Submitted by mAdBoY on Tue, 04/26/2005 - 08:11.
I wanted to alert everyone as early as possible to some events that we are arranging this weekend. We are going to attempt a Garrison Event in Windy (lvl 20 cap I believe) and then possibly San'D. Please make sure you have lvl 20 armor available. To participate please post a message or email Trix ( with all of your available lvl 20+ jobs and previous Garrison experience. You will be contacted with what job(s) we will need you to come in. Also, two people will be chosen to be leaders along with Trix to run the alliance. All Trix asks is that she gets to lot on mannequin parts. Plan to meet in Windy at 12pm PST. This time is negotiable, send/post your requests with your other info.
Maior and Trix will be escorting me up Delkfutt's Tower to complete Mission 3.3, which should finally get me to rank 4! This mission has been the bane of my existence for quite some time, even before my departure.
Please reply by Friday if you will be available this weekend and are interested in any of these events! If we do not have a full squad by Friday, we will need to start searching for people outside of the LS. *DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!* ^_^
Sandoria Garrison
Valsery - lvl 25 DRG/12 WAR, 16 WMG/8 BLM. I can raise the WMG up to 20 if needed
Mission 3.2 - Delkfutt's Tower
Valsery - 31 RDM/15 WMG
Roll Call! Either you're in or out
Alright, since we're getting close to the weekend, let go ahead and figure out who is *definitely* going to be available this weekend for the Garrisons/Mission 3.3.
Please post if you're in and what job you will be taking, with a lvl 20 cap.
Since I don't have lv 20 gear for my RDM, I will be taking my DRG. If we do not have a low lvl WMG, I can lvl mine quickly with a little help. Currently lvl 16.
Please try to be online ahead of time so that we can make the necessary plans.
Valsery - DRG or WMG
WHM I am but I cant make it at 12 sorry
I'm down
As I mentioned, I'm down. I will need a bit of time beforehand to know which of my jobs to bring.
Here's a question, though, does anyone else out there need 3-3? If so, let's drag them along :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Time is on my side
Since this is Trix's event, I'm going to let him say what time he's available and we'll plan accordingly. I'd hate to set everything up and he not be able to participate. For Mission 3.3, we can begin after we are done with the Garrison event. I'll be online most of the day, so I'm in no rush. Let us know what time frame you'll be available Trix and we'll see if we can work as many people in as possible.
Time, and I'm there
So what time we planning for this? I can get there pretty much any time, but I do need to know in advance what time to show up so I can plan my day around it :-)
Also, here's my jobs past 20 which I should be able to scrounge up armor for:
* WAR/NIN (only good would be tonko & dual wield)
* RNG/NIN (only good would be tonko & dual wield)
* NIN/WAR (okay, he is only 19)
Uh... I may have others I am forgetting.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Change In Plans
Now, I know that Madboy definitely has his mind set on doing Garrison in Ronfaure, but from my research I've found that the region 'must' be controlled by the person holding the Red Cryptex. Ronfaure is not controlled by Windy and Cryptex are rare/ex, therefore I cannot trade it to a San'Dorian and it is worthless. I will, however, put a flag up to all of my San'D friends to see if they will be joining us and if they currently have a Cryptex.
I also have Garrison starting items for Zulkheim and Derfland, but Windy is in last place this week and does not control either of those places. Therefore I propose that we complete the Sarutabaruta Garrison and possibly move onto Eco Warrior in the Maze of Shakhrami. Everyone will need to have obtained this quest in Windy Waters before attending. Please list if you have or don't have this quest with your information. Thanks!
Silly Mere-
Trix are for kids. I have a red cryptex and I'm from sandy, so don't worry about it. If you'd like to move onto another area, that's no problem by me. As far as I'm concerned, we can do all of them. ^_^
I don't recall if I have began the ECO- for Windy or not. I know I did in Bastok, I'll have to check my quests list. I also have the Garrison pieces for Windy and Bastok I believe, so I don't mind using them if needed. What lvl cap is Sarutabaruta?
Proposed Events:
Garrison Events in - Ronfaure, Sarutabaruta
Eco-Warrior - Windy
Mission 3.3 - Delkfutt's Tower
I'm game for any or all of them. I am flexible on times as well, so tell me what works well for you Trix.
Even if you own the Garrison
Even if you own the Garrison starter items for the Sarus and Gustaberg can't use them. Both realms currently own those areas. So only when San'D (your home realm) controls those regions, will your starter items become of any use.
*Note: unless you change your home realm. But then you need to get up to Rank 2 again before you're allowed to be a Garrison starter.
Anyway, thanks to Valsery (the San'Dorian he is) the W. Ronfaure Outpost Garrison is on! Both W.Saru and W.Ronf Garrisons are level 20 capped!

I am available this weekend
I would like to do the garrison with you I am free this weekend, he is what I can offer at lv 20. Rdm, Blm, Smn, or Drg. if any of those will be helpful, I have never done a garrison before so if anyone has let me know which job I would be more help with.
Great Kyler
Once we have a couple of others, we'll have a better idea. We are going to need some standard pt roles. To get an idea of what takes place read this link:
As you can see, we'll need a bit of DD and healers.
what time?
I could join all depending on the time, if its before 5 Central time I cant anytime after that I can come as WHM or RDM.