Submitted by cyclonus on Tue, 05/16/2006 - 13:11.
Please do not promote this to the front page; the people most likely to read this are the ones I feel needed to be alerted.
I am going to be taking a break from the game; Perhaps 2 - 3 weeks, perhaps longer. During this time, I will check the website less frequently and will have limited access to POL messaging. Should you need to get in touch with me, your best bet is to e-mail me (I believe Sam has my e-mail address and can distribute to those who request it; Sam, correct me if I am wrong). I will login on Sundays (with the exception of this coming Sunday) to save face with my Dynamis LS.
I don't want to get into the "Why" and such; I merely wanted to give all a heads-up, should anyone question where I am.
Massive Flameouts
As someone who's also been burned by events I feel for you. So far we;ve had a lot of casualties of people flaming out because of sour events.
A year and a half ago i used to run a lot of events. I ran garrisons before Sam was willing to lead them up, and I led up a lot of missions. I think the last one I did before I flamed out was a mission for people up Delkfut tower (4-1 is it?)
I didn't need the mission any more, but we had so many people who did need the mission and I was a 50+ RNG at the time so I felt I could help. We go and start the event, people didn't listen to me. They didn't bring oils/powders or didn't keep sneak/invis up. One person aggroed a ghost from one of the side rooms and then ran around like a chicken with their head cut off and aggroed a few gigas, some bats, and a load of other stuff. This actually was too much for sam and I to handle, and we all wiped with no reraises up.
I was so pissed I actually took off a few months from the game, and when I came back I hung around in other LSes (Mithrapride was one) for a while before returning to ClanAM.
I eventually did come back to ClanAM because ff how great we have it over here. We have such a great outlet for organizing things and getting stuff done. Most other LSes dont have that, and you can really see how much they suck when you leave and come back to ClanAM.
ANyway, i feeel for you man. I know we haven't ever really played too much together because of my wierd work schedule (we did do at least one garrison together since Sam pointed out he has a screenshot of us together on his blog LOL!) I hope you dont let the bad stuff drive you away from the game for good.

I eventually did come back to ClanAM because ff how great we have it over here. We have such a great outlet for organizing things and getting stuff done. Most other LSes dont have that, and you can really see how much they suck when you leave and come back to ClanAM.
Oh, if people only knew how true that is... That was part of my original rant, which I decided not to post :-)
Thanks for the support!
Actually, I don't have your e-mail address (unless it's associated with your account, I haven't looked yet).
But honestly, I wouldn't let what happened last night affect you that much. If you need to take time off that's fine, but I really wouldn't let stuff like that get to you. I personally felt we had a pretty good evening up until the "event" and the failure and cancellation of the event wasn't your fault.
At any rate, hope you aren't gone for good... that would really suck. But come stop in IRC to say "hi" now and then at any rate.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Thanks for your comment.
I will be back, eventually. I just think at this point, it's best if I take a break for a little while. As I told another clan member last night, I felt very defeated.
I think what bothers me the most is the situation *I* put myself in; too often, I wind-up playing the game for other people and not for myself. I spend a significant amount of time helping other folks and rarely get time to myself. But I do this because I like it. I like helping others and I like helping people accomplish goals. I don’t do it for recognition, gil or anything else – hell I feel all Linkshells should be like this; otherwise a Linkshell is nothing more than a glorified chatroom…
Last night, via /tell, a clan member told me that I took it too personally and perhaps I did. However, I simply do not have the time to dedicate to this game that others do. And when I do have time to play, it's always for someone else. As an event leader, asking members to listen to directions, in my opinion, is not too much to ask for.
I think some time away would be welcome. Plus, when I come back, it will help me evaluate how I should approach the game.
Gah, sorry for the rant. I just felt that this needed to be said.
It's funny, you used to mention that running events "burns people out†and for the longest time I didn't understand that comment. I think I do now.
Directions, stuff, and things
Yes, leading events does burn people out. We've had a lot of people now who've become burned out because of events and them leading them in the clan. In fact, there's been so many now that I'm begining to wonder if it's even worth it. Thus far, I've had 5 people I'd consider really good friends become frustrated by leading events and take time off, depart clanam, or leave the game entirely. Perhaps the problem isn't them, perhaps the problem is clanam and maybe even me. I don't know, I really don't.
Ultimately I know I personally have had to take time off leading events because I've gotten so frustrated. I always come back to leading the events simply because I've had to learn not to stay upset about things (a little known secret is that when I was younger I actually was a very violent person, and I had insanely high blood pressure and other health problems... long story short, I've had to learn to let silly things like video game events and even serious things like divorce slide and not dwell on them too greatly).
What does all that mean? What am I trying to say? I have no idea...
I guess I'm just saying that I understand where you're coming from. I know what you're going through. I don't blame you or think you overreacted or anything. I also don't think you're overreacting for taking time off from the game. I've been burned by tons of events in this clan, even before we were in FFXI (this video was made because of a rather big burn where over 20 people suddenly left in the middle of an event to catch a TV show) and I know that when you keep getting burned and keep coming back it can feel like you're a prisoner to these failed events.
All that I hope is that you don't leave the game for good over this, which is selfish of me because I enjoy doing stuff with you in the game :-)
Plus I when this damned katana sells, I'll have ~4mil for you, {Bastard Sword}.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I had written this huge rant agreeing with what you wrote. But you know what? Fuck it. It’s not really worth getting mad over. It kind of goes back to my comment in the Temple of Uggwhatthefuckisitcalled… about effective communication > stupidity.
I’m not as pissed as I was a couple of nights ago. Although, I still feel many people waste time in this game (in the process wasting other people’s time) and think it’s not a big deal. BAH! But meh, I’ll get over it…
And thanks for all your comments; it’s great to know that others have gone through a similar situation/feeling.
And I want my money foo’! Sold it yet?
Oh and that video is cool.
What video?
You mean the old clanam one?
DUDE! That kacked ass!
Was also the first one we ever did, so cut us some slack. Plus it was us making the most of the evening.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Gah, not not cool, cool
Bah. Typo.
So, did you see this yet? :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
That snake picture and that fat guy... ha! Nice song choice btw...
Fat guy
Actually, everything in that animation was refering to someone/some-group I know personally.
The fat guy refered to this bit of IRC goodness.
Vis Maior's Journeys
If it's the @hotmail account then I do have it.
Before you head out for good, I actually really could use your advice on Milo's suggestion for a monthly garrison. He has what I think is a pretty good idea for a distribution scheme that involves points, and I know you really dislike point-systems so I'd like to hear any big complaints about it (since I'm not so opposed to basic point systems that don't go over the top, and I value the opinions of folks who don't like them).
Vis Maior's Journeys
The address is used for FFXI (occasional spam :-) related junk.
I'm not completely against point systems, it just depends on the implementation. If Milo has created a system, I am sure he has put much thought into it. However, if you would still like me to add my thoughts, I would be more than happy to discuss.
Devil in the details
Yes, it's the implementation I want to make sure sounds alright. Cyc, I really do value your judgement on matters like this a great deal.
His basic idea is to take the same Garrison set up we have right now, except add points to the mix. X point(s) for showing up on time, Y point(s) for staying the whole evening.
There is still a pool to be sold off, and there are still traders who get to get one drop from their run (to encourage traders).
The one difference is that, at the end of the run, those who have stayed and have enough points, get to pick ONE item from the pool for a point deduction.
This setup can do a few things:
1) It encourages people to stay the whole run (and not just leave when they trade).
2) It encourages people to still farm before hand.
3) It encourages people to show up on time.
My biggest fear is that, unless the points are fairly balanced (how much each "thing" is worth, deduction or otherwise) you could wind up with a lot of pools that have very little in them (e.g., people with points took all the good stuff).
Vis Maior's Journeys
I still think it's a great idea...
I think the point system would be an excellent idea (encourages participation and being on time, etc). However, there are a few things that I feel should be considered.
1) You have previously mentioned: item-point value and pool-size : Although I am all for rewarding those who help the most and such, this could become a cause of unnecessary drama or angst. In effect, players may be dedicating many hours to help a cause in which they see nothing in return (hence making the point system counter-productive)
2) If points are not redeemed for items at the end of an event, are they carried over? If they are carried over and player X has double the amount of points of any other player, is he/she allowed to “double-lot?†This can become a frustrating problem: re: the “new guy in an established Dynamis shellâ€
3) Assuming all participants show up on time, stay the full run and have an equal amount of points, who sets lotting priority? In the event that there is a priority, I personally feel that the player who gets to lot last, is in a word, screwed. If there is no lotting priority and the pool is distributed evenly, then this is not a problem.
4) In the event that only a few folks are late to the event, item 3) above would give them an adverse opinion of garrison and may prevent them from attending future events (an argument can be made that they should have been on time…but meh).
5) Just an added FYI: if people are late to the event, a point decrease/deduction should be made known to him/her, so that any issues of “zomgz!1ontey you lieded, gimmE pointze!†can be avoided.
Again, I feel Milo could have something great here. However in dealing with point systems in the past, if implemented without giving thought to every possible issue, drama is guaranteed. I really do agree with Milo in that people who stay/help the most should be rewarded the most, but careful thought needs to be given to the whole process.
I think discussing solutions to these problems is best left to IRC or the Hostel :-)