Submitted by sam on Mon, 08/08/2005 - 13:49.
This will be the thread for all of the results for the Garrison on Saturday August 6th 2005. The distribution of gil from items obtained can be read here. Thanks a lot everyone for a very successful event!
We successfully completed 5 Garrisons in Buburimu Peninsula for the Kolshushu region. We had 3 more Garrison items for Valkurm Dunes of the Zulkheim region, however we did not do them.
For the first 3 Garrisons, we had the following alliance layout:
- Thersites - Team A leader
- Nelsh
- Kitchel
- Mrnewby
- Natashab
- Lunamarie
- Ratien - Team B leader
- Xilldon
- Drifter
- Texjets
- Maior - Team C leader
- Meretrix
- Valsery
- Kamustaka
- Athrunzala
After this, we lost a few people, and did the next 2 Garrisons with the following alliance layout:
- Thersites - Team A leader
- Nelsh
- Forbidden
- Kamustaka
- Jag
- Vervane
- Raytien - Team B leader
- Drifter
- Texjets
- Maior - Team C leader
- Meretrix
- Zephyrr
- Elvengod
- Athrunzala
Our distribution system was as follows:
- Mannequin parts were auto-distributed
- After the battle, the person providing the Garrison item got to pick one item of military gear
- The remaining military gear went to a pool holder to sell and divide up the profit (Raytien was our pool holder)
- Any Dragon Chronicles that dropped were lotted upon
All told, everyone should have left with at least one Mannequin part. Those who had the Garrison items left each with a Military weapon (Drifter got the Military Pick :-)
We estimate that the pool is worth around 1.5 million gil. This will be divided amongst those that participated based upon how many Garrisons they participated in. Note that this pool money is above and beyond any money they may have earned from Mannequin Parts or individual military items they may have gotten.
When we have the final total from Raytien, we will post it here.
In the meantime, here's some pictures from the event:

Preparing for battle...

Listening to the strategy

Half-time show

Sure were a lot of them stupid Scholars...

The battles were intense..

Resting between battles

Meretrix and Maior battle a Goblin Swordmaker


Thersites, Kamustaka and Mrnewby battle the invading hordes

Victory is ours...
Good Job Everyone!
I never thought an event with this many players could turn out so well! Thanks to everyone who participated. And special thanks to Maior, Raytien, and Kamustaka for organizing this! Here are some more screenshots:
Not so bright scholars
Thersites and Kitchel rest between battles
Meretrix in swimsuit!