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OP Warp > All
My HP will always be in Windy because OP warp is greater than everything^^
I don't have the expansion pack yet, and I dont understand why everyone is now in Art Urghman.
my HP is currently in Flea CIty i.e. Nasharuma something or other...
The NM Flea
You think those guys are mean? Fight the NM Flea (if you haven't already). Hundred-Fists on Steroids, Crack, Speed, Balco Juice and Caffeine.
Dude, that NM flea - he's an ass....
I forgot about that place...
Well... That's what "Other" is for.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Once again a throw-back to an older poll here.
Thought it would be interesting to revisit this since so many folk are now HPed in ToAU.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Where's my choice?
I have my HP deep in the Eleshmo when I die as a lvl 11 blu, I get to come back alive surrounded by tonberries. Then I see if I can make it back to town alive.
Well, not really. Always thought of trying it though. I change my HP often. Being a whm/blm, getting anywhere in the world in a very short amount of time is possible. For example:
/l [DeadLSMember] Anyone near the dunes for a raise?
/l [Me] Yeah, one sec.
{Teleport Vahzl} >> Outpost Bastok >> Outpost Dunes >> Get to not dead guy.
/l [NotDeadLSMember] Nevermind. Some random whm raised me >.>
It's gotten so bad, I forget that there are even airships that go between towns. Such as last night, I had my HP in bastok and spent 5 minutes trying to find the fastest route to Jeuno.
Hmm...I can outpost to the glacier...or the marshlands...or, hmm...teleport dem >> thats too slow. Ah ha! Teleport ring to Al Zahbi, then use the warp taru! Brilliant! But that will take just as long as an outpost tele to Pashaw. Damnit...I'm stuck in Bastok! did I use to get around before these outposts and teleports? Walk?!? HA!! was something different...something....that flys. Chocobos cant fly...well, not unless I make them. A boat cant fly. Wait...a boat can fly! Airship! /em Runs to the port just as the airship takes off Damnit! Now what....I cant wait 15 minutes to get to Jeuno. Looks like its outpost to the marshlands. /em gets to outpost guy in Bastok to find out he doesn't have that region. Son of a!! I really am stuck in Bastok...unless I want to (gasp) Walk a few feet! Fine...I'll just wait for the airship. /em cry.
Fun as a low-level running nekkid through dangerous zones
Hah, actually, an activity that Trix, Ravenclawx and myself used to do all the time was see who could take a level 1 job, nekkid and with no support, potions, oils, or anything, the farthest into dangerous territory.
I personally have a mule that I run from Bastok to Rabao every week (to stock up on import/export items) as a level 1 BLM. I have also run Maior as a level 1 RDM from Kazham to Norg a few times as well as taking the same level 1 RDM deep into the aqueducts and almost making it to the Minotaur.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Yeah, those were good times. We need to do that again. I want to try getting a mule to Al Zahbi!

Al Zahbi
There is a HP Crystal in Al Zahbi right next to the zone to Aht Urghan Whitegate. My home point pretty much stays right there these days.
I am fairly certain my HP will switch back to Jeuno at some point.
HP is not what annoys me these days - it is Signet vs Sanction; I always seem to have the wrong one up and active =^_^=