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**IMPORTANT NOTICE** 6/15/06 4pm EST
At this time Sam (Maior) does not have a working cable connection. It went out on him earlier this afternoon and has not returned. If this disconnect continues he will be unable to attend and lead this Promyvion event. He insists that it carry on without him and all who show up should choose a leader and proceed through the runs.
I, myself, will be able unable to attend given that you guys do things so frelling early. Also, I'll be going out for a Snakebite after work. Anywho, climb those crags, fight those empties, carry on the good fight and see you in Tavnazia n00bs!
I got on. About an hour before the event was supposed to start, cable MAGICALLY started working again.
Thanks to Raprot/Trix for posting this update though.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Real Life Intervenes!
I have to attend a Graduation on Thursday Night with party afterward, so cannot attend. I realise I will miss out, but there is nothing I can do but wish all who participate good luck and hope there is another chance at some future point.
No prob
No worries. I'm sure we'll get enough for this run anyway.
Also, we will have at least one more (Dem) that I will lead up. So you're free to come to that one.
Also, also, even if I never lead up another one again, I'll happily come along to help out others who need them in the future.
Vis Maior's Journeys
i tagged it(changed the post date) so that it'll float at the top until after the run. Now no one can say they couldn't see it or what not...
Changing date back
As I said in a reply to your other post, I've found that tends to get posts like mine ignored. We used to do that all last year, but they would just get even more ignored when always at the top.
What I do now is "bounce" the post. I let it slip off the front page, then update the date again later on to "refresh" everyone's view of it.
Also, the purpose of the 2 week calendar is for people to see very quickly the events coming up for the next 2 weeks. They should just click on the links there to get to the events they are interested in (and, from log traffic, it seems that a lot of people are doing just that).
Vis Maior's Journeys
its cools.
im ready
im ready with the 2 anima needed as well as cencors ill see you guys there as always ill be using drk again
Ready and waiting if needed ^^
What Jobs did the people who went last time bring?
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 31, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 25, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 00, cor 00, blu 00,
Last time
Of those people, I expect Xill, Marta, RavenN and Pisk to return. Mea was Sloth's last Promy needed and Kaliv was just tagging along to help.

This time, I will bring my NIN and tank if I am needed. Otherwise, I'll probably bring my MNK for the ENM/Boss (one of my most successful Holla runs ever, one that only used 3 sets of anima, had 2 MNKs in it).
Honestly, if you wanted to come along and bring RNG that would be helpful. Last time we had no RNG so we had to just hit all the MR spawns and hope they were spawned. (As was discussed previously, RNG isn't necessary for success, but it can streamline the ascent).
Vis Maior's Journeys
June 15th
I would be very happy to help if short on people, as War, Whm, or Smn. I have 3 anima, but I can't attend on the 15th, Guard duty from 10-16 June.
That's fine
I actually wasn't expecting you to come along since you finished up already.

As I've mentioned before, I actually prefer most people coming to these still need them. That way we get more people through them..... supposedly :-)
Anyway, don't worry about it :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'd like to go if theres room, already have animas and holla is the only promy i need left. Although, the only job i could bring is blm.
You better be there.
I hope you come. If you don't that kind of ruins the reason maior is doing this. Maior wants to help all that are willing to help themselves on this. So instead of "If there's room" you should say "I'LL BE THERE!"
(^^)(offer void in case of major catastrophe I.E. "Tornado")
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 31, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 25, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 00, cor 00, blu 00,
Depends on others
I wish that it were as simple as "if you show up, you will go", I really do. Unfortuantely, it isn't that simple because you have to rely on the readiness of 5 other people. If you show up ready with anima, but the other 5 dinks don't, then you're screwed.

Likewise (and this happened last time) if 7 people show up ready, then you (unfortunately) have to build one balanced party out of the 7. This means that 1 (or more, depending on jobs and fillers) will have to sit it out. It's a sad sad truth.
Personally, I love the CoP missions, I've had lots of fun with it. However, I can't deny that a lot of the problem with CoP is that you simply must rely on other people to be competent with it. In RoZ, and to a lesser extent ToAU's Assault Missions, you can realistically slide by doing little to no preparation as long as someone in your group is prepared. In CoP, more often then not everyone must be prepared and ready. Generally that preparation isn't hard or unreasonable, but most players are too lazy or lack the knowledge to do it.
Bah, so what's my point? My point is that Gol is correct, if you want to come, please do. However, if we simply don't have enough people to successfully make your run, please don't feel like we've slighted you or done you wrong. As leader of this event I'll do everything within my power to make it work, but as one person, I'm simply not enough to ensure that everyone can come and get through.
FWIW, this is yet another reason I hate leading these up. It's also the big reason why so many people (myself included) recommend getting a CoP static to get yourself through the CoP missions.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Oh, I'll be there, but thats not to say ill get to go. I'm sorry you misunderstood gol, i did mean i was going to be there. :D
my offer
to add in addtion to this, the reason suh other members as gol, myself and maior have gotten animas, is the preparedness factor... We'd love to help out in extenuating situations as 7 ppl needing it and are prepared, its the reason we have farmed already, because COP has taught us all somethings about how things ingame can be thought about for weeks and weeks at a time and still sometimes be no better off than a lousey pick-up party....
SOme past allternitives i myself have used in COP: NOTE THESE ARE EXPENSIVE. Stat Raisers... I.e. INT potions or STR potions... for the last leg of our COP's (mine and gol's) i forked out emergancy potion drops for the whole party, SOme really expensive foods etc... these can occasionally get you by when not everyone has all the anima, i'd always say that anima should always be your first choice, and the rest is to guild the lilly.
...CoP static to get yourself through the CoP missions.
When, where, who, what?! BAH, I want to finish this. Although preparedness is definitely tested in CoP, so is one's friend list... Note to self: complete all expansion content the second it is released, else you will never be able to finish…
Yeah yeah yeah. But is our static complete? AFAIK, we were still lacking a few members :-P

Vis Maior's Journeys