Submitted by mAdBoY on Wed, 09/21/2005 - 15:13.
Streaming video of the newest regions and a brief glimpse of the newest job I spoke of last night:
Blue Mage!
This is the only confirmed job, according to some JP sites. I will see if I can find another site (in english) that talks about the comments coming from SE's booth at the Tokyo Games.
Per the notes: Blue Mages will have the ability to learn mob's special attacks if they absorb the hit. This will either lead to a new skill, or a quick death. ^_^ Details are scarce about how the skill is learned: will they learn it on the first try, are they're stats to help increase your chances of learning. (Imagining something like CHR impacting this)
There are supposed to be 3 new jobs added with this new expansion, including Blue Mage. The other two have not been confirmed by SE yet, but rumors are starting to surface regarding adding Geomancer, who uses the zone's elements to their advantadge. The pictures they claim they saw had a player in a blizzard zone with a form of Ice Spikes as protection, Stoneskin in an Earth zone, etc...
Necromancer has been mentioned, but I've seen no evidence to support that claim. It would seem logical with the addition of at least 1 new mage job, a new melee will be added, but we will have to wait for more details.
Watch the quick video and you may catch a glimpse of these rumored jobs. ^_^
Added links to images:
Still shots from the video:
I'll add more as I find them.
Local mirror
I've mirrored the video locally:
Vis Maior's Journeys
Link to video
Heh, you just linked to the main page.
Try this link
Vis Maior's Journeys
Sorry, copying and pasting too many links. I've got 6 tabs up right now of different sites, trying to sift through garbage and real info.
In one forum, someone posted a *supposed* direct quote from an NPC during a quest that says:
"Before the great war, a Wizard of great power lived in
Tavnazia. It was said his power was so impressive even the most
skilled Taru black mages feared him. After the great war he vanished,
but rumor had it he hid himself deep within the Aquaducts beneath
the Tavnazian Safehold. There he began the study of Necromancy."
I have never't recall seeing this said during any of my travels, but obviously that means nothing considering all of the text I've read over the last year in this game. Maybe one of you guys recall what quest this may have come from.
I do wonder if SE would add *2* new mage jobs. I know in ROTZ exp, they added several melee jobs, so this might be plausible. They seemed geared up to have the expansion loaded with the XBox 360 version of the game, which makes sense with the release of the PS2 version having Zilart installed. Regardless, we've got some cool things in the works.
And how about the ghost ship! Awesome!
Really thought this might prompt some discussions. I guess I'm the only one excited about this. :P Oh well
Give it time...
Right now, I thin people's minds are turned towards the pool from Garrison.
Also, there's been lots of discussions on #clanam on
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'm excited! somewhat
I always thought Blue Mage would be a good addition but after I think about it its not that big of a deal. I think we have enough mages I want more melee. None of the current ones intrest me I want sumin exciting. And we did talk about it in the chat last night. Humm silly people not knowing wha a Blue Mage was.
Well I never knew what a blue mage was (still really don't)... I only know they were in some older FF that I never played (FFXI was the first FF game I ever played).
Personally, I'd like there to be MORE mages. We have tons of melee and for standard DD jobs we may even have too many (which is why it takes me hours to find a party as a monk).
Vis Maior's Journeys
Blue Magic
Blue Mages were given the ability to learn enemy skills in the earlier FF game. They would pick up some really sick skills. (Like Bad Breath from Marlboro's, which gives almost every status effect they have. Poison, blind, silence, etc...) To be honest, I always felt that this is what they were trying to make a RDM, but just a little less effective. But a RDM/BLU would be interesting since you may not have to cast each status spell individually, and could just use a skill like Bad Breath, hit them with status effects in one shot, then giving the RDM more time/MP to nuke or heal.
I don't see how there are too many mage jobs really. 4 counting summoner, opposed to like 9-10 DD jobs. I wouldn't really classify BRD as a mage, but they certainly aren't DDs. There are basically twice as many DD jobs as mage jobs.
It also appears that they are close to confirming Geomancer as a job as well, which would give those players who try WAR/WHM a viable melee magic combo. I'm still working on finding out more about this.