Submitted by Malkier on Mon, 09/12/2005 - 23:48.
I was thinking about making a table, or some such, on what armor sets can be traded to the NPC's, and how much it costs to get them back. Does anyone think this is a good idea, or has it already been done/started?
Please let me know one way or the other. I already have the list for the level 27-30 sets and their costs to check out.
Thanks all
Great idea
I think it's a great idea. My suggestion would be to add it to one of the books already started that you think it may fit in.

For example, off the top of my head I think it would fit in RapRot's Around Vana'Diel In 80 Days book. You may want to contact the author of the book to be certain it's okay... but chances are it should be fine.
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