Submitted by Gaara on Thu, 09/22/2005 - 03:35.
Well the final results are in, as all items have been sold. I apoligize ahead of time for the monotony of the following but to justify the handling of a sum this large that is not my own I think the equivilant of full set of sales reciepts is necissary.
Maior, and any others who would like to contribute. I attempted to divide this amount into seperate shares and failed. I can take notes but the distrobution is too complicated for me this time around lol. I always did suck at math. Anyways got tired of staring at my note book trying to figure it out. So the forum is open to discussion, please feel free to post distro procedures. We will decided as a group the fairest method.
Full Item Count:
Military Gun 1
Military Harp 4
Military Pick 4
Military Pole 3
Military Axe 1
Untaxed Total: 3,183,000
Total Tax Payed: 126,760
Total Ready for Ditribution: 3,056,240
Sales Reciepts:
Gun posted @50k w/1100 tax, Sold @50k
Pick posted @315k w/6400 tax, Sold @315k
Pick posted @315k w/6400 tax, Sold @320k
Pick posted @315k w/6400 tax, Sold @350k
Pick posted @315k w/6400 tax, Sold @350k
Axe posted @88k w/1860 tax, Sold @88k
Pole posted @10k w/300 tax, Sold @10k
Pole posted @10k w/300 tax, Sold @10k
Pole posted @10k w/300 tax, Sold @10k
Harp posted @470k w/9500 tax, No Sale
Harp posted @470k w/9500 tax, No Sale
Harp posted @470k w/9500 tax, No Sale
Harp posted @430k w/8700 tax, Sold @430k
Harp posted @430k w/8700 tax, Sold @430k
Harp posted @430k w/8700 tax, No Sale
Harp posted @430k w/8700 tax, No Sale
Harp posted @430k w/8700 tax, No Sale
Harp posted @430k w/8700 tax, No Sale
Harp posted @410k w/8300 tax, Sold @410k
Harp posted @410k w/8300 tax, Sold @410k
thank you
I told you I suck at math >< it was the system from before that I was trying to figure out how to conform to this run. I had had a long day and the numbers were making no sense to me. thank you Maior.
Distribution will begin tonight.
Hey, I don't mind the math... I just don't want to keep track of all the taxes, missed sales, etc... I'm sure glad you're good at that :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Lemme crunch them numbers
I elect we just use the same system we used last time as that seemed prety fair to everyone involved.
Let me run the numbers again using that method and I'll post them here. Then we'll see if everyone agrees on them like last time :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Okay, I used the exact same scheme as last time. Here's the numbers I've come up with. Please check my math to make sure I didn't have any errors :-) Also, please comment on it if you dont think it's fair.
We had a total of 3,056,240 gil to be divided up.
We had performed 6 Garrisons: 3,056,240/6 = 509,373.33 gil per Garrison.
We then had 4 groups of people:
Athrunzala, Arbelast, Kamustaka, Thersites,
Kashimu, Lunamarie, Raytien, Tamara,
Xilldon, Maior, Martamay, Valsery,
Meretrix, and Dragonlance
Source Posting on Garrison Participation
So the money per person divided by grouping would be (please double check my math!! I've rounded up if greater than or equal to 0.5):
How does that look?

Vis Maior's Journeys
Seems about right
Payout seems to be on par with our system before, so yes, it looks good. ^_^