Submitted by sam on Mon, 11/21/2005 - 15:12.
Last night before we headed out to the Safehold for the CoP 2-3 mission, I caught a pretty spectacular sight in Qufim.... In 2 years of playing this game, I have never seen this particular thing inside of Qufim (elsewhere, yes, but never in Qufim).... Has anyone else seen this before?

Light Elemental in Qufim
Seriously.... I've been through Qufim leveling up 5 jobs now.... I've outpost warped to and from there countless times.... I've farmed all over the place... done quests and missions out there... as well as was on aggro duty for several friends as they've leveled there... and I've never... not once... seen light elementals in Qufim :-)
Anyway.... I thought the picture turned out cool, so I decided to share it with everyone :-)
yea pretty huh
seen it there fer the 1st time when i was taking war through quifim and had me speechless. Catches you off gaurd the 1st time.
Light weather
Hehe little known fact that if you have an aurora mantle equipped while light weather is in affect you get a small regen effect of about 2hp per tick hehe jus though i would mention it ^^.
lol ive seen it like twice....once when i was lvlin whm and then the other when i lvld sam
Not sure
During the time that you saw this in Quifim, was there also a aurora borealis happening as well? I was chatting with a party member one night telling them about being in Quifim during one of these light shows and he mentioned that light elementals would spawn during that time. I had never seen one in Quifim, so really didn't pay any attention to what he said at the time. From your screenshot, it looks like this may be true.
Yeah, you can see the aurora in the shot.
I mean... I now know they spawn there... but I've never seen it before :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Well I guess
We can get the schedule on the auroras to know when to camp them.
Camping auroras...
Why? Thats cool by the way.