Submitted by raprot on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 10:46.

It's that time again! One year later Mistress Meretrix has another folder full of photo goodies from around Vana'diel. Many shots were thrown out, many shots didn't make the cut, and even more shots were told they weren't allowed to be posted (something about making an NC17-rating look like Strawberry Shortcake). Heh, but what I do in my mog is my own damn business.
Truth is, it looks like I've hit my gallery limit. 1M KB is all you get these days and frankly I'm not sure how in the world I've hit it. Sam and I will work out the logistics of that later so I can finish my uploading.
Meanwhile, enjoy the scrumptious treats that currently exist:
Meretrix's Gallery: 3 new photos
Clan Members: 3 new photos
Game Images: 11 new photos
Clan Adventures: 15 new photos
Laugh, cry, and remember to comment! No heckling! ...what am I saying, this is ClanOTheAngryMonkey. You guys are the most sarcastic jerks I've ever had the privilege of fighting with.
With that I say, "Thanks for the memories!" Here's to another year of missions, quests, PTing, leveling, BCNMing, ENMing, griping, MPKing, gambling, <Death><-ga>ing, teleporting, healing, fighting, treasure hunting, lock picking, swimming, synthing, fishing, harvesting, mining, garrisoning, and being complete nuisances to the Vana'diel world!
You are aware that the recent patch makes it damned near impossible to MPK any more :-)
Also, there really shouldn't be a limit in the images you upload. I do know I have submission limits over a period of time, e.g. you can't upload X megs of data in Y period of time, but that's just to prevent any sort of exploits that could DoS my server. If you hit this limit, all you need to do is wait a while (I'd guess a day) and try again.
I can look into the details once I check my logs later on today.
Vis Maior's Journeys
way back when...
nope like i said waaaaaaay back when there is a limit lol i have hit it a loooooong time ago and just have to keep swapping pics in and out
Alright, Kiddos, because no one is listenning to me when I explain to them why they get certain errors on their images, allow me to go through an try to explain all of the image submission policies on this site.
Allow me to take off my "Nice Fellow Player" hat and put on my "Evil Bastard Sysadmin from Hell" hat...
Image policies on ClanAM-FF for Dummies
There are three (3) settings in the Drupal configuration that deals with the submission of images. If you encounter any errors (other than underlying db errors) then they will be related to one or more of the following:
Personal Gallery Limits
For your own Personal Gallery, you have a hard limit of a maximum of fifty (50) images per Role or 1000 KB of images per Role. This is from this setting:

This means that for your personal gallery (not one of the site galleries) you can only have 50 images totalling no more than 1000 KB. This rule does not apply to the site galleries (which is where Trix/RapRot is placing his images).
This limit is something I do want to strictly enforce because personal image galleries are not accessible to non-members. Thus, they have very limitted use IMHO.
Limits on Image Size
There is also a limit on the maximum image sizes. The images cannot exceed 200 KB (which is huge, honestly, for an image) and they can't be any bigger than 1024x768 resolution:

This means that you cannot ever submit an image larger than 200KB and/or 1024x768. If you try to submit an image larger than that, the system will not let you.
This is another limit that I want to strictly enforce because I am the one paying for both my bandwidth on this site and the site's storage. Right now we're at 60 MB for the images alone, and it is growing.
Limits on Submission Rates
Finally, there are limits on submission rates. You cannot submit more than one (1) image every 5 minutes:

This means that if you submit an image, and then immediately try to submit another, you will get an error.
This is another setting that I will strictly enforce because it prevents DoS-style attacks. If someone cannot submit more than one thing every five minutes, they cannot flood my server with submission requests. The sites hosted at are often targetted for DoS-attacks, and I will not let any of them be entry points for attackers.
What does all this mean?
Well, this means that if you submit more than the 1000 KB or 50 pictures limit before moving the pictures from your Personal Gallery, then you will get an error and will not be able to submit any more until after you have allocated them elsewhere. (This is what happened to both RapRot and Drifter).
This also means if you submit images that are too large, then you will get another error (this happened to Dayum and Kyler).
This also means that if you try to submit images too rapidly, you will get another error (this happened to Avatarx).
Long story short, you guys need to stop saying there's problems with the site whenever you can't upload a picture. When you can't upload a picture, then the problem is yours and you need to figure out what you did to trigger the error and fix it your own damned selves..
...Now removing the Bastard SysAdmin hat...
Vis Maior's Journeys