Submitted by dragonlance on Mon, 11/14/2005 - 19:49.
If anyone is interested in doing BCNM 40 Who. Shrine let me know. Some drops that come from this are archer rings, erase, Utsusemi: Ni, Phalanx, others are not worth mentioning. It is a 15 min , 3 person fight. Jobs that have commenly been used are Rdm/blm, War/nin, Drg/war, Sam/war, Whm/Blm. The object is to kill a # of jellies before they turn into the Jelly Queen. If you are more interested talk to me for more information.
Royal Jelly
Is this the one called Royal Jelly?
Here's a good strategy guide for fighting this one from a Ranger's perspective:
Using Spielman's guide as starting point, I'll talk about how our setup differed from his. Our setup was RNG, WAR, RDM. The RDM casts spells to slow the jellies down while the Damage Dealers kill the jellies one at a time. I found Spielman's order for killing them to be needlessly complex. The jellies are arranged in a circle, so to keep things simple we started at the left side and went around clockwise killing them. But if one started getting closer to center than the others we would kill that one next. I also found that the combination of Acid bolts and Holy bolts worked better that Scorpion Arrows.
The RDM started working from the other side casting Gravity and Bind and whatever else Redmages cast, lol. However, we found that the spell Slow only slows their attacks and not their motion. The Ranger can also use Shadowbind on one of the jellies first thing. Sleep Bolts and Sleep spells proved useless against the jellies.
We died a few times before we learned how to do this properly and the drops were not very good that night (netted less than 100k each). However I have also heard of players getting really valuable drops from this one. If I'm around when you want to do this, please count me in. -Thersites
RDM yay!
Anyways dragonlance I have BLM and WHM for subs at lvl 40 fo RDM. The only thing is I'm only able to do it on the weekends.
Write up?
I can't join... closest I have is a WAR/NIN that's only 37- and MNK is very weak against slime unless he has Vampiric Claws (hidden effect against slime).
However, if you guys are successful, would you guys be willing to do a write-up for the BCNM strategy in our BCNM guide? :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys