So I'm leveling cor(thanks to milo and DarkPheonix). Since my alchemy is high enough to field synth potions, i don't sub whm instead i decide to use brd. Everythings going fine till i get to lvl five and learn my first cor ability. Cor's roll. So i test it out to find that i can not use any of my brd spells after i use the roll. I test it to see if its one way or goes both ways. Sure enough it only does it after u try to cast it after using the cor's roll. So after asking milo where to go to file a complaint in hope of it getting reported. I end up getting it all set up so i can play the waiting game. When i started to make my report there were none before me. By the time i finish, I'm second in line. I figure that it wont take to long with me only being second. So i do some stuff out of game to kill some time. After 30mins go by i check my progress. There wasn't any in fact now I'm 2 of 3. With nothing else to do now, I log back into the game. I get about another lvl on cor and test the error some more. I'm right about it and go on leveling. I get a message from
So i go and start the gm chat to talk to this guy. I wait for 10mins then i notice that the number of request is dropping and then I'm kicked out of the chat. So i go and submit it again this time including less details and add that the gm never showed up. This time i waste no time and go back into the game. After another 10 mins or so i notice i was sent a message 4mins ago.
This one read
So this message made me realize it was the real deal. I was already to do this thing after such a well written message. I could tell this guy loved doing this. So it was time to chat.
So what you can't tell from this it that this guy left me in the chat with him logged in for 10-15mins with no response to my hello. Long story short what a waste of my and his time. It seems squares employees learned fast that the hold button is your friend.
Submitted by Milotheshort on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 20:33.
Since the update they have changed how bugs are reported. The only option available thusly was to give a GM call, Gol and myself having actual Read the ToS and End User Agreement understand this isn't a job sepecified for GM duty... however if you are given two fones ech handeling specific duties, but tied to the same entity, and one of these lines no longer remains in service, what do you do then? do you wait and hope the line comes up again, and possibley forget about why you were placing the call, or do you use the second fone and hope the information get passed onto the proper facilty?
Actual i know i understand the ToS than the typical player: here is a real instance where i got blisted later.
Player1 a whm and Player2 a rng, where in my party out in the jungles... Player2 complained about not having money and equipment was so expensive, so Player1 feeling bad lowned Player2 two rnger rings and a bow. After the party disbanded Plyer2 left with player1's equipment... Now this huge fight ensued where i got messages from both player... one from player2 telling me to go ahead and report me to a GM... to which i responded "if i could i would"... now why would i say that? the ToS clearly states that Gm's can not resolve nor is SE responsible for any P2P transactions in game... so when you pay the whm to give you a tella your trusting that he won't run off with your money, same with casinos... many players don not seem to grasp this... this is why we have bazzars and AHs... Now a couple of days ago i was rather nice to a PC when i told him to fuck off and blacklisted him... i was on my BLM at the time crafting, which neone who knows me, ergo has played with me for these number of years knows that i craft more than i PT, and i hate being inturrupted with non-crafting related questions. Well i had anon up and boy wonder decided to send me a tell asking for a tella... i sent him the message and blah blah blah... well actual looking back i should have taught him a costly lessson... I should have: Invited him into my party, offered to "Transport" him for 5k, D2'd him then booted and blisted him... this would have hopefully taught him that anon, is a polite way of saying i don't want to be bugged with your triffle problems so please piss off. The brillent thing about this was he probly would have called a GM, who although couldn't do anything about would have investigated to which i would have replied i did "Transport" him, services were rendered. Then that would have been the end of it. O'l!
So read your ToS please ppl, you agree to it everytime you log in you might as well understand what your agreeing to...
Submitted by ravenclaw on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 20:08.
Ya this is a known issue. I've been COR since day one (woot! thank goodness for capped attributes from RNG75^^) and this was one of the first things that pissed me off.
They actually have had this on the block for fixing for a while now, i don't know if it will be in the next patch or not. they said it would be in the last one, and it never was fixed lol
Heh, I hate to say it but this actually is a known issue. I remember reading somewhere (can't find the link now) a list of updates in the next patch and this very bug was included in them :-)
Also, the GMs aren't the ones who can do anything about technical requests like this. GMs are the "first line of defense" in this game against abusers, people getting stuck in walls, etc. "Real" bugs in the game are things they can't do anything about. All they can do is pass it along to the engineering Q&A people.
So, long story short, this response was to be expected.
I understand that, and i understand how frusterating it can be to get the same requests over and over again. But i expected a little better of a response. Don't waste my time or yours if u know that its an ongoing issue just send me a message or a tell indicating this. I wasn't on to complain just wanted to make sure it was a know issue.
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 32, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 26, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 07, cor 05, blu 07,
It's sort of like when u ask a question and noone knows the answer so you all just sit there when really you should just say "i dont know."
And here they should have just immediatly said "Sorry, we know, SE plans to fix it, goodbye" then i doubt anyones time would have been wasted, i recently tried to call a gm and they didnt even bother to try and talk to me they just kind of said theres nothing we can do...bye, lol
~and imho just reading random server forums i think Pheonix GMs(mabye all servers?) are pretty terrible at their job, and probably cause more drama than the original incident...they're also human(bad example) and are probably pretty lazy and dont want to do their job too.
lmao, I love how he spelled "tongiht" fitttsin ze very sprechen with his name ja? >_> "Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen?"
Submitted by Milotheshort on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 20:10.
It is very common in any "IT" or "Costumer Service" related job for the reps to be ill prepared, and unadvised at there job... hundreds of stupid questions reported daily like "Dude where's my car" and you'd start to careless about how you preformed your duties too.
I've had numerious costumer service jobs, one of which was a Hotel Front Desk Clerk, at Hotel Breakers at Ceader Point. This desk sold discount tickets to its guest and as such the clerks were responsible for this duty as well. It was utterly shocking how many questions i'd get asked on a daily baises that could have been solved by the customer if they would have read the policies pretaining to the park tickets we sold at the desk... I think the more appropriate way to have resolved this call would have been to refer my brother to the supposed "bug list" that sam mentions, and thanked him for his call rather than dragging there feet about.
Also a note on GM's they aren't localized to a specific server, they move about. However Pheonix is one of the oldest servers, and it my lack some of the reverance we all think it should... just think off the number of dumb calls placed here since the nearly 3 yrs its been running.
I really don't feal bad for these folks either they chose this proffesion and they get paid rather well to preform it... if you want job statisfaction get a new job, or buck up and respect the hand you've been delt!
These guys aren't IT workers... we really need to keep that in mind when we make GM calls.
These guys are just dork players with little, if any, skill beyond just being able to point and click on a few GUI commands to do things like pull players into the Jail, ban accounts, and warp people out of walls.
That's why I find it funny whenever anyone gets all uppity saying that GMs should do their jobs better or they suck. Usually when someone says that, they have this inflated idea of what the GM's job actually is :-)
Put it this way, if you had a choice between being a gardenner and being a GM, you'd probably want gardenning because you'd get better pay, more benefits, and be more challenged intellectually.
Thats really my only point its got nothing to do with why isn't this fixed yet or why won't they tell me when or they should get on it. These guys need to go back to tire college errr i mean lugnut day.... wait thats not right. They need more people skills is about it.
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 32, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 26, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 07, cor 10, blu 08,
Submitted by Milotheshort on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 15:35.
Ya we all do need to keep that in mind... THESE ARE NOT IT PROFESSIONALS... and IT Pro's aren't always typically that well versed either... its common place at UC for engineers to be more knowledgable than the IT staff, its just the differance in the core's that they offer.
Let me clarify too... the well paid i mention is the amount of difficult in the actual job compared to the pay grade. I mean sitting on your butt all day, with little more than to sit and read dumb messages and act like your resolving the issue, is hardly difficult...
Sam: I doubt they have a GUI, i'm betting its more like a command terminal and they have a cheat sheet... i'm thinking from a cost perspective developing an interactive GUI just for gm's would be too costly. Plus they would have to re-enter coordinates to relocate stuck players. I think if they used a command terminal instead they wouldn't have to develop a new i/o interface from the one the developers and debuggers use.
sounds like [GM]Dave was behind this lol
GM Dave
Id like to think theirs a little gm dave in all the GMs
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 32, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 26, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 07, cor 10, blu 08,
hah teh GMS chat avy is freaking awesome. anyway lol you edited it in paint hah
I'd like to also note...
Since the update they have changed how bugs are reported. The only option available thusly was to give a GM call, Gol and myself having actual Read the ToS and End User Agreement understand this isn't a job sepecified for GM duty... however if you are given two fones ech handeling specific duties, but tied to the same entity, and one of these lines no longer remains in service, what do you do then? do you wait and hope the line comes up again, and possibley forget about why you were placing the call, or do you use the second fone and hope the information get passed onto the proper facilty?
Actual i know i understand the ToS than the typical player: here is a real instance where i got blisted later.
Player1 a whm and Player2 a rng, where in my party out in the jungles... Player2 complained about not having money and equipment was so expensive, so Player1 feeling bad lowned Player2 two rnger rings and a bow. After the party disbanded Plyer2 left with player1's equipment... Now this huge fight ensued where i got messages from both player... one from player2 telling me to go ahead and report me to a GM... to which i responded "if i could i would"... now why would i say that? the ToS clearly states that Gm's can not resolve nor is SE responsible for any P2P transactions in game... so when you pay the whm to give you a tella your trusting that he won't run off with your money, same with casinos... many players don not seem to grasp this... this is why we have bazzars and AHs... Now a couple of days ago i was rather nice to a PC when i told him to fuck off and blacklisted him... i was on my BLM at the time crafting, which neone who knows me, ergo has played with me for these number of years knows that i craft more than i PT, and i hate being inturrupted with non-crafting related questions. Well i had anon up and boy wonder decided to send me a tell asking for a tella... i sent him the message and blah blah blah... well actual looking back i should have taught him a costly lessson... I should have: Invited him into my party, offered to "Transport" him for 5k, D2'd him then booted and blisted him... this would have hopefully taught him that anon, is a polite way of saying i don't want to be bugged with your triffle problems so please piss off. The brillent thing about this was he probly would have called a GM, who although couldn't do anything about would have investigated to which i would have replied i did "Transport" him, services were rendered. Then that would have been the end of it. O'l!
So read your ToS please ppl, you agree to it everytime you log in you might as well understand what your agreeing to...
Ya this is a known issue. I've been COR since day one (woot! thank goodness for capped attributes from RNG75^^) and this was one of the first things that pissed me off.
They actually have had this on the block for fixing for a while now, i don't know if it will be in the next patch or not. they said it would be in the last one, and it never was fixed lol

Hate to say it...
Heh, I hate to say it but this actually is a known issue. I remember reading somewhere (can't find the link now) a list of updates in the next patch and this very bug was included in them :-)
Also, the GMs aren't the ones who can do anything about technical requests like this. GMs are the "first line of defense" in this game against abusers, people getting stuck in walls, etc. "Real" bugs in the game are things they can't do anything about. All they can do is pass it along to the engineering Q&A people.
So, long story short, this response was to be expected.
Vis Maior's Journeys
The response.
I understand that, and i understand how frusterating it can be to get the same requests over and over again. But i expected a little better of a response. Don't waste my time or yours if u know that its an ongoing issue just send me a message or a tell indicating this. I wasn't on to complain just wanted to make sure it was a know issue.
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 32, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 26, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 07, cor 05, blu 07,
i told you...
Now you too know that GM's are the devil.
i love it
It was funny watching you remove identifying marks from the post using only paint LMAO
i hate it
It's sort of like when u ask a question and noone knows the answer so you all just sit there when really you should just say "i dont know."
And here they should have just immediatly said "Sorry, we know, SE plans to fix it, goodbye" then i doubt anyones time would have been wasted, i recently tried to call a gm and they didnt even bother to try and talk to me they just kind of said theres nothing we can do...bye, lol
~and imho just reading random server forums i think Pheonix GMs(mabye all servers?) are pretty terrible at their job, and probably cause more drama than the original incident...they're also human(bad example) and are probably pretty lazy and dont want to do their job too.
lmao, I love how he spelled "tongiht" fitttsin ze very sprechen with his name ja? >_> "Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen?"
common place
It is very common in any "IT" or "Costumer Service" related job for the reps to be ill prepared, and unadvised at there job... hundreds of stupid questions reported daily like "Dude where's my car" and you'd start to careless about how you preformed your duties too.
I've had numerious costumer service jobs, one of which was a Hotel Front Desk Clerk, at Hotel Breakers at Ceader Point. This desk sold discount tickets to its guest and as such the clerks were responsible for this duty as well. It was utterly shocking how many questions i'd get asked on a daily baises that could have been solved by the customer if they would have read the policies pretaining to the park tickets we sold at the desk... I think the more appropriate way to have resolved this call would have been to refer my brother to the supposed "bug list" that sam mentions, and thanked him for his call rather than dragging there feet about.
Also a note on GM's they aren't localized to a specific server, they move about. However Pheonix is one of the oldest servers, and it my lack some of the reverance we all think it should... just think off the number of dumb calls placed here since the nearly 3 yrs its been running.
I really don't feal bad for these folks either they chose this proffesion and they get paid rather well to preform it... if you want job statisfaction get a new job, or buck up and respect the hand you've been delt!
These guys aren't IT workers... we really need to keep that in mind when we make GM calls.
These guys are just dork players with little, if any, skill beyond just being able to point and click on a few GUI commands to do things like pull players into the Jail, ban accounts, and warp people out of walls.
That's why I find it funny whenever anyone gets all uppity saying that GMs should do their jobs better or they suck. Usually when someone says that, they have this inflated idea of what the GM's job actually is :-)
Put it this way, if you had a choice between being a gardenner and being a GM, you'd probably want gardenning because you'd get better pay, more benefits, and be more challenged intellectually.
Vis Maior's Journeys
People {skills} {Do you have it?}
Thats really my only point its got nothing to do with why isn't this fixed yet or why won't they tell me when or they should get on it. These guys need to go back to tire college errr i mean lugnut day.... wait thats not right. They need more people skills is about it.
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 32, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 26, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 07, cor 10, blu 08,
{True Strike}
Ya we all do need to keep that in mind... THESE ARE NOT IT PROFESSIONALS... and IT Pro's aren't always typically that well versed either... its common place at UC for engineers to be more knowledgable than the IT staff, its just the differance in the core's that they offer.
Let me clarify too... the well paid i mention is the amount of difficult in the actual job compared to the pay grade. I mean sitting on your butt all day, with little more than to sit and read dumb messages and act like your resolving the issue, is hardly difficult...
Sam: I doubt they have a GUI, i'm betting its more like a command terminal and they have a cheat sheet... i'm thinking from a cost perspective developing an interactive GUI just for gm's would be too costly. Plus they would have to re-enter coordinates to relocate stuck players. I think if they used a command terminal instead they wouldn't have to develop a new i/o interface from the one the developers and debuggers use.
Yeah, I was just giving an example.
Chances are, they just have commands they can enter in like our macro commands, except their commands aren't available to us (of course).
Something like "/warpnoob" to pull a dork out of a wall he's been stuck into.
Vis Maior's Journeys
i love it!
/Warpn00b ftw!