What are the Phomiuna Aqueducts?
They are the location of the next big mission in the CoP storyline after the Promyvions. If you have not yet completed the Promyvions, don't worry, we still have weekly Promy ENM runs that you can tag along with to complete them.
What do I need to do to be ready to go?
The very first thing you should do before you even consider coming on the trip is to kill Orcs (and other Beastmen). Just get somewhere in the region (Tavnazian Archipelago) where you can find the Orcs in the area and start slaughtering them. Kill bazillions of them. Okay, maybe not bazillions, but certainly kill until you can't kill anymore.... And then kill some more.
Kill Orcs until you feel you have left a significant number of Orc children orphaned.
Orc-phaned! BWAH-HA-HA-HA!
Ahem... anyway... The importance of killing Orcs is to reduce Fomor hate. Fomors are undead creatures that look like Humes, Galka, Taru, Elvaan, or Mithra. They share our jobs and travel in parties, just like us. The also look something like this:

Being undead, they aggro to sound (which is why EVERYONE needs sneak oils) and to low HP. Being Fomors, they also aggro you based upon your "Fomor hate". Basically, the more Fomors you kill, the more they hate you. Kill enough Fomors, and they will be able to detect you through sneak, which is very bad.
The only way to reduce Fomor hate, is to kill Orcs (for those hip to the story, you'll remember that the Orcs were among those that lead the assault against Tavnazian, so it makes sense tha the undead would appreciate some revenge). So, kill them Orcs!
But don't we need a key?
The Fomors drop keys that are needed in the Aqueducts.... if you don't have a THF. If you have a THF, you can just have them pick the locks. Right now, our plan is to just bring at least one THF.
The Strategy
Okay, this strategy is marginally in flux, and may get refined as time draws near, but it is reasonably fleshed out at the moment...
We take in an Alliance of people (minimum of 8, I'd say) with at least 1 THF (with Thief tools) into the Aqueducts. Inside, we sneak everyone, and begin to travel.
The Aqueducts are a maze, if we have a map, then great. Chances are, we will not have a map. This, however, is fine, as you can just wander around in the maze and eventually come to where we need to go.
Our final goal in the Aqueducts is to reach J-2, which is where the Minotaur is. We have to be careful that we are fully rested before anyone enters J-2, because if only 1 person enters J-2, the whole alliance will be sucked in to the battle.
Fighting the Minotaur
The Minotaur is a nasty boss. If you look at him, he has a special move that will "Doom" you. Doom is a powerful curse that will kill you in 10 seconds. If you ever get Doomed, use Holy Water!!! Sometimes Holy Water will cure a Doom, other times it will not.
The best way to fight the Minotaur is to not face him. Basically, engage him, then turn away. You can still fight him, and do damage, but you won't risk getting Doomed. If you are not facing him, you will NOT get Doomed.
Mobs on the way to the Minotaur
On the way to the Minotaur, you will encounter the following mobs:
- Fomors: They aggro to low HP and sound. Use sneak and keep HP up. We will not be fighting these unless we get really desperate for a key.
- Taurs: Big nasty dinosaur-like critters. True-sight aggro. Avoid or clear.
- Slimes: Sound aggro, use sneak and avoid.
- Diremites: No aggro, just avoid.
There are also some NMs that spawn that we may want to kill (I know I want the Vampiric Claws). But we can discuss these when and if we encounter them.
Special thanks to all those who showed up to make this a success. We had an alliance of people (15ish) including 3 people who were friends of people in the group. We made the run in around 3 hours, but it would have been less if we would have 1) had everyone there on time 2) not died shortly after the Minotaur and had to raise everyone. We stuck around longer after the mission-part to try for the map, and when I left last night 4 people had gotten their maps (I still need mine).
I've attempted this mission before with pickup-parties, but this was the first time I've been in a group that succeeded. So, I'd like to share some general comments on the mission that I learned last night:
Anyway, great run guys!

Vis Maior's Journeys
I was in the process of casting Reraise when we all got owned. I remember thinking, "We are so screwed." and then I started to cast Reraise. But I got killed in two (2) hits. Thank God Avatarx had it up or we would have been in serious trouble.
A Side Note: What Maior said after that little debocal worked great, Unless your Raytien, :0. After that first little incident only 3 ppl died at one time at maximum, however one of them shouldn't really count because I remember Maior saying he told Meretrix to go die, lol.
As for Sneak, I didn't even cast Sneak on myself when we were in the Fomor rooms, I haven't killed any at all so I basically had no reasont to cast it, and I didn't get attacked at all.
Avatarx lost sneak when we were going for the map and got killed.
Trix: Screwed
Yeah, Trix was on the phone with me. He got home late and really wanted to participate, so I was on the phone with him telling him where we were and getting live updates from him. He finally got into the Aqueducts just when we hit the Minotaur and was pulled in for the fight.
The time you're talking about is when we all bounded around the corner without listening to Mynx (I think I said we all went "cowboy" at that time) and aggroed two Stegotaurs.
Ray sacrificed himself so the rest of us could get to safety... unfortunately Trix had made it safely past the Minotaurs and was thusly stuck in the hallway (awaiting for them to come back and kill him). So, I told him to come back and die somewhere near Ray so we could tractor him back out.
Vis Maior's Journeys

Re-Raise lasts for a long time but it does wear
"WHMs have Reraise up. It's actually logical, but I forgot to request it."
Mine was up and it wore off. They do have a time limit you know. I was waiting for the next rest stop since Re-Raise consumes a lot of MP.
I've been considering adding 30 to 60 minutes to the posted start time for when to show up for a Clan event - is this what everyone else is doing?
Yeah, I've been considering this also. What good does it do a player to act responsibly by preparing for an event ahead of time, only to have to stand around waiting an extra hour for the unprepared? Maybe I should *start* getting ready at the posted time like everyone else.
Other than that, this was a great event! We really exceeded my expectations, considering that this was the first attempt for most of us. Special thanks to Mynx for guiding us through the Aquaducts so well!
We really need to not do this. What we need to do is try to get people to the events on time. Perhaps we should just get mean in the future and only give people 30 min? If not enough people show by then, we just cancel it by principle. Perhaps once we get a few events cancelled under such circumstances people will start showing up on time..... Or get pissed and never try to come to an event again.

Ultimately, I think we should be fair within reason with respect to the time, but we need to strive to be on time. I mean, we have to understand that events like this need large groups of people. If we aren't willing to cut some people a bit of slack, then there is a high likelihood of us not being able to do them ourselves.
Vis Maior's Journeys
For the Aqueducts Event
For this Event I got all my supplies and all my gear together in my safe on SATURDAY. I read up on the Mission on SATURDAY.
On SUNDAY MORNING I equipped the final touches and LOGGED-OUT in my home city.
Twenty minutes before the Event was to START I Outpost warped to Valkurm Dunes, ran across Lufaise Meadows, and was at Phomiuna Aqueducts at 6:25PM. At 6:30 Eastern I had my homepoint set in Tavnazian Safehold (in case the Minotaur won) and was ready to begin.
So what I am asking is:
Is the Event Start Time when you start putting on your gear?
Is the Event Start Time when you start moving?
Is the Event Start Time when you are supposed to be as close to the Event as reasonably possible?
We all know it can take 20 minutes to travel across Vana'diel, especially if you log out in the Jungles and don't have Warp nor Teleport.
This is not an academic question for me. I was doing homework on Friday, I was doing homework on Saturday, I was doing homework on Sunday before the event and when it went on to hour three-plus (for me) I went back to homework after the event. Everyone has Mission Phomiumna Aqueducts complete - except me; and I was there, outside of the Aqueducts at 6:30pm. If I had showed up at 7:30 maybe I too would have this Mission marked as complete.
This time it was so bad a group of us went outside to the Coast to kill Orcs, then we ran back over to Lufaise Meadows to kill some more Orcs, then after we had killed about twelve mobs the alliance finally began to trickle into Tavnazian Safehold. And of the folks killing Orcs I think most of them did not show up at the Tavnazian Safehold till 6:50pm Eastern
So in the future I think Start Time is not so important as what does Start Time mean? For my events I tend to post both 'the event starts at 7PM' and 'the teleport taxi leaves the station at 7:20PM' Which is a somewhat kind (some who are habitually late would claim mean) way of saying 'you get twenty minutes grace and that is it'.
Anyway I pointed out to Maior that this Mission was turning into (if you consider the posted start time) a four-hour mission, on a Sunday, for those who were ready on time. That is a bit much for this kind of Mission. Maybe later I could expect to see a four-hour mission but not for a single mob hiding in a single zone of which the majority of things in the zone you don't plan to fight, just sneak by. And so that was how I had planned my evening.
So if the majority of Clan members are going to fight in the jungles with a sub-job on Saturday; log out late in the wrong place with the wrong gear for the wrong job, and collapse on their bed; then get up on Sunday, look at the clock and say, "oh, the Clan Event begins in five minutes", then I am thinking we are talking Clan Events with a documented start time and an additional minimum of 30 minutes grace. So someone like me will (in the future) log out at the Aqueducts Door and just add 30 minutes to the Event Start time before I even appear, in order to state, "I would like to be included".
I show up on time to try to help the Event not get cancelled, but this last time I seem to have just ensured the rough equivalent of 'the Event has Been Cancelled for Tamara'.
In the future I would prefer to avoid repeating my mistake, especially since I rather enjoy completing Missions.
I just got WHM up to lvl 40. I will be able to come to the COP run at 6:30ish, maybe earlier if I can get out earlier, kind of doubt it though.
Be back on Sunday
I suppose I will come onto the LS at 5:30PM Eastern on Sunday; to check for this being a GO.
I got my SMN to level 20, so WHM40/SMN20 I will be. I have food, two stacks of Sneak, two stacks of Holy, I've danced with a Fomor Monk so Fomor should not aggro me (unless my life is low).
What spells should get a Macro? I've heard about trying to spam something during the Minotaur fight but I forget what it is - Cursna?
cop chp 2
Im good for friday or sunday i can bring blm or smn which ever job seems more important. Plus i have lvl 1 fomor hate ^^
Fomor Hate
I decided to read up on the web regarding Fomor Hate =^_^=
I also read in several other places to get a feel for what folks agree on.
What folks agree on is Resauchamet and the various levels. They do not agree on whether Level 5 exists - some claim the 'aggro through sneak' is due to low-life, which Undead aggro on (the theory being all your leaking blood is what is giving you away, not your sound nor your hate level). So even with Level One Fomor Hate if you have ten life points left the Fomor will come after you, so one of the web theories goes. Some people do believe there is a Fomor Hate level where even full hit points and sneak will not save you from their attentions.
If your Fomor Hate is high the agreement is you have to kill Beastmen (not Beasts) in Lufaise Meadows and/or Misareaux Coast to get it back down; you can be in a party (solo is okay too), but you have to kill these Beastmen and not Orcs by fires outside of San d'Oria.
So I snuck/invis'd my way to Tavnazian Safehold. In the big center atrium of the Safehold you can take a path to go up, or you can take a path to go down. You want to go up to talk to Resauchment the graying Elvaan.
My hate was Level One though I have yet to kill my first Lufaise Meadows Beastman. However, when I was being escorted to Tavnazian Safehold for the first time I was in a party which killed six or eight beasts and beastmen (Dragoon, out farming, took kindness on our little group).
After talking to Resauchamet I went down the atrium to the Phomiuna Aqueducts, stepped inside, threw up stoneskin, protect, shell, reraise and went to visit the Fomor. I had to be careful because there was a Gloop and a Big Jaw and those DO aggro on sound; however, when the Fomor Monk stepped forward (and the Gloop and Big Jaw stepped back) I went up to dance with the Monk. Even ran a complete circle around the Fomor Monk - he looked bored at my antics.
For a capped 40 WHM/SMN the Gloop was Decent Challenge with High Defense. Same for the Big Jaw. Fomor Monk was IT, but he/she/it did not care about the unsneaked WHM. Fomor Summoner was VT, Summoner's Elemental was an Even Match.
Since I did not use Sneak at any time, and I did not want to fight a Gloop nor a Big Jaw, I just left when the Fomor Monk returned to his little group of friends.
So for Level One Fomor Hate it appears Fomor Monks do not aggro level 40 Mithra White Mages! LOL! =^_^=
Formor hate seeing through sneak
I personally can attest that if your Formor hate is high enough, they will see through sneak even with full HP.
In one of my times through the Aqueducts we had one guy who had been in there many times before. He even admitted this was his third time that day. At the first Fomor party (the one with the MNK and SMN that you saw) both Fomors turned immediately on him just as we turned the corner. He had sneak and full life. The two Fomors killed half our group (the other half, including your's truly, escaped back out through the entrance that wasn't very far away :-)
This guy caused significant problems as we went in further, basically aggroing nearly every Fomor we encountered, whether he had full life or was sneaked. He said he had been on a key finding party the weekend before and didn't believe they really aggroed hate before then. Somewhere lost in the maze, he drew 3 Fomors to us, and our WHMs just Teleported us out and we called it good.
Anyway, long story short, I can attest that Fomor hate does see through sneak. I never heard about killing beastmen in the region, but that does make perfect sense (this means Orcs and Gigas will be your targets... I personally haven't seen any Gobs in the area).
Vis Maior's Journeys

I work from 4-9 EST on Friday and Saturday, I don't have my schedule for next week so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do the run on Sunday. If I do work Sunday I should get out at 6 EST at the latest and get home by 6:30.
I'm still leveling BRD, but it will be easier for me to get WHM to 40 Seems how I am currently 38WHM/19BLM. So I will most likly bring WHM to the Run if I am able to come.
I thought I read somewhere that a THF with oils can sneak all the way through the maze to the Minotaur and drag his/her entire party in, even from the entrance. Don't know how it works for an alliance.
I will show up for one of Friday evening, Saturday evening, Sunday evening or Monday evening. WHM43/SMN21 capped to 40. I will visit here through the week for the actual event time.
Two stacks of Sneak, Two stacks of Holy Water. I'll bring 'em. =^_^=
Yes, the THF can do this... but since the other Taurs are true sight, it makes more sense to me to bring the whole group if we have to kill one to clear it. The Taurs aren't really bad to kill for a group of 8+, but you do have to keep the member's HPs high to avoid aggro from Fomors.
Vis Maior's Journeys

Thersites Schedule
I can play Sunday, but not Friday this weekend.
I place a vote for Sunday bloody Sunday. It doesn't matter what time.
Cool, it looks like Sunday afternoon it is. Bear in mind, since it is Sunday, and I will have work Monday morning, we will have to start earlier than we would have on Friday (this means afternoon for you, Rooster).
Vis Maior's Journeys

Fomor parties
Here is a link to a map that shows the Fomor party locations. We could use this to a) avoid the fomors and b) tell where we are as we travel the maze:
Vis Maior's Journeys

Nice Map
Nice Map! But while we need to avoid some of the mobs it appears we can ignore the Fomor if everyone's hate level is low enough.
Bad news if mages toss any -ga spells against slimes or pugils, though! LOL!