Submitted by Tamara on Mon, 02/27/2006 - 01:26.
Sometimes silly ideas pop up in my head and such is this! Still, in place of dropping it, I think I will post it here and see if there is any interest...
I propose an Aht Urhgan Static Alliance. It would form within two weeks of the Expansion being readily available in stores (like Best Buy, EB Games, or Circuit City). The rules of this Static are just as silly - initially the only job allowed would be an Aht Urhgan job. This of course may not work out, but we can modify our code-of-play for our Aht Urhgan Static as we go along!
Also Statics are mainly about experience, if you join this Static you would have to understand that for the first month (at least) if someone needed help unlocking an Aht Urhgan new job the experience hours would be dropped in favor of suiting up in an old job and helping a fellow Clan member unlock that Aht Urhgan job.
So just a silly thought which sprang out of a silly mental image: being surrounded in Valkurm Dunes as a sole White Mage power leveler helping an alliance of eighteen Blue Mages! =^_^=
Really the idea here is that with at least two new jobs available there will be those who want to level at least one new job some, and since the best way to run the job might not be known at first I would rather be surrounded by dying Clan Blue Mages than folks I did not know! LOL!
Other thoughts? I mean, obviously the Clan has never before encountered a three or four week period where all of a sudden 60% of the Clan became Dragoon temporarily...
I would probably be interested in it, my big problem is I'm not sure I'm that interested in these new jobs yet. Blue Mage sounds interesting, but until I know more about its requirements (does it use INT? MND? Tools like Ninja? Magic beads?) I don't want to try to level it up.
Corsair also sounds interesting, but unless it can use a lot of the same gear that my other jobs use, I don't have much interest in leveling it just yet (right now, I'm focusing on jobs that can wear what my MNK wore since I pretty much have uber-MNK gear through 75. This is partially why I'm leveling NIN right now.)
I'm also not terribly interested in starting another job over just yet. I think I could *almost* be pursuaded to start PLD and be your tank (our LS lacks tanks for events, damnit) but it would take some sweet talking.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Leveling Fear Be Damned
Normally I would think like Sam.

*bats eyes* What could I possibly wear? *blush*
But for once in my FFXI existence I'll be handed a brand new job and get to screw with it while having absolutely no idea to what it holds.
Sometimes you lay back and wait for the walkthrough to come out. The rest of the time you take your naked BLuM ass out into the Sarus and turn a few thousand rarabs inside-out. That's the carnage I'm talking about. That's the vision I see.
Mind you, there will be a few thousand other players out there, can you imagine what the low level areas are going to look like? They'll be frelling packed, wall-to-wall BLuMs and CoarseHeirs everywhere! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats, living together... mass hysteria!
...what was I talking about?
What times during the week could you participate in a silly Aht Urhgan Static, Meretrix?
I think you are correct in that Vana'diel will be filled with lots of low-level noobs (even if they have been playing for a year) in their new jobs, looking for party. So I thought I would create this silly, for-fun, static.
Mind, if someone decided that one of the new jobs was what they had been looking for all along in this game and they wanted to take that job to 75 as fast as possible - this static is likely something that individual would want to AVOID! LOL!
In any case I believe we still have two months to go.
Bah, I really don't want to see people call them "BLUM"s... that just sounds like something unsavory you'd find during an endoscopy...
..."Well, Mr. Friedkin, we found BLUMs on your inner scrotal wall"...
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'm in
Although I am more interested in BLU then COR (COR's use of a hexagun sounds like the job is nothing more than a very expensive BRD), I will go with either or the yet-to-be named third job. I also am very interested in gear/stat/misc. information about the jobs.
Mai: go lvl PLD - now!
Looking at some of the early screenshots I've seen of this, they look to be more in the DD realm. I.e., more similar to NIN in that they deal damage and can enfeeble as well.
I can't deny that it really does look like an interesting job. In fact, it's the reason I haven't yet sold off my low level MNK/NIN/SAM gear (even though all three jobs are past 30 for me now)... because I'm waiting to see if they might make some of it useful for COR.
Vis Maior's Journeys
You just want to dress-up in a prissy ass pirate costume... "Oh noeszz!1 ar3n't mez eYepatch teh coolzoen1!nine?"
Don't be hatin'!
Vis Maior's Journeys
a different job is more popular this year
A different job is more popular this year...
That's great :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
File name..
Thank-you for your comment
Thank-you for your thoughts, Maior.
Any other thoughts? After all even if only 30% of the LinkShell Membership converted for three weeks I believe it still might pose challenges to the way we normally do things.
Maior brings up a good point about equipment - swapping equipment in the game has always been annoying as you switch your job back and forth.