Submitted by Tamara on Sun, 02/19/2006 - 02:56.
I mentioned to Maior I was interested in doing a weekend Oldton Movalpolos Clan-Afternoon or Clan-Evening - where we start with Out of the Depths Quest in Jeuno and move on to talking to Brakobrik and getting the Oldton map for a party of four, five, six folks. This is the quest series Maior posted about.
But the series seems just a bit tougher than what a WHM my level might accomplish; I am in no hurry, just looking for helps. Also I don't really need to do these - just seems like it would make for a nice, fun, Clan Event. I typically don't play Host/Hostess for something where I do not understand what happens after stage 1, what happens after stage 2, etc. so I am just going to perform minimal organization and no consultation on this.
Apparently these are a whole series of linked quests (Maior's post). You need the CoP Expansion. Also I have this link for starting out:
So trying to put a party of five, six or more together for March 5th. Don't know the duration, I think it might be six hours for a full party of six (so a 30 minute break?). No super-tough mobs to wipe us out, though as I get aggro the pace will slow a bit. If you are level 50 I hear you will survive. I will give priority to those times suggested by Meretrix since the mithra originally thought I should pick this up.
I usually go for announcements on the Clan Linkshell too (pseudo-pickup) throughout the week, but this time I think I will primarily go with a small party of those who post here on the site. You post here, I announce here on the site a date/time, you show up in Bastok on time and our party heads out.
For announcements on the Linkshell I will just announce 60 minutes in advance and 30 minutes in advance, that will be it for announcements; and the announcements will probably be:
"Those folks level 50+ who want to do the Oldton Quests we are gathering in Bastok".
Not much info at all. Folks need to come here to this site for their info about this Event. Rumor has it that a party of four level 50's+ will have a fun time.
Now, as to the ending:
rumored to take a full party of six. We won't do this fight if we do not have that full party. If we are doing this Event with seven or eight folks - I guess we will just /random at the end and the lowest six rollers will go inside. Not going to stress over it =^_^=
Also I am looking for suggestions on what to do about the aggro situation, since the quests involve a lot of movement in-and-about Oldton.
General Comments
I think it was too much to expect this quest series to be done in one day. For the future, I'd suggest splitting it over two at least.
Second, I'd like to clear up some confusion about the BCNM battle:
I'll be doing research in this more, and will post what I find out later on.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Bowyer Ring Event
I myself thought the Event went very, very well since I had officially called it a night and cancelled the 'dry run'. I told Moggle that he could lead whatever BCNM fight he wanted.
It soon became clear that this post-event fight needed to be tossed over to the Quest mithra, Meretrix for leadership. At that point it was rather obvious that Meretrix also really, really wanted to try a 'dry run'. To associate the Dry Run with the event, though, is a bit false since once we had everyone some Garlic I told everyone the event was over.
By the way everyone was having fun with NPC's and farming Garlic, so I view that as a good ending for the Event.
Other comments:
A) For future events, where there is an item to be acquired (Garlic in this case) you can bet most of the party will show up without it
B) If the item to be acquired is on the other side of the world you are probably looking at a split in the event
C) Bowyer Ring Fight - there are two strategies posted. One is massive damage on the DRK, the other is to take out his healers and survive the DRK. For this to work our second attempt would have had to be optimized:
D) work counter-clockwise on the Clergymen/clergywomen (the party was beating on the 2nd counter-clockwise when that mob should have been skipped over)
E) Healers need to bring Ether, I had no Ether on me only Hi-Ether. Things happen too fast in this event to use Hi-Ether. I tried twice; forget the Hi-Ether
F) The Tank is dealing with the DRK, the Tank NEEDS to wear good defense equipment, then use Shallops Tropicale which grants an additional 25% The tank also needs dual Vitality Rings. The goal is to survive enough damage so the healers can keep you alive. Shallops Tropicale for the Healers might be a good idea too. With the rings and Shallops Tropicale you are looking at +8 to Vitality. I used this config for my mini-Avatar fights, you can absorb a lot more damage if your armor is good.
G) I really think the use of the DRK's 2HR can only go off just once in the battle (I could be wrong about this). So if the Tank can survive and all the Clergymen/Clergywomen are dead I think the DRK will go down once the entire party comes over to say 'hello'.
So kill a Moblin, skip, kill a Moblin, skip, kill a Moblin, go say hello to the DRK.
And your Tank needs to be super-tough. I was casting Cure 3 in a level 40 capped event so you know we had an area where improvements like food were needed. I am not unhappy about it, though, since I subscribe to the Maior Dry-Run Philosophy.
I have a question though, outside of Everything just discussed:
How do you invoke the Maat-Training Fight? You said it was in the same area.
Holy crap
What time did you log?!
And we fought the battle... twice....
And lost... twice...
Bottom line, we need to be able to deal burst damage to this mob. If he gets a chance to 2 hour, he will heal himself up entirely at our expense.
Vis Maior's Journeys
That's *fucking* crazy
That's late.
I'll be leaving the office soon; should be on IRC shortly... fill me in then
pseudo dry-run
The fight was non-optimized making it a pseudo dry-run. I do not think the Tank was even using food and for the second attempt the Tank had an incredibly important role.
And I was using Hi-Ether which have roles in Charming Trio and Mini-Avatar fights and are totally worthless for this fight since you are fighting a Dark.
Actually I think the second fight revealed a winning strategy if you leave three moblins alive at the end of the Event. Seemed like we were trying to kill all seven - I don't think that is going to happen.
Sunday, March 5th
So around 3:30PM Eastern on Sunday March 5th I am going to start to call out on the LinkShell to 'gather in Port Bastok' to work on some Oldton Quests. Meretrix generously helped me get my Garlic, I have two Ahriman Tears, and I am thinking about buying some Firesand.
Maps, Hoary Bomb Ash, maybe a BCNM - we will do what we can and if only Meretrix and myself show up, well that is fine too!
These quests are being done for fun =^_^=
I'm so there
And the thing that really kicks ass is we're starting in the afternoon! :-D
Vis Maior's Journeys
If we start on time, I'm so there.
We can get most up to speed within a few hours and then go do this BC.
Thanks for all the input. I
Thanks for all the input. I really do appreciate the thoughtful comments.
I believe we will go with the following for a Clan Event:
o We are going to go with Sunday, March 5th
o Start time will be 4PM Eastern, 1PM Pacific in Port Bastok
o We will meet by Ravorara
o After three hours 7:30PM Eastern or thereabouts we will take a 30 minute break for foodies
The reason for the week's delay is hopefully more can make it, also the pre-requisites have gone up:
o you are definitely to appear in a level 50 or 50+ job
o you are definitely to have already spoken to Ayame in Cannonry in the Metalworks
o you are definitely to appear with your Misareaux Garlic
o you are definitely to appear with your Ahriman Tears (suggestion is you acquire two)
o you are asked to appear with three or more Hoary Bomb Ash (but you do not need to have spoken with Brakobrik)
Maximum Bomb Ash you want to hold is Eleven (it stacks)
You can get your Map in advance, but map-hunting is part of this Event
You can speak to Brakobrik in advance, but ash-trading is part of this Event
If you are not high-enough level (like me) you will need a stack of Prism Powder
We will attempt a BCNM 'dry run' using one Ahriman Tears. Now I know this offends some folks who live by Yoda's “Do or do not... there is no try.†but I really believe in the dry runs like Maior suggests because you always learn something. For my mini-avatar fights I went into my very first fight as a dry run - because I did not have my 2HR available I knew I could not win. For this BCNM we will attempt a dry run on this date even if we have just three folks still awake and everyone has but one weapon and one piece of armor! LOL!
So there you have it - Sunday Event, you have some preliminary homework, Event goes for hours (but folks can drop out to go to sleep), Event ends with a learning experience (otherwise known as a dry run)! =^_^=
Try to enjoy this event, this one is not critical to your future success in Vana'diel. And I will be looking for individuals to help me off-and-on to get my Garlic, and to help me get at least half of my Bomb Ash over the next two weeks.
So for those who visit the boards frequently you have thirteen days to prepare for this fun event!
Just want to clarify that on Sunday February 26th there is no actual event - however there will be some garlic farming and some ash farming, maybe even some Ahriman farming =^_^=
*** edit ***
A single bottle of Ahriman Tears costs 2,000 gil at Jeuno AH - hardly seems worth going out of our way to farm!
Bah Bah and Bah
I wanted to post this event... but you guys went and covered everything...
Bah :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
This comment has three BAH's in the title - I wonder if that counts triple for Meretrix's tally?
Information Inundation
Just like everything else in this game, it's very important to research what you're doing before you walk into it. IMHO this goes against the sacred life of a quester. Questing is about riddles, mysteries, and surprises. Imagine how the first players to get a quest scratched their heads and had to think about the clues they were given. No one told them that a giant Bugbear was going to spawn behind them because they tried to shove a bible in a moblin's face. Nonetheless...we're lucky enough to learn from their experiences and probably should.
First: Get your map! It's not necessary if you have a guide, but it can't hurt. Of course, if you're an amateur cartographer like me and draw your maps by hand, then you'll love Oldton.
Second: Get your garlic! Without treasure hunter this can be a rare drop. My suggestion is to main, sub, or take a THF with you to Misareaux Coast and kill those Orcs! This will help you lower Fomor hate anyway. Kudos for killing two Akbabas with one pebble.
Third: Get your Hoary Bomb Ash! These are drop quite often. Roughly 1-2 definite drops per bomb kill. The trick is getting to the bombs in Oldton in the first place. I'm assuming this will be tacked onto the event, but for time's sake it would help to get them ahead of time.
Fourth: Purchase Ahriman Tears! Tears drop from Eyes in the northlands of Vana'Diel. If you choose to farm them instead of purchasing them, your best bet is to head up to Ranguemont Pass. Mobs in this dungeon range from level 25 to 40. Meanwhile you could also farm lenses for your Windy and Jeuno quests.
Fifth: Make sure you have time to run around and ~20k gil to spend. I seriously believe the first couple of quests can be done in a couple of hours. As for the gil, you can blame Magriffon for blowing his money on damsels in distress.
Sixth: I would suggest that all level 50-60 players prepare to invis themselves. Fighting your way through is infeasible. Therefore you have three choices:
Finally: Review all of the quests before we head out and prepare to run through them briskly. Everything is story related and simply prequels to the final BCNM fight.

All in all this is an incredibly fun set of quests. All of them will give you a better understanding of who/what moblins are and why they suddenly appeared in Vana'diel. I'm personally stoked to get to this final BCNM fight.
As to my availability: At this time I would like to support the Sunday the 26th at 4pm Eastern. I'm not expecting a lot of people to be as interested as I am in questing, but think of the fame! Truth be told, we have Maior/Cyclonus/Tamara/Darkkit/Meretrix signed up. We only need one more person. I'm assuming that we would be doing the 'meelee' scenario for the BCNM.
Ahriman Tears
Can we farm for the Tears? I think folks should bring two and if you farm for them it is not like you are really wasting gil.
A Few Points
I think Maior needs to Postpone One Week.
As to the Event itself - I was considering the Bomb Ash Farming to be part of it. I was considering the Ahriman Tear and the Garlic to be prep work (you bring to Event Start).
Does this sound like a good plan?
Garlic, Ash, etc
I'd suggest that the Garlic and Tear be prep work as well. Without a doubt.
Also, I might recommend people try to farm ash before if they can.
Also, also, I wouldn't recommend doing the BCNM the first week. It really will take long enough without the BCNM that it will be a full day.
I'd suggest getting everyone ready for the BCNM, but not actually do it yet.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I will help out. Any day is fine with me. However, I cannot play on Friday or Saturday nights - those are for the {Mega Boss} and friends.
It would be fun to do this with Meretrix but the mithra seems to have shifted play-time on the clock by twelve hours.
Anyway I am hearing a Sunday. Start at 4pm Eastern and end at 11pm Eastern? What is prep work like - do we need to get our Miseraux Garlic in advance?
I suppose we will give this a try on MARCH 5th if no one objects.
Triple Bah!
This is why I wanted to post the event to the site, I'm busy all this weekend long and can only help out Saturday night at 7pm EST.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Postpone One Week
So are you free the FOLLOWING Sunday? If so let us postpone it one week.
*** EDIT ***
Event is postponed one week to the NEW date of March 5th.
Done and done - I know there will be complaints but just as in RL complaining to the face of a cat will hardly get you anyplace! LOL!
I do apologize if someone cannot make the new date of March 5th, but in a Linkshell this size someone always seems to get left out whatever day we come up with.
No, you guys go on without me. You probably wont need me anyway.
It's just insane how fast you get these up here... when I said I'd post something on Monday :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
I would be interested in doing these. Mainly because of the map. I need to go get some pot and it is only found there in a bcnm. ;-)
I would prefer evenings but if I have a time and date maybe I can get on earlier.
Okay. Look at the comment above - I am thinking some Sunday (mayhaps the 5th of MARCH), start at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern, going for hours and hours.
I think we are looking at a 30 minute break after a few hours.
Quadruple Bah!
Bah! Again, I can only help out on Saturday (Feb 25th) @ 7pm EST.
This weekend my wife is off, so I will be spending scant time in the game. Hours and hours on Sunday I just don't think I can do :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
Postpone One Week
So are you free the FOLLOWING Sunday? If so let us postpone it one week.
*** EDIT ***
Event is postponed to the NEW date of March 5th! I hope more folks can come, I hope the people we have show up know how to do prep work! =^_^=