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Id help, if you were doing
Id help, if you were doing it when I was on (usually 6am MST, I usualy work nights).
One thing to realize tho, it is the week of thanksgiving, so a lot of people wont be playing.
Personally, Id wait until next week and then drive hard to get help for it. You should probably just post a day for farming and a day for the run and see who is willing to come.

well I can help anytime. I can bring lets see ...
war whm blm rdm thf drk drg nin bst rng smn sam blu
you will have to tell me what you need so I can buy some gear.
I'm up to helping out if I have time. Like sam said, these really arnt hard at all. I have BLM RDM and SMN able for it but I can get WHM so if you need help let me know.
Obligatory Link Post
Since I have to post this everytime someone posts a Promy event, let me get this out of the way. Promies aren't hard (they really aren't), you just need to be ready for them and have the strategy down. That being said, I strongly recommend reading the following for anyone who participates in them:
Anyone still needing promies should read those two links. If you can adhere to the basic anima strategy in "So you wanna beat a Promy, huh?" (specifically, this) you really cannot lose in Promy.
Other than these two guides, here are two more you may find helpful:
Now, as for Gothik/Bambaam's request, I still do think that there are people here that need the Promies. In recent polls we still do show some people who need one or more of them. I will update the /lsmes with info about this and see if we can't get more who need it.
Personally, I should be able to help with (at least) Mea, time permitting. I probably wont be able to help with Dem or Holla as I do those every week in my ENM static. Additionally, you may be able to find some help from other people in the clan, just be sure to ask nicely and not pester.... as a LS we're actually pretty sensitive about Promies because a year ago we were being abused by other LS's by being their "Promy whores" to help their members get through the Promies.
The jobs I personally could bring to help out are RNG, WAR, NIN, and MNK. Chances are, you'll probably need me as RNG. As far as when I could help, well that's very much up in the air. This next weekend I will be offline except for my static, and beyond that I'd have to see what everyone else's schedule is first.
Vis Maior's Journeys
thanks for the post info I
thanks for the post info I already have done 11 promy holla runs unsuccesfuly cause of lack of skill from the ppl i have gone with. In my other char. i am all set up with everything i need potions, antidotes, ethers and all that for doing it as PLD unless the party set up requiers me as another job currently i only have PLD and WAR (with no NIN subjob atm.) all 11 runs i led and took all the way to the spire but always lost with NM at 11-6% HP left.
The key is anima, which is why I point out the links above.
A party of 6 with full anima can stop all attacks for 2-3 minutes or so from the enemy. This means that the enemy just stands there, letting you kill it. And any decently balanced party can easily kill any of the bosses in 2-3 minutes :-)
So, long story short, be sure that everyone in your party has read the above strategies that I linked to. As long as everyone is prepared, the 3 Promies are cake.
Vis Maior's Journeys
When Sam says the key is anima, you best listen ^^
Really, it is exactly what you need. You don't need ethers, potions, icarus wings, etc, you just need to make sure three things:
1) Everyone in your party has anima already ready to use.
2) Everyone in your party understands the anima strategy so they don't waste any.
3) You plan before the battle for 2 hours (for example, I usually have mages use their anima first since they get busy mid fight).
If everyone has anima and is read up on the strategy, you're good. This is why pick-up promy parties so rarely work, because the random idiot you'll meet in this game wont have read up on this stuff.
yup got to love the random idiot they think they know everything and then they have no clue when it come time to prove it. They are what makes this game tedius at times. You know like the nin trying to tell the whm how to heal or the blm trying to tell the pld how to tank. Fun Times for all. (god I am glad most of my jobs are already through the jungle and Garlage where most of them are)
But really listen to Maior and you will do great. He has personally done more of these than anyone on our server and if he says you need anima you better 'get er dun'
ok Frustration is gone
ok after 21 unsuccesful runs of Promyvion holla and 6 unsuccessful runs of promyvion mea i am ready to pick it up again after all my frustration of promyvions are gone. Asumasensei also needs Promy's so i know he would tag along. Anyone else willing to go on the runs ? if so post here please thank you.