Submitted by Xilldon_RDM on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 15:29.
I'm alil supprised at how small this update is auctly going to be. With the new news from POL it seems the new update is only going to be about 22 MB and 17 MB for those without CoP(shame on you!). Not that I'm complaining just thought it would be a lil more big.
[File size for clients with "Chains of Promathia" installed.]
"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 22MB
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 21 minutes
Installation: 5 minutes, 30 seconds
Total: About 5 minutes, 30 seconds
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 10 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 57 minutes
Installation: 5 minutes, 30 seconds
Total: About 2 hour, 12 minutes, 30 seconds
Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 43MB
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 7 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 19 minutes
Installation: 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Total: About 28 minutes, 50 seconds
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 10 minutes
Download / Unzip: 3 hours, 18 minutes
Installation: 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Total: About 3 hours, 30 minutes, 20 seconds
[File size for clients without "Chains of Promathia" installed.]
"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 18MB
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 5 minute
Download / Unzip: 19 minutes, 30 seconds
Installation: 4 minutes
Total: About 28 minutes, 30 seconds
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 9 minutes
Download / Unzip: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Installation: 4 minutes
Total: About 1 hour, 53 minutes
Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 34MB
>>DSL (1Mbps) users
Volume check: 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Download / Unzip: 14 minutes
Installation: 2 minute
Total: About 22 minutes, 30 seconds
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 9 minutes
Download / Unzip: 2 hour, 42 minutes
Installation: 2 minute
Total: About 2 hour, 53 minutes
*Please note that the above times are for reference only. Download times depend on individual users' network environment and may vary from those shown above. Also, this update will require more time if previous version updates were not completed.
OK I finaly got the update to start and everything buh its going to take 10 hours! Even on dial up it would be faster. I had all the updates befor then and everything. I'm on a Cable internet but this is just evil!

SE Likes to DDoS themselves
I've said this many times before, but Squeenix doesn't do their updates right. Rather than stagger them in smaller compressed files that are checksummed and then reassembled when installed, they just dump everything all at once onto their clients.
This means that all 10 million plus of their customers beseige their servers with download requests during their updates and very rapidly saturate their bandwidth.
So the download speed problems aren't yours, they are their's.
A far better way to handle this would be to do it in stages. Silently push these updates in bits to their clients during a week or so leading up to the final update, then have something trigger the re-assembly of the bits into the installer on the client side once a certain date has passed. Naturally, there would still be stragglers that would have to download it all at once. But these would be a significant subset of the total subscribers, and would thus not suck up all the bandwidth.
But, oh well.... Squeenix likes to DDoS themselves into oblivion during their updates.
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