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LMAO Doesn't ne one other than sam, cyc and myself have any op. on the patch?
This is a long read no so here is some summary
1. PUP function in a party
2. How agro will work
3. New changes
4. Applications of PLD as a sub
Hey Sam and Cyc... about the hate control factor, a couple days ago i ended up plvling gols party in qufim for a few fight... needless to say i noticed the following...
1. mob control tended to be heavy for the party, my curing didn't cause the mob to move, however it did swing at me at one point establishing me as a target on its hate list. However i didn't gain claim so maybe this is an indication that the idea of WHM support roles for fights like Gods and NM's might be possible... still needs further investigation. Give me some feedback fellows.
p.s. note this is post patch
Items for PUP/BLU/COR
Ok, well last night I started snooping around my gear to see what was usable by the new jobs and I found some really interesting things.
Anyone else notice any interesting item updates?
Vis Maior's Journeys
a few things i noticed
/pol for sure no longer works
-Pup: tends to wear mage/mnk style gear ergo soft things a great deal of my gear i picked up a longtime ago for blm say PUP after it, like mages sandals??? martial pants??? i think thats what they are called... since they are in essence dancers, this is a logical choice of clothing.
-Pup: Use more NIN related H2H, they can use knifes
-COR: tend to use a great deal of harnesses
-In region info Besieged is now an option
-Locker has been added as an option in your mog house
-the staging for changing jobs is now displayed horizontally as opposed to vertically
-----eh thats about it-----
Sam is this one of the logest threads on your site to date, i know that you, cyc and myself contributed a great deal to it lol. I must admit out of all the post so far this has seemed to fit more under the guise of a debate rather than argument XD
PUP and H2H
From this:
If you look at the picture on that page you'll see the sainti, which are oddly shaped knuckles. You can see they stand in traditional H2H stances in the screenshots on this page.
It's true I've seen a few of my knives usable by them, but I think it's far more likely that traditional H2H will be their highest skillable weapon because of the comments made and images shown.
As far as MNK gear, they really don't seem to wear as much of the MNK gear that I was expecting. Sure, they can wear the odd MNK/mage things (that MNKs really aren't supposed to wear) but the pure MNK gear (at least everything I've got, and I've got a lot :-) isn't equippable typically for them.
This could, of course, mean they wind up using the odd MNK/mage things that MNKs never wear... which will be kind of cool... I guess.. Except I don't have too many of these items yet :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
the reason is to create a job that uses the gear others have pssed up... maybe they get a mp pool to draw from which might explain this as well.
My thoughts on the patch
Okies her goes everything:
PUP: I actualy wasn't looking forward to this job, but now i could see some benifit from its total costumization. However in typical NA tradition, i'm sure we'll see players dictating what set up gets party invites...
BLU: Ehh the jury's still out on this one
COR: FUCKIN' SWEET.... I think this Job is gonna be the "Bull's tits"
About the MPK: I think all square does by trying to fix the solution is create ne problems... this seems like a dumb idea all together. I like sam have never been a big fan of power lvling, i've said before that it creates relient cry babies who never master the abilities of learning there jobs... But unless i read that wrong, the first statement says you can't claim an already claimed target, which opens another can of worms... if there is no emnity transfer the following can occur: VIRTRA - you no longer have to swap out whm's in your allience... they can cure from afar with no impending doom... this might actual limit whm's in parties a situation SE themselves were trying to fix. Also NM's are supposed to be rediculously hard.. the reason they use AOE's is so ppl are less likely to aid combatents for fear of death.
Crafting: Yet again SE adds more usefull abilities for other crafts but my beloved WW... i mean any alchy is a retard not to get titrator, likewise any ww is a retard to get boltmaker... grrr can i choke them.
PLD Adjust: The tp gained for shield: but time. the auto refresh i like this idea you should see more brd/ pld combos in parties... however when i told durr about this he was opposed to this as a solution... "IF THEY THINK THAT GIVING ONE JOBS ABILITY TO ANOTHER JOB IS A SOLUTION, THEN WE ALL MIGHT AS WELL JUST HAVE ONE MASTER CLASS." something to that effect... maybe they could give pld lower lvl WS that generate MP rather than refresh?
RNG Adjust: Ok does nebody else out there see something so wrong with the fact that guns do more dmg farther from the target than close up? I know for a fact that pistols are designed to inflict maximum leathality at ranges of less than 25 feet. I could understand where someone with a long bow would miss within a few feet of there target, but crossbows, and guns???? WTF... I sight in all my rifles at 300yds... if i can get a grouping at 300yds less than the size of a quarter, i shouldn't be able to miss at point-blank... the whole ignorance of ppl in general concerning guns/gun violence is irritating... do some research first...
I really think they should fix the lag issues first... maybe make a way to unlock the last 3 market slots we all have...
ohh ya and Set effects: this is a good idea, to get ppl to purchase an entire set... or go quest it. I personaly am a fan of this change...
RNG and Lag
RNG hasn't changed other than sharpshot. The RNG patch you're talking about is old news (from last year) and it does make RNG more like what a real ranger would be.
For guns, this isn't the case, but for both crossbows and normal bows, in real life there is actually a sweet spot where you want to stand to do maximum damage. When the arrow first leaves the bow, it actually is still accelerating, and wind resistance doesn't reverse that acceleration for a while. This means that real bows and arrows are NOT effective at point-blank range, but are more effective at a certain "sweet spot" located away from the target. That is what the RNG patch from last year was meant to address, and it was a very good idea, IMHO.
As far as lag is concerned, there's really little they can do. Lag has a lot to do with a lot of different factors. They can really only control the network code efficiency between the client/server, beyond that, there's too many other things that will cause lag. In other words, if you have consistent bad lag, it's more likely than not a problem with your connection to the server (what's on your local network, what is sharing your bandwidth, what problems are between you and the server, etc).
Network lag is something a lot more complicated than most people playing this game realize. Everytime they blame SE for the lag, it really shows how little they know about what causes it.
Vis Maior's Journeys
about lag
i understand the fact that the ISP has some to do with it... but i get R signals that are much higher than when i played on dial-up... i think some of it is server overload, and i only see our spikes climbing with the addition of new areas and new players... this is more that there server has to process at a given time, maybe they should consider increasing usable bandwidth to there servers, its not like our fees have dropped since its release.
Durr also mentioned there there are X-boxers with 75? can anyone confirm this? i mean isn't this gonna be a huge culture shock to them when they log into our servers for the first time in 2 days?... kinduv funny how they chose to let x-boxers in on hitlers b-day, maybe SE is telling us how they really feel about MicroCrap.
"Multiple factors..."
w/o boring the whole LS to tears, there is many an issue with network routing / at home broadband.
For one, your ISP does not guarantee a most efficient path from point A to point B. Couple that with the fact of (depending upon where you live) broadband compression, broadband encryption (built-in to certain cable services), overhead, packet, RWIN, and a gazillion other factors - it becomes difficult to pinpoint "lag."
Put another way, when you are "downloading" multiple character models on screen it naturally puts a burden on your "pipe." So, no matter what your “R†is, the fact is you may be receiving data too quickly to handle and thus giving you the appearance of lag; when in actuality it is a constraint on your end.
That's why people who simply rely on "ping" to measure latency, as Sam puts it, just don't get it.
I used to be a Cisco / Check Point guy. Also wrote a piece on high speed wireless network compression during high school, for the Intel STS
i know how packets transfer, etc etc. I think though that they have increased there server load too much since my orginal game play nearly 2+ yrs ago... The larger the expansions become the larger the total area becomes... that equates to that much more data a server has to generat at any given time resulting in enevitable server side latency. I honestly don't know if they expand the full capacity of each server with each new expansion hence my concern. When i started play R's ranged near 400 on dial-up, the reason the server housed no more than 2000 characters at ne given time, only zilirat expansion so it didn't need to develop information for characters in 30+ areas, also the number of charachters left to mule over night was never much more than a few hundred compared to a few 1000. So this all places a higher demand for infermation server side... try chaingin 30+ computers together at a given time and request a ping from the same site... eventual the demand your placing server side for info will cause packets to be lost or mis routed... either reforming as lag or a crashed system... Since then they have a total of 3 expansions, plus allowed EU to join, and now X-Box... if you can't keep up with the demand... your just going to frustrate your clients...
just my thoughts... I know client side plays a role too...
Apples to Apples
if you can't keep up with the demand... your just going to frustrate your clients...
That is true, and WoW suffered from that - when it started. I think the folks at Blizzard grossly underestimated the interest in their product (that or they had RoI issues - Sam can confirm if he chooses).
The reason for my original post: SE displays all character models on the client side, one of the causes of major lag. Try stepping into a non-crowded zone and see if you experience the same issue. If you do not, then you cannot simply say that "SE is to blame."
The way SE sets up its servers is (from my understanding) "one" server (cluster) per player world. So, there is no distinguishing between packet flow TO Jeuno vs. the ferry from Selbina. In short, whether you are in Jeuno or another location, you are hitting the same "box." What may become an issue is the amount of data the server responds with based on the zone you are in; hence a client side delay.
I am not saying that there is no server-side delay. However, for highly populated zones, the client side will ALWAYS experience lag, no matter what the up-steam (server side) connection is - you are only as fast as your slowest component.
try chaingin 30+ computers together at a given time and request a ping from the same site... eventual the demand your placing server side for info will cause packets to be lost or mis routed... either reforming as lag or a crashed system
I used to manage trading system routing for Merrill Lynch - try in excess of 3,000 nodes :P
Ping is NOT a measure of throughput.
Yes this is true. I have a friend who works at Blizzard (we have worked on some open source projects in the past) and works on WoW and there were definitely some RoI problems. There were also some very well documented DoS attacks, but anyway...
This is only partially true. The models themselves (3D representations of the characters) is 100% client-side. What's stored on the servers is the items they have on, their size/dimensions/face/hair/race, as well as their pos. This is the stuff that is pushed to the clients, not the 3D models themselves.
Even still, this doesn't change your point much. I'm just being a picker of nits.
It's always fun to sniff packets through your router while you play this game :-) Yes, this is pretty much how it seems to be. I have found, however, that certain areas that have a lot of congestion seem to be spread over multiple IPs (I first noticed this my third time through the dunes). What sort of magic server-side load-balancing they are doing is unknown to me, but I do know that I have, on occassion, been in certain areas with another person who was actually on a different IP address (presumably, a different server).
One other interesting tidbit, as near as I can tell, the POL system is a single staging server, e.g., one which provides a lobby and basic features to the users. It could be a single server for our world (e.g., Phoenix) or for others, that I have no way of telling.
Vis Maior's Journeys
There is an interview with Sundi out there somewhere that refers to part of this.
The PoL server is a lobby server and is supposed to be a staging area for all "worlds."
Regarding the load balancing, meh - multiple IPs may not mean anything depending on the layout (which neither of us really knows). Could be muli-homed SANs/Load Balancers, w/e. I think that is too iffy to guesstimate; although I would suspect multiple LBs to the same backend server farm.
Actually, pos isn't entirely server side. There is hack floating around that allows you to "teleport" w/e the hell you want. Indicating that the client may be informing the server of a player's position. Apparently, SE is tracking "jumps" in a player’s position to catch the cheaters...
POS client side
POS should never be client side, if they've done it correctly :-P
One of my favorite books out now is this and it talks about the various ways you can keep position synced between hundreds or thousands of clients. In nearly every case, the client pos is irrelevent, and the server pos is god (the exceptions tend to be FPS-style game, where you need uber pos accuracy).
If they don't do the same, and such an exploit does exist, then someone at SE should be fired.
Vis Maior's Journeys
they might do POS client side because several notable hackers have decomplied the program and have noted that /random and other rand func are declared client side then varified server side... Who knows how valad this is sense there hasn't been any known /random editors... and we still can't predict all HQ result although i'm most positive HQ, are at specfic intervals because myself and 2 other high lvl ww were crafting ash lumber at the dock in sandy and we all got the same HQ result at the sametime... showing that its synched up some how server side before being declared client side...
Google it :)
Alternatively, you can read about it in a gazillion posts on either KI or Alla.
a notable item
SE considers 3rd part windows hacks too, however they just did something so dumb i needed golagres to point it out to me... They removed /pol from the comand lines. For non PC users /pol was a temp log out which kicked you to the pol viewer... from here you could alt + tab out of the application to go look-up items of intrest of chat on AIM etc... With its removal you'll see a huge demand for windowers, the very thing SE is quotes as a hack. I'm srry just like those kiddy rides with hight requirments: You must have an IQ below 40 to work at SE... This is DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!!!!
Noticed that
Was also a good way to avoid getting killed in a bad pull in Dynamis without dropping the hourglass..
Then again, I'd say it probably was used so rarely they didn't see the need for it. Also, due to register space on the PS2, it could have been a sacrifice that had to be made for things like {Hour} and {Minute}, which I would think are more important.
Vis Maior's Journeys
What does "x-boxers with 75" mean?
I am someone who, after today, will be playing primarily on my 360... so I could probably check whatever you're asking about :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
ya there are 360 beta players with 75? i found that odd... but not entirely hard to believe... i was wondering if this is true?
a few corrections
I'd first like to state i know the nerf is old, but i don't understand why the feel it vital to make your shots based on a SWEET-SPOT method when they themselves don't under stand ballistic enersia.
the reason bows are less effective at point blank, is the span more than anything else, to increase an arrows effectiveness an arc is established which allows gravity to take over and in essence accelerate it. So yes there is a sweet spot on each bow... which is determined by the actual span of the bow, and the amount of DRAW that can be applied. The arrow will reach terminal violocity in the arc, as opposed to a liner shot.
However crossbow employ a mechanic instance to deliver there energy, ergo you can't over stretch it to gain increased POWER... now we could say the same holds tru to crossbows as with bows, since a bolt is in essence an arrow... however the "Sweet-spot" is more or less the same as a modern pistols range... it like a gun uses a fixed energy source.. and because bolts are flightless they are influnced greatly by "windage." If you look at how crossbows were used... they were primarly for armor penitration... in a medivel setting your lines might be something like this...
Calvery - (note they float depending on battle conditions)
Reserves -Armored combatants
field artillery
Archers - Commanders
Siege equipment?
I will give you that crossbows aren't intended to be a pointblank weapon but by that standard other ranged equipment aren't either, i pistol then would be more effective at 25 ft because it protects the user from melee tactics hence the point of using ranged in the first place... But i feel if they want an arrow to "get up to full spead" with rang it should do more dmg, but the closer you are to a target the more accurate you are... i mean its like the size modifiers used in paper based RPG's... they are fixed... the bigger you are in relation to a target the easyier you are to hit, and vice versa. so in all reality a rng/nin could be effective as long as they use guns because we both agree that guns dmg is relitivly fixed to the powder load and not the distance... well i mean if you can find some document on the "sweet-spot" of a crossbow i'll be willing to concede the point.
hope to hear back from you soon...
-lata milo
rangers and the /nin
First things first
I agree that /nin has been used as a crutch for far to long. Unlike milo , I love nin, but i think it needs to get used in more roles than just tank and used less as a sub. The /nin sub really only hurts a party at any lvl when u have competent healers. The using of this sub limits your abilty to sub other things and decreases the tp u gain. All the while, increasing the mobs tp gained. Also some mobs are just better to be fought with higher damage output and increased delay. Example any mob that has spikes up. (I find it fun that mnks are so good at killing undead but are so weak to ice spikes). Mobs that have really nasty tp skills, and mobs that counter.
As for ranger, i think of a ranger as a blm with manafont always up. Nice amounts of damage output by themselves, almost never melee(why do they get such great accuracy for melee?) and if se wants to nurf something go after the cost of lvling these jobs. Well thats my 2cents.
applications of new pld
if plds get auto refresh before 37 it'll be an ideal sub for DRK
why this is 3 fold
1. PLD and DRK get GS skill -> loads to more GS total
2. DRK will be able to cast spells more frequently without worrying about mp
3. Extra Defense from PLD will help balance out the DRK low DEF
Honestly, the only thing they were trying to address was the arrowburn problem we used to have... and for that, even if it isn't 100% correct with accuracy modifiers and what-not, I think it was justified.
The game is about balance, and this "nerf" restored balance. It's something I've always supported.
That being said, right now NIN (a job I'm loving and enjoying) is imbalanced as well. As much as it pains me, something more needs to be done about this job. It's just too powerful right now.
Personally, I just wish people would think in terms of balance and not get all upset when a so-called "nerf" comes down the line that fixes obvious problems.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Well, speaking as a RNG i was pissed at first with the RNG nref, but then, after thinking about it a bit, i realized they were right. I never did do any arrowburn parties, but i heard about them.
personally, my only complaint with rng these days is that we dont get any new abiloities. so many other people get new stuff, why not us? sniff
anyway, doesn't matter much anyway, since im 75 lol

no i agree
i don't hate that they "nerf" stuff i just wish they would get there facts straight... i for one tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, and a fault of mine is i find it so hard that others do not aspire to the same standards i do. Part of the reason my BLM is only 63.. i don't believe in playing my jobs poorly, i'd rather not play them then, so i raise cpital to get the best gear i can... etc.
I for one think nin does need to be altered, to keep ppl form using it as a crutch... i however have no suggestions for the job because it has never been my intent to un-lock it.
Some of my thoughts....
Okay, haven't had too much time to really look through these yet.. but I do have some initial reactions to what I have read:
I know, many people have suspected these elements did these things, but now we have pretty specific proof of it.
Secondly, look at all the Puppet can do! It seems to me that PUP will be the most morphable job in the game, e.g., you should be able to get away with LOTS of different subs. This is backed up by the following statement:
Does this mean we'll see PUP/MNKs that are DoT? Probably, I know I'm going to try it at least. PUP/WARs that are tanks? Maybe. PUP/BLM or PUP/NIN for elemental damage? Most likely.
Anyway... I'm really excited about this job now.
That's all I've had time to look at now... More to come :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
One more thing
I just saw something else that was cool.... THEY FINALLY ADDED "HOUR", "MINUTE", "SECOND" AND "TIME REMAINING" TO TRANSLATE!
HOLY CRAP! That took FOREVER to get those. How many times have you guys been out there in an all Japanese party and you can't quite figure out how to communicate to them that you have 30 mins remaining? Now all they need is {Replacement} for telling them you have a replacement coming :-/
Vis Maior's Journeys
PUP as a TANK?!
Even more fuel for my PUP as a morphable job rant above. Anyone see this screenshot from the POL site?
The puppet can occasionally provoke with the right attachement? Does this mean that a PUP/WAR or even PUP/NIN might just be able to tank?
If the PUP could be a mage, melee and a tank, then this could be the coolest job in the game :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
i saw that too, however who does the tanking the "puppet" or the "master"? also we don't know what the RP (Repair Points) limit on puppets is yet... just because they have the ability doesn't mean they have the capacity. i think we shouldn't refer to them as having HP either thats misleading Rp is more accurate becasue SE clearly states they aren't healed in a conventional manor.
Actually, in that picture I posted, the stats on the left are the stats from the puppet.
So that's the puppet's HP, MP, DEX, etc.
As far as who would do the tanking in a PUP tank situation, we'll have to wait and see if they even can. But I can speculate that the PUP would dual tank with his puppet using the various skills.
Vis Maior's Journeys
i kinduv wanted the puppet to be like worker 8 for FFTactics....
compact and dispose would kick ass... o'l!
/blockaid ?
The MPK/mob-claiming patch seems scary and odd. First of all, it really seems that it will break power-leveling (no loss for me, I've never been a big believer in it). Second of all, it seems like it could be abused as a way to claim mobs in busy areas (why wait for a respawn? Just spam-cure the other team's tank and steal their mob!). Third of all, it better exclude NMs- if you could cure-steal NMs that would be a very bad thing.
Does the /blockaid command prevent a transfer of hate? I have never used the command outside of crafting and fishing, so I have no first hand knowledge of how it works in a combat environment.
I would assume that since one is "preventing" cures and such, there would be so transfer of hate and thus no chance of "spam-cure theft."
On the other hand, I could be speaking out of my ass...
In any event, plan on seeing an increase in all the bitching and moaning amongst the HNMLS shells on the server (go check out Allakhazam...)
You're right, that does prevent others from helping you (I'm reasonably certain it does, anyway... I have only used it once).
Vis Maior's Journeys
point well noted... i think it'd work, but that would pose a huge inconvience on ppl to have to type /blockaid after every pull...
/blockaid timing
/bloackaid remains in effect until one of three things happens: 1) User actively turns it off by issuing the /blockaid off command, 2) User zones or 3) User is KO'ed
Although, I too think is a mildly retarded “fix,†it seems to follow some ass-backwards logic. Simply put, if a player is curing the active holder of a mob, why wouldn’t the mob want to kick the healer’s ass to begin with? And if that occurs, why should the healer be able to claim the mob? Hell, it’s beating down on him/her…
Where this *could* be an issue is on certain HNMs or Gods, in which some shells use an external alliance (or a party or w/e) to spam cure those in actively fighting the HNM/God (re: Milo's previous, previous post).
And for those other heavily camped NMs - just use /blockaid on
Again, I do not know for certain that hate does not transfer when /blockaid is used – would make for an interesting test.
does /blockaid effect player to player interaction only? or is it player to party interaction only... let me elaberate... if i use /blockaid, can no one cure me or can party members still preform duties as per usuall??? then i would be correct in my assumption pullers would be spamming this to turn it on and off after pulling a mob.
To my knowledge
PT/ally members can still cure you; "outsiders" cannot."
Once we can iron out what the new MPK laws are... i think some group testing might be benificial, i'd most rather be certain than lucky ne day.
Example MPK
Has NOTHING to do with /blockaid, but is a test of the new MPK crap: Oh Noes1! I deAded (well, I don't think the OP died...)
Player versus non-party player
I think it only effects people not in your party. At least, that's how we used it the one time I actually used it in an quest long ago.
Vis Maior's Journeys
NMs and HNMS
If you go back and re-read it, you see they say certain mobs will not behave this way. They most likely mean NMs and HNMs.
Vis Maior's Journeys
With certain HNMs, this is a HUGE issue.
Take for example, the Wyrms (re: the "< t >"in LS chat one night). Spike Flail for example has a huge AoE and certain HNMLS would use that to their advantage; an MPK of sorts...
Meh w/e. Off topic, that diagram they used sucks! Need cooler looking models...
Yeah, I was still on enmity and claiming (cure steal HNMs or NMs would be bad)... I didn't catch you were talking about the AoE damage stuff...
Vis Maior's Journeys
that digram is as easy to read and understand as the entire scripting of one person's DNA... you need your own personal SE rep to fill in the "P's" and "Q's"
That diagram sucks - better clip art ftw!
ROFTLMAO... Photoshop? A multi million dollar company doesn't use photoshop wtf?
Yeah, I can't deny this diagram was made by retards...
I mean... I got it... but the diagram really isn't very clear.
Vis Maior's Journeys
what i really think of SE's diagram
for instance
the first pic doesn't explain why "A" has emnity... is it aggroing? because it says it isn't claimed yet we know not what A has done besides just standing there to piss it off...