has approximately 4-5 Imps which con T to VT to level 75s.
The surrounding area also has very mean mobs. Thus, the camp of choice is the bridge itself. Party members will need to stand very close to each other and as a result, AoE silence sucks! However, you are prepared, you listened and read this guide! Use the echo drops and you should be okay...
Oh yeah, a reliable sleeper is godly for this particular part...
Ilrusi/Ilrusi Atoll: Similar to Periqia/Dvucca Isle Stage Point in that it requires a Fang Key; however, only one is required.
The visit to Ilrusi/Ilrusi Atoll is not nearly as dangerous as Periqia/Dvucca Isle Stage Point. Prior to reaching the Stage Point zone, you will be in an "Imp Cave" roughly at F-5 or G-5 of the second Arrapago Reef Map. If you experience with the Promies, this area should not be a problem. Else, either sleep the imps and run to the zone or Stoneskin/Blink and run to the zone or finally, just wait until you see an opening and make a break for it.
"Important" Comments
For the most part, the paths presented on are self-explanatory; however, having visited all the stage points, I feel a few things should be mentioned.
First, when visiting ANY Stage Point in a group, it is imperative all players be able to sneak/invisible themselves. If you cannot, you may become a substantial burden (as rude as that sounds...) to your party and you may cause a wipe.
Secondly, come prepared. Do not bitch about the cost of medicines and such. Again, it is imperative that each player be able to function independently as much as possible. For example: if you have a job or a subjob which may be adversely impacted by silence, it is important that YOU bring echo drops - do not rely on a mage to cast Silena (hell, the mage may be silenced as well :-p)
Finally, you need to work as a group. If a single person decides to do things his/her own way, it is my recommendation you either leave the party and look for another group or attempt the run at another time.
An interesting side note
When the real "Malkier" logged on i agreed to help him run and get his new jobs, i hadn't accessed the key in Mire before hand and decided it would be a prime time to get it. When unlocking the gates to get to the COR ??? the lamia key broke... so as a pre-caution it might be benificial for all members to farm keys before hand, this also prevents ppl from getting trapped on the other side of doors. Also the lamia keys seemed to drop off the mobs in the area relativly eaisly if you recall, i think we only killed two mobs and got two keys. I think the extra gaited effort might prove benificial.
Key note (ha!)
We discussed in-game, but for the benefit of all: Also the lamia keys seemed to drop off the mobs in the area relatively easily if you recall, i think we only killed two mobs and got two keys.
I think we were extremely lucky. I read posts on various sites that said the drop rates ...sucked.
When I did this run with Milo, Tam, Davros and Mynx over the weekend, Mynx was nice enough to use a skeleton key to open the gate.
On a side note, the ??? in the Mire does NOT respawn and it is in fact a single use spawn-point. In other words, once you get that key and you use it, you either need to farm, wait for another person to open the gate or have a THF with you to clear the gate.
??? in the mire
Yeah, it is now just single use.
Okay, here's my list of things and how they worked when the expansion first came out... versus how they now work (they've been patched and otherwise changed):
I'm sure there's others that have been made... but these are the ones that directly affect me and piss me off :-P

Vis Maior's Journeys