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Crud, I have a PLD friend in my ENM static that wanted this item, and I would have come. But I'm working tonight.
If you would have posted this event a little sooner and given us more time I could have come. I actually just traded shifts with a guy on Wednesday. Had I known this was happening, I wouldn't have traded.
In the future, you really should give people a few more days notice of stuff like this.

I'll help
If I'm online at this time (not sure what my wife has planned for this evening) I'll help.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Scratch that...
My wife wanted to go out to dinner.
However, I will be on afterward (probably around 10pm EDT) if you guys are still going or want to go.
I'd wager more people will probably be on after 10pm EDT anyway..... seeing as this is a Friday night and all...
Vis Maior's Journeys