Submitted by Tamara on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 05:56.
I am hosting a
Promyvion-Holla ENM ALLIANCE Fight
Promyvion-Holla Spire Boss Bash
on November 7th (alternate day - look at your Calendar).
You can come if you are a member of either CLAN OF THE ANGRY MONKEY or LIGHTS TEMPLAR or I invited you =~_^=
Also there are some additional requirements:
o you are in your level 30 gear at 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern
o you are in Jeuno, near Venessa, with your Holla Censer Key Item (courtesy of Venessa) twenty minutes later (6:20pm Pacific)
o you don't get Teleport-Holla teleport sickness
o you are in possession of Hysteroanima and Psychoanima and both are on you
o you are willing to be drafted into the Holla Spire Boss Bash (if we do one)
o you understand that any ENM drops other than Clusters will be sold and gil distributed over the entire Alliance
o if less than five folks we cancel the entire event
o if less than six folks we only do the ENM portion
o if more than six folks we all get reduced ENM experience
Per usual, if Malkier is present he will be the WHM for the Spire Boss Bash.
Per usual, if Maior is present he will be the overall leader.
This Saturday Night (earlier tonight) we won both Mea ENM and Mea Spire Boss Bash.
We also witnessed a team dead-on-the-floor inside of the Spire because they did not have Hysteroanima and Psychoanima for each of their party members. Anima is a requirement for this Event.
Tamara =^_^=
A Big Thank-You!
Thanks go out to:
Malkier, Kachukaru, Dragonlance, Avatarx, Maior, Thersites and Valsery
who showed up for the Even-Numbered-Mondays ENM Run I play host to.
Double-thanks because this week was an exception (it wasn't even even-numbered! LOL!).
Triple thanks to those who farmed and brought Hysteroanima and Psychoanima! You folks rock! =^_^=
Anima is really important people! Please farm and bring Hysteroanima and Psychoanima for the next Even-Numbered Clan ENM (November 14th).
Good News: we got an Audacious Vision as Group Loot :)
Bad News: Audacious Vision makes Divine Earring :(
Divine Earring is only worth 50k gil (level 35 earring, look under Armor at Jeuno AH). I divided 50k gil by eight participants, rounded up to 7k gil per player.
My mule, Niyeba, already sent each of you 7k gil. So I feel I have discharged my duty to each of you. Please send me a /tell if you have some other preference.
So that's who "Niyeba" was. I returned the gil to sender because I thought someone sent me money by mistake :-D Sorry about that.
Also.. sorry I was a grouch when the other group came... and in general. It was late for me, I had just bombed at an interview, and I wasn't in the best mindset.
Vis Maior's Journeys
They deserved some attitude. I can handle a lack of experience issue (ex. Accidently pulling aggro, over-nuking, etc) but attacking the MR while we were clearing strays was unacceptable. That explains why they ended up with dead party members. I try to remember that not everyone has perfected Promy runs the way our clan has and keep patience, but running head long into a fight was stupidity. It took everything I had to not chant Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy Jeeeeeeeeeenkins!
*snicker* As far as our group, we were awesome as always. Good run and Malkier was able to finish his Promy bosses, so congrats!
Poor WHM
Poor Headhunter, he was their group's WHM. Malkier raised him once and I raised him twice.
They were really, really lost on their run/fight. No other way to classify it when the WHM dies three times. Our group had to be there just to keep theirs in the fight!
Thersites was talking to them and found they only brought 4 Anima with them to fight the Holla Boss, so he and I sat down outside the Web of Recollections and waited for the corpses to appear.
Smileyface says you have a nice web site, Maior! =^_^=
Holla no longer needed
Thanks to our fight Tuesday night, I have officially completed the Promy boss fights. *cheers-thunderous applaud* I will still offer to lend my services to help anyone else out who will need it, but if the party fills up quickly, I don't mind giving my spot up. I'm always up for the ENMs. I'll be in Jeuno when we begin and we'll see who all shows up.
These Events are Primarily ENM Runs
These events I am hosting (if enough individuals show up) are now primarily ENM Runs.
There are some requirements to participate in the ENM Runs (such as Anima) so that long, extended, discussions like "such-and-such needs Crag X Spire Boss" now no longer need to even be held. If someone needs a Crag they equip for the ENM just like everyone else and they show up at the proper time on the proper Monday.
I will likely rotate among Crags though I remain undecided about Mea. I really do not like the Mea ENM.
Regular thing
You know, if this works out well enough on Monday nights, and you're willing to continue this, then I say we just turn it into a regular thing and no longer do specific Promy runs as weekend events.... Basically save the weekend events for some new things.
Ray has already posted in this weeks poll that he'd like to try the next CoP mission as an event, and it really is a good idea. With the weekends freed up from Promy runs, we could easily do things like that then :-D
Vis Maior's Journeys
Like I stated below?
A regular run? Like I said I was working towards in the comment below? =^_^=
"These Promyvion Runs are just 80 minutes"
"If you fine players show up for this event there will be more on Mondays; probably on even-numbered Mondays. That way you can say to yourself:
Oh, it's Monday, what is the date?
Oh, it's an even-numbered date, I better show up in Jeuno Gardens this evening for an ENM Run!"
Yes, the above is/was actually a goal; because I am planning on starting to decline on participating in Promyvion Spire Boss fights on weekends. I did weekly Eco-Warrior in Windurst for 3 months, for only 900 experience. I know if folks show up, are prepared, then a bi-weekly Clan ENM, on even Mondays, for 2k to 3k experience is the better way to go.
If someone needs a Promyvion Spire Boss I will give them a vote for which Crag for the ENM, and even if they are the only voter for it I will probably give their Crag priority. Even though I really do dislike the Mea ENM fight.
Anyways Anima is a requirement for these ENM runs. I want folks to come prepared for a possible Spire Boss Bash.
Clan ENM Run this Monday the 7th at
6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern
Possible Clan ENM Run Monday the 14th at
6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern
Possible Clan ENM Run Monday the 28th at
6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern
The above is all based on sufficient interest (meaning folks show up with Anima). I will be asking folks arriving in Jeuno if they have Anima and if they don't (regardless of a Spire Boss Fight or No) I will cancel the ENM run and we will go farm Anima instead.
So bring Hysteroanima and Psychoanima, please. It is a requirement! =^_^=
I'm in
I can come to the ENM and Boss run on Monday the 7th, I already have one of the Animas, it dropped fromt he Mea ENM :-). I also have gotten the Teleport-Holla quest and finished it so I can teleport one of the parties. I will be, of course, WHM/BLM, I have BLM at lvl 21 so eventually I will be able to come as either WHM or BLM. But that will be later, this is the last Boss I need to kill and I will make time to come, I get out of class at 7:00 EST but I should get out early because we don't have the parts to finish my project.
These Promyvion Runs are just 80 minutes
If you fine players show up for this event there will be more on Mondays; probably on even-numbered Mondays. That way you can say to yourself:
Oh, it's Monday, what is the date?
Oh, it's an even-numbered date, I better show up in Jeuno Gardens this evening for an ENM Run!
With Maior's strategies there are really only two challenges to Promyvion now: Holla Spire Run and Mea Spire ENMob. And thus with Monday Clan Promyvions taking place we can free up weekends for LARGER Clan activities! =^_^=
After several Monday Promyvions I expect interest will die back down and eventually this will become an event of the past. The only way interest is going to be maintained is if folks really want 2,000+ Exp for 80 minutes of work. The treasure drops from ENM are actually quite infrequent.
Updated date
I changed the date on the post to match the date on the event. That way it stays at the top of the posts until the event has happened (best way to get exposure.) Also, as Val pointed out a while back, it makes it come up as a "red" link on the calendar. So it highlights the day.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'm good for the 7th...
And would volunteer to make the Holla Boss run if we can get enough people. This is the only boss I've yet to fight, and would *really* like to finally knock this out. I still plan on taking my DRG for DD, but may also have BLM up to 30 by then (23 currently) if a nuker is needed. I still have all 3 animas from this weekend, as we slayed the boss so quickly, I didn't have to use mine.