Submitted by Golagres on Sun, 06/04/2006 - 08:35.
Well I'm back for now. Whether this is good or bad that's up to you. I finely stopped being lazy and made a signature. I included job levels so if anyone is up for some leveling with one of them let me know ^^ To all the rest keep your subs up ^^.
Fear the sig.
lvl your sub NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 31, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 25, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 00, cor 00, blu 00,
gol = no life
Not necessarily
I used to think that people with many leveled subs automatically had no life, but after getting several jobs past 50 (and one to 75) I've realized that it isn't hard getting any job to 35-40 or so. In fact, it's pretty easy.
The last 3 jobs I've leveled past 30 all took roughly a week or two to actually get them to 30, and that's with moderately light gameplay.
So I wouldn't say he had no life based on that signature. Hell, even if he had two or more jobs to 75 I wouldn't say that. Leveling in this game isn't as hard as many people claim it is.
...Unless one of those jobs was BST.... maybe it's just me, but I can't get that job very high! LOL

Milo= no life. That newb has lvl 65 blm.
My point of my sig. isnt say look at how great i am or i dont have a life (which may or may not be true im not sure) I just believe in trying out all the jobs so u can understand the frustrations of your party members when things dont go well and bring diversty when it fits into a pt. Whats the point of our game letting us use subs when u can only use one. Cough nin. cough. So try some new jobs. ^^ and never forget...
LVL YOUR SUB NOOB! (*.*)o=== (^^) only 15 more to go /cry /joy
rdm 60, blm 37, rng 31, pld 29, sam 29, nin 28, mnk 27, drg 27, war 25,
whm 25, drk 25, thf 25, brd 20, bst 19, smn 12, pup 00, cor 00, blu 00,
lol maior has told me before that you skim stuff... no i tease gol cuz he's my RL "brother from the same mother." i have my fair share of jobs past 30. I honestly think BST is dependent on the person, for some ppl it clicks others i think it will never, just because the way it lvls is so unique compared to all other jobs. gol tends to have a harder time with bst than i do... its all on what fits your personality i guess...
On skimming
Actually, the only person I've ever said skims stuff is Raprot/Meretrix. That bitch never reads shit.

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