Submitted by Golagres on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 12:54.
Have you ever wonder how much stuff one person could cram into a storage box? Truth be told i haven't. However, i found out ><. As some may now, many may not, Im quite the cheap scape at times. So it's no suprise to me that i just made my first mule. While in the process of moving items i began to count. My mule is full but my mailbox is not empty. After removing 80 items and filling my mule their is still stuff in it. So ive come to the logical conclusion that a mailbox holds about 100items. Now some nay sayer will say just because you take 100 things out that your mailbox is only that big. Well for you i have but one simple question. Have you ever filled your delivery box? I sure have. Stuff wouldn't come off the auction house. Thats how full it was.
If anyone else has done this and thinks it maybe be bigger or smaller let me know ^^. If you havent ever filled it please dont give me your rough estiment. I'm sure it maybe way off from your... lack of experence ^^.
Well now,
Even if it had unlimited space, or even just 100, this is NOT a smart way to store items. You will have no control over which items are available to take out.
For example:
You put 80 items in your delivery box. You go to do a mission and need item #73. How do you go about doing that? Withdrawing items 1-72 and finding some way to store it all?
It may be good for storing mass amounts of the same item (Yagudo Necklaces, Zinc Ore, Fish et., but this should not be your storage alternative.
I cannot send more than my delivery box will allow (10...or is it 8?). Until I log on as my mule and empty the delivery box, I cannot send more to them/anyone for my outbox is full. It just shows the item with status (sent), and wont leave until it is picked up. Made the mistake of sending my friend a stack of something, and just to be mean, splitting it to fill the delivery box. Well, he didn't log on for a few weeks...and I couldn't send anything to my mule.
Maybe I am doing something wrong?
Delivery box
I think was Gol was refering to was stuff to be delivered, not necessarily in your delivery box per se.

You can send 8 items per time that you use the delivery box. And other people can send up to 8 items. Add to that returned items or gil from the AH and you can see that at some point, you will have to hit a limit (e.g., someone trying to send you more stuff will just fail).
I personally don't quite see the logic in 100 items (the limit should probably be a multiple of 8, your delivery box size), but I'm certain it will be "a lot" simply because I once had a very serious item shuffling amongst my mules and wound up having to check my mail 8 times to actually get everything delivered (8x8 = 64 items sent).
What I assumed was Gol had done something similar, and found that after around 100 items or so in the queue, you just can't send any more.
Vis Maior's Journeys
So true
100 was just a guess at the # because my delivery box wasnt full at the start of my empting of it. I just know about how much stuff i have sent to myself over time and the countless times ive kept burying stuff to make room for more. This came about since i made a mule and tried to empty the box. I know its over 80 but i didnt think it was a lot over beacause i filled it once before. so 100 seemed like a good estament. Thats all its is. Ya maior you may be right because it is logical for it to be a x of 8.
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 31, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 25, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 00, cor 00, blu 00,
Log Mocker, {Do you have it?}
About a week or so ago I was in a party in Kuftal as my NIN. I knew space was pretty tight before heading out because I had to do one of those equipment shuffling things in order to properly equip my NIN (you know the type: mail stuff to yourself, check it, then mail more). I had shown Cyc the ninjitsu tools I had the night before to which he commented something along the lines of "OMG". I guess it isn't common for a NIN to head out with at least one stack of each ninjistu toolbag.

As I was there, I was running low on Shihei (which is, you know, kind of important for a blink tank). So I go to use a toolbag. We're fighting, so I just fire off my "shihei toolbag" macro and keep going.
In my log (and this goes by quickly, so I don't see the details) I see "Toolbag fails to activate".
"Shit," I think, "maybe I was stunned or paralyzed or something." So I fire off the macro again.
....."Toolbag fails to activate".....
So I go in to fiddle with the items and do it manually when I see the dreaded 60/60 spaces filled. I hurredly move through the inventory, I have literally nothing I want to drop.
So, in between battles, I go and I trade with my SATA partner a couple of stacks of Silent Oil. I say he can keep the unfinished stack (8) if he will just hold them all until after the party (he had complained loudly about not having sneak earlier in the night, which kind of pissed me off, I mean... who goes out and levels past 50 without silent oil or the ability to otherwise sneak?!).
Anyway, long story short, I went back to Al Zahbi that night and started using my mog locker. As I was looking through my inventory I discovered I had 40 items specifically for mages (gear and scrolls that I have been collecting over the years, just in case I ever level a mage job... Astrals, Mana Rings, Frog Trousers, etc). BAH!
So, I threw all these items into my Mog Locker and viola! Problem solved!
Vis Maior's Journeys
The Mog locker is the thing i was looking forward to the most in the expasion but i haven't gotten around to picking up the expansion yet. I'm a little bit worried about getting it because then ill have to get those 3 pesky new jobs and lvl them to 12 to catch my smn ><. You know keeping up apperences is important LMAO. Ya it sucks to have to drop items to open up new bags/quivers, but i guess thats the price we pay to not use mp. ("If all else fails throw money at your problems"
The Governments first and last policy)
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 31, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 25, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 00, cor 00, blu 00,