Submitted by sam on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 03:59.
Welp, I just beat Meat.... I mean Maat. This was my first try, /joy! Anyway, I made a video of it, and wanted to share both the video, and my strategy. Read on for more...
First of all, for those who don't yet know who Maat is... Maat is this old geezer in Jeuno who unlocks higher levels to you. At 50, 55, 60, 65, and 70 you get to be Maat's bitch by running around doing quests for him. At each of these levels, Maat gives you 5 more levels before you have to see him again. At 70, you get to fight him (ok, you can probably fight him as early as 65, but who wants to do that? :-)
I went in and fought him at 69. I had my "Monk's Testimony" which I farmed with Arb and Cyc. One thing to remember with Maat is he takes on your job's abilities. Thus, as a Monk, I knew he would be a Monk.
There's two schools of thought when fighting Maat as a Monk.
- 1: Slow and steady. You're a Monk, do some DoT!
- 2: Sudden, rapid bursts. Hit him fast, hit him hard.
Number 2 can be rather expensive, and seemed kind of risky to me. So I went with number 1. I focused on DEF, VIT, HP and Evasion equipment as well as food that did the same. Here was my equipment:
- Head, Body, Arms, Legs, Feet: All Temple gear (MNK AF)
- Rings: Sun Ring, Chrysoberyl Ring
- Earrings: Drone Earrings
- Neck: Justice Badge (macro miss-fired, was supposed to be Spike Necklace)
- Waist: Warriors Belt +1
- Back: Amemet Mantle
- Weapon: Vishnu's Cesti (some people said go for big-impact weapons like Spartans, but I went with the low delay Vishnu's)
- Other: Blink band at start
The strategy I then used was the following:
- First off, I had everything macroed chronologically. I just hit my macros in order and they mostly worked. I practiced the macros in my MH before hand to be sure I had it down.
- Went into the BC naked. I doubt this really works, but doesn't hurt.
- Fired my first equip change macro.
- Fired my blink band macro.
- Fired my next equip change macro which gets the rest of my gear.
- Ate my Carbonara and 3 Hi-Potions to fill my life.
- Boosted around 8 or 9 times.
- Ate my Panama au Lait.
- Fired my Dodge + Focus macro.
- Fired my Hundred Fists + Chi Blast macro.
This macro didn't work right. I spelled my 2 hour as "Hundred Firsts" which broke the macro. I honestly panicked here as my Chi Blast engaged without my 2 hour. So I fumbled a bit for it in my menu. This is why my equipment doesn't change from my Justice Badge to my Spike Necklace.
- As soon as I hit 100% TP, fired Raging Fists macro.
- Used Icarus Wing, fired another Raging Fists.
- Chakra.
Now, right there, I could have stopped. Maat was seconds away from giving up. However, I did panic as my HP was around 50% and I ate a Vile Elixer +1. This was kind of silly and a waste of 200k. I seriously would have been fine without it... Oh well...
Anyway... without further ado... here is my video (remember, you need to be able to play DivX like the previous videos in order to watch this):
maat-down.avi 48 Megs (be warned!)
Just wanted to add, yes, I did edit this movie. I editted it to fit the song (for one) and I also editted out a few of the boring bits (like most of my boosts, the time I sat staring at my testimony before trading it, and all the spazzing I did with menus and things after the fight- I was so excited I somehow lost all motor functions :-). Other than that, it is exactly how it happened.
One last thing, I've heard reports that on some people's systems, this video winds up being VERY bright. Sorry about that, it doesn't look bright on any of my machines :-(
If I had only waited just one more day!
Dream Robe +1
This "enhanced the effects of Selbina Milk". What that means is it can give you a VERY powerful HP Regen when you wear it and drink the cheap milk. In experiments, people have found it is able to give you up to 200 HP in a very short period of time.
This could have replaced my Hi-Potions that I drank in my battle... DOH!
Vis Maior's Journeys
Worth it...
LOL, grats Sam (-:
Yeah, I think the wasted Vile Elixer was worth it as well. If for no other reason than how much it calmed me down.
Thanks Bomb, wish you were in the game more... you'd likely be killing Maat alongside me :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Totally awesome
The video is excellent, btw. Love the Faith No More song (who remembers that one?^^)
A few things I thought were hilarious about it:
- All the funny /echos in the macros. "REMEMBER TO EAT FOOD" LMAO
- Funny macro names. "BOOYAH" is the one that starts the fight.
- Flaming hands as you run to Maat.
Great job man!
Macro everything
I thoroughly studied the Alla MNK Forum Maat thread and one thing I cam away from it was the importance of Macro'ing everything so I didn't have to think too long and hard during the battle with what I should do.
No one in that thread said to macro comments to myself, but I felt they would be important.
Thanks :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Grats man! I had to do Maat 4 times... but only because I didn't have the right gear (with the right gear, Maat is a pushover for RNG, unless he gets off a 2 hour with sharpshot enabled ><)
Looks like in the video you creamed him, awesome!

What i think is so funny about mnk in maat (from your video) is how quick the fight was. There was all this preparing and boosting, but then the fight was over in a flash lol!
too bad about that elixir. you really didn't need it ;;
congrats man you've achieved something i can only dream of doin. Good job.
Thanks :-)
You can get there and you can do it. Just research a lot and plan well before hand.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Man, this is going to suck as a BRD....
Hey thanks. I did a lot of research before hand... and I honestly sat in my MH for an hour running through it in my mind and testing my macros.
As you can see in the video, even with all that preparation I still made mistakes:
* My "Hundred Firsts" macro obviously was a problem.
* That made me have the less than stellar Justice Badge still equiped.
* I accidentally fired my Icarus Wing too soon, and was saved by Maat hitting me with a Stun WS (thanks Maat).
* I wasted my Vile Elixer +1 that really wasn't needed.
And in all though, I'd say the preparation really paid off.
Also, I fought the ENM 60 "Puppet" a lot in the weeks leading up to this. I'd highly recommend everyone who needs to fight Maat trying this ENM out a few times until you get your strategy down. This ENM is free in that it doesn't cost you any EXP (just gil for any items you plunk into it) and is a great way to prepare.
Anyway... good luck Cyc :-D
Vis Maior's Journeys
Nice work
And I'm even more impressed with your music selection on these videos. ^_^ Faith No More, gotta love it! heh
No audio
Honestly, it's because my recording has no audio otherwise :-)
I have an Archos AV320 that I record these on, but my nephew took some clippers to the audio cord a couple of years ago. So, now I can only record video (yes, the nephew is a shit).
Vis Maior's Journeys