Submitted by sam on Wed, 09/07/2005 - 13:49.
In continuing our "Getting your maps..." guide, we will look at getting your Boyahda Tree map. Boyahda Tree is a nice place to level in the 50s and 60s, so having the map is very useful. Once again, this is a map that you obtain from a coffer inside the tree. However, the really nice thing is in your 50s you can level off the mobs that drop the key! Read on for more...
Step 1: Get your key
The key is dropped from the EXP mobs "Bark Spiders" and "Robber Crabs". Otherwise, you will have to farm it from the following mobs (either in a group, solo, or while looking for AF keys):
The Death Caps and Moss Eaters have some rather nasty attacks, so you will probably not want to level off of them. Similarily, the Robber Crabs have high defense and evasion for their level so you will need some strong nukers or players with piercing attacks to be able to take them easily.
My suggestion is to head here around level 53 and fight Bark Spiders in the Mushroom Rooms (L-8, K-10, H-12) then move to Robber Crabs at around 55 at the Grassy Knolls (I-9, G-8, E-6, D-4). As you level, you will easily get many coffer keys. The Bark Spiders have a nasty attack that can take upwards of 700 HP, so you should take care when leveling off of them.
Step 2: Get a Coffer
Once you have your key, all you have to do is find a coffer. Luckily, the coffer spawns are all located on the first floor of the Tree. This means you wont have to move too far to find one potentially. You may even get lucky and find one while leveling.
If you look at the map, you see that there are seven (7) spawn points you can watch with very little risk of aggro. In these areas, the only mobs that will aggro are the Robber Crabs and the Crawlers. This means, if you hug the walls and watch for the only two aggro mobs you can loop between these seven spawns until you see a coffer spawn. The path is indicated on the following map:
The arrows indicate a drop. This means that, in your loop when you reach J-7 you will have to drop down and will not be able to go back up. This also means that the spawns west of G-7 will prevent you from returning to the first area unless you pass through the Crawler infested tunnel at H-6.
Honestly, the area past G-7 is more difficult. Robber Crabs and Crawlers are everywhere, making navigation more difficult (and more costly considering how much silent oil you will need). My advice is to stay in the non- and low-aggro areas east of G-7.
Stick with the loop as indicated and you will get your Boyahda Tree map easily. Good luck!
Thanks for these guides, Maior, I really need to wrap up getting these maps!
Fought Maat and at 70 and don't have my maps... I should be asshamed.

No, what you really should be ashamed of is making it to 70 with an underleveled sub :-P
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