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1 Bad ass smn!!
First off i'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all who responded to this blog.^^Thank you very much.^^
Also i'd like to just put it out there, i have 1 more prime fight remaining minus feny and diab. i got shiva, ramuh , titan and leviathan yesterday (primes battles) while still being able to party mule and do other things, tho i didnt get to bed until 4am X-P. I just got ifrit earlier today. I've said all this to say aquiring these avatars do not have to take days or weeks, provided you have all the necessary tunning forks. Also i want to despell the myth that you need a party of lvl75's to do any of the prime battles. all you need is 1 lvl75smn/whm that knows his or her job.^^ This is how i got the majority of my avatars. While the smn battled the boss, i just stood there at a save distance as to not accur any AOE and watch the amazing show in all my Ninja glory=D. Let me tell you that AOE is nasty><. while fighting ifrit i was just a lil too close when he did his 2hr, inferno. the darn thing cut thru all 4 of my shadows and hit me up for 2101 dmg out of 1027 hp! lol go figure. If your wondering who this smn is, he's a little taru that goes by the name of Monstreek. Though ive come this far my task is far from finished^^ Garuda, Fenrir and Diabolos await. thnx again for the post everyone they are very helpful. Oh yea one more thing this has nothing to do with luck^^ "where there is a will there is a way" lol shout! I've meet some great people ovwer the short space of time doing this.
Just to point out, its Diabolos (Dia-bo-los), not Diablos (Dia-blos) like the game from Blizzard.
Crazy Hikigaeru's Guide
Crazy Hikigaeru's Guide on How to Whoop upon Level Twenty Avatars
Basically you can get mini tuning-forks or the big, big, tuning forks. Mini tuning forks are for level 20 battles, this fork you TRADE to a protocrystal. To get the mini tuning fork get your fame up, get your SMN to say level 19 or 20, and go visit some cities and ask politely for the small fork.
Click on a protocrystal, while possessing a major tuning fork, and you are in for a bit of a surprise =^_^= You get major tuning forks by visiting a city and asking for a tuning fork when you have equipped a job above level 50 or so (I believe).
Yes, in the high level fights (big tuning fork) folks can party with you and help you win. Level 20 fights are solo - you and Carbuncle are on your own.
Oh, Avatarx told me my summoning magic would best be capped for level 20 before I fought one of these solo battles.
Big battles - used to be that a level 75 RDM with the right equipment and right sub and the correct moves could solo the Avatar for you while you hid off in the rocks. So minimum party configuration for a big battle is SMN and level 75 RDM. And I don't even know if you had to be SMN, I think you could be level 51 WHM or 51 THF or...
Not sure about the level 51 part, I have heard 56, 60, 65 some other levels mentioned. Just do not know minimum level for the big tuning fork quest.
well I got all of my tuning forks at lv 30. and you can go into the prime battles as a lvl 1. but you have to be lvl 19-20 to get the mini forks. :-)
The easiest way to get your avatars is to lvl smn to 20 and go solo them. This is how I got all of mine. The battles are hard but well worth the effort. And they are winable just takes a bit of practice and some good timing. The only ones you NEED help with is Fenrir and Diablos. If you do the solo battles you will have a greater respect for smn and it will give you a great feeling of acomplishment that you actually did something by yourself in this game that usually takes multiple people to do anything. Happy hunting. and if all else fails you can always shout in jeuno for help and pay people to do them for you. I think the going rate is like 100k-300k per person per avatar. (I saw someone shouting in jeuno the other day) but this is just my 2 cents. :-) and there is a great link to a smn guide on alla prolly just have to do a bit of poking around to find it. It has stragities and fame stuff and just about everything else you will ever need to fight the avatars. ;-)
I still need Avatars..
From what I've read, the getting your Avatars is long and involved. Not something you can just do. So Ive never tried^^
If you wanted to get an event (or series of events, since you probably want to divide them up amongst the avatars) going, I'll join in. Just post a date-time and event info, and I'll try to be there (I work nights 4 days a week though, so my schedule gets complicated... I'd prefer weekends).

The person to talk to...
Avatarx is the person to talk to. We've not done any LS Avatar runs yet.
Basically, as I understand it, there's 2 ways to get your Avatars. The first is to solo them, the second is to take on the Prime battles which are 70+.
For the Prime battles, I know Avatarx is the one who's helped a lot of people with them. I also know he's busy, and you may need to wait for him to organize some help. I also understand Avatarx has a SMN LS he is a part of that does Prime battles every once in a while (I think that's how Arb got his).
The one thing is, in order for end-game people to help out with the Prime battles, they have to have the appropriate tuning fork and/or have already beaten them themselves. So don't think a random group of end-game help will be able to assist you.
Vis Maior's Journeys
weee smns!
ya avax is the man for them...and if u want to do the mini's...
Good source of being a summoner
Spend some time and read Macro setups and others things such as fame and battles r posted at this site... Prime fight is on same battle field as the mini-forks... If Drifter lvl's up more am sure we can duo all avatars... Garuda and Leviathan r the toughies but not un doable for 2 Summoners...
Summoner lvl 75- Avatar Power