Submitted by sam on Mon, 09/19/2005 - 19:09.
Well, I've been talking about doing some other BCNMs for the Mannequin Parts for a while now, but I now think I have some winning strategies for these and am looking for others who may be willing to help me out.
My basic goal has been to come up with strategies that do not require BSTs or SMNs (since these other two tend to favor them). I.e., strategies that work with jobs that most of us have. At any rate, here's my ideas. Lemme know what you think and if you'd be willing to help me try.
BCNM20 : Crustacean Conundrum
This one has 3 crabs to defeat. The toughest crab has roughly 50 HP, while the weaker two have 25 HP. The difficulty here is that the crabs are very tough. The most ANY attack will do will be 1 point of damage. This means you need to maximize how many times the crabs are hit.
The following setup seems ideal to me:
Each weapon has a random additional attack. This will be useful as it means every once in a while an attack will do 2 points of damage. The DRG needs to have the Spark Spear and the Battery because this is the only "Additional Effect" weapon available to DRG at this level (as far as I can see).
The RDM is needed because they can enthunder their weapons at this level. Subbing NIN means they can hold two weapons (which means they can do more damage). Couple in the dual Fire Swords with their additional effect and it means that the RDM/NIN can hit for up to 6 points of damage per swing. Alternatively, the RDM could sub WHM for the healing and switch to Cougar Baghnakhs like the MNK (if they have H2H capped).
So, everyone's weapon will have at least a potential additional attack. This is key. The DRG subs WHM in my example simply for extra healing. I mean, honestly /WAR isn't going to give you ANY more damage on these guys, so why not get an extra cure or two?
BCNM 20: Shooting Fish
This one will be harder. It looks like a RNG, tank (NIN, PLD or WAR/MNK) and a WHM is the best bet for this one (sans just having a couple of SMNs).
The RNG and WHM sticks to the walls to avoid the blow-backs, and the tank does their best to keep the enemies focused on them.
When you going?
I would like to come and help with any BCNM's your goin for.
I have BLM at 20 with ALL the spells. And of course I have WHM at 33 so I can do 20's and 30's if you need me.
I am also lvlin Brd and THF but they are at or around 10 only so it will be a while, week or two, before I would be able to use them for 20's or 30's.
I know Brd isn't usually memtioned with BCNM's but they may help out with the DD's.
Tonight maybe?
Not sure when we're going... could be tonight.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Crustacean Conundrum
This is rather amusing because I dropped by here immediately after finishing reading about Crustacean Conundrum. I did not know it was going to be a topic! =^_^=
I will be doing Crustacean Conundrum in the next four weeks mainly because I did a BCNM20 today with Thersites and it was a lot of fun. Also I will be using the below strategy because it too sounds like a lot of fun. In addition level 20 BCNM's consume few Beastmen-Seals.
I soloed NIN to 20 and I have RDM at 17 so if I get RDM up to maybe 23, maybe get some sword skill up there - I am all set. Thersites is WAR/NIN and NIN/WAR is one of the jobs listed (making use of a Silence Dagger). Some of the spells recommended are White Magic which I toss all the time (Paralyze/Slow) as WHM so I am pretty sure my Enfeebling is going to be capped. If as RDM I have to toss a Cure or two - well I certainly know how to do that.
Also I told Meretrix I would help him with acquiring Mannequin Parts - this one is rumored to drop THREE. Of course I am sure it is conceivable it will drop 100% junk, too, but that is why I like to consume just 20 seals.
So I need to look into Beestingers and Evasion Food and Evasion Gear and level up!
Various stuffies
Yeah, I've seen the THF strategies as well... usually they involve the THF 2 houring (Perfect Dodge) to avoid some of the annoying drain attack. I personally want to come up with some strategy that doesn't require any 2 hour attacks (simply because otherwise there will be 2 hour downtime between battles. Not so good if you have 3 people who all want a go).
Of course... often they say that Monk 2 hour is needed as well... I certainly hope not, but we'll find out :-)
I'd glady go with you and maybe Valsery (DRG) if you wanted sometime this week. I think I have the exact knuckles needed for MNK somewhere in a mule (I was saving them for this exact purpose).
As far as the mannequin drops, yes, we've already figured them all out. Each of 3 different BCNM20s drop at least one of the Mannequin parts every victory. They also potentially drop one of the other Mannequin parts sometimes. I.e., if you beat a given BCNM20 you will always get at least one Mannequin part, maybe another.
What each one drops is as follows:
This means, if you want ALL of the Mannequin parts, you will probably just have to complete all of these BCNM20s (and, of course, complete a Garrison or two). I personally have done Charming Trio (which, of course, I wrote a guide for) well over a dozen times (it funded my Scorpion Harness :-) and I have never seen the head drop (just the hands 100% of the time). So, my guess is the other mannequin drops for each of these are so rare it's really just easier to do all 3 BCNMs rather than try for getting 2 mannequin items from one of them.

Hmmm... I should write a guide on this... :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
I may be able to lend a hand this week, but will definitely want to knock these out once I get back from vacation. Depending on the BCNM
I can take RDM/NIN with duel swords or DRG/WAR. Just let me know.
I am leveling RDM/NIN for a documented Crustacean Conundrum strategy. Thersites might help out on a run as a high-evasion WAR/NIN.
The high-evasion is not cheap, requires plus-to-evasion equipment. I purchased all the equipment except the evasion cloak. I purchased the Silence Daggers for the WAR/NIN. Navarin will be the food used. Everyone has to level dual dagger skill (with Enthunder for the RDM's).
The strategy apparently works because the Crabs have a much reduced chance to leech so they cannot restore their health back to 100% The daggers mean Enthunder lands numerous times.
Still missing the second RDM/NIN with daggers and high-evasion gear for our party. Will not be going for a couple of weeks.
why not nin/war?
I would like to fight this one with you Tamara. But I was wondering, if maximum evasion is the goal, why not use NIN/WAR for shadows as well as ninja's natural evasion? If you need another good RDM I highly recommend Nelsh.
Yes, you would want NIN/WAR.... At 20 WAR/NIN only gives you dual wield... but NIN/WAR gives you dual-weild AND Utsusemi.
So NIN/WAR is without a doubt better for this one.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Do you have WHM leveled any? 10 would be sufficient.
The reason I say is because DRG/WAR only gives you extra power, which for the crab one doesn't seem to be too helpful. DRG/WHM, OTOH, will give at least a few cures (which could be very useful.)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Oh yeah
WHM and BLM are currently 16 to sub for 32 RDM. I use my DRG/WHM a good bit and have very little STR/ATK drop off. I'll be online tonight for several hours (wife has plans) if you want to give it a go.
My only problem is my funds are running very scarce until we get our Garrison payout. I have all of my 20 gear but will have to price the spark spear and batteries.
Yeah, same with me as far as funds. I've now moved into the level range where Sole Sushi is not a waste due to its cap effects, so my parties tend to cost me more money than they used to (I need to continue cooking so I can make these sons-o-bitches... I'm pretty much there I just need the raw-fish handling... grumble)
Last night I've hit the lowest I've been in nearly a year... only 350k left between me and my mules. Zoinks!
This is another reason I want to do more BCNM runs for mannequin parts. :-)
Maybe we could just do Charming Trio and try the crab one with your normal spear.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Thursday Cooking Night
Thursday Cooking in Windurst Waters
Bring the Ingredients, bring the Crystals. Thursday Evenings is free cooking. Usually commences at 7:30PM Eastern. I've been running Thursday Evening Cooking since March.
I have cooking at 96, +1 for the Apron. I cook Sushi all the time. I can't cook noodle dishes. The cheapest rice for Sushi is found at the cooking guild, but they sell out in the first two minutes the guild grocery shop is open.
Most folks create a mule, load it up with ingredients and crystals, have it stand next to me in Windurst Waters. When I cook sushi for these folks it will usually last two weeks.
Thursday cooking was originally created for Fishermen because it would make powerful food really cheap for these folks.
Ask Thersites if you require more details.