ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.
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Thanks for your help
You guys were awesome. You really rock! Thanks again for the help.
And thank you, Thersites, for being so helpful and wonderful.
Ending HP/MP
Seeing as we only had 1 cureaga I say these are prety nice.

Sorry I missed this one guys, but damn, that's hilarious! I'm guessing Thirsty was doing some pretty uber damage there :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
New Record Set!
WOW! Can y'all believe we set a new server record for killing this dragon? 4 minutes 38 seconds. Thersites RNG used his 2 hour (eagle eye shot) and so did our DRG Valsery. But no one else even had to use theirs, and we still broke the record! Droopy WHM wanted it to be known that he only used one curaga during the fight, and that that wasn't even necessary. Xilldon RDM must have cast a good sleep spell, because this dragon was sleeping like a baby till we hit it, lol. Raytien WAR was a fine tank. And Kitchel THF managed to get behind it for a sneak attack. Congratulations Kitchel on rank 3! And thanks to everyone who helped.
Just a note:
Using DRG, the Wyvern is the two hour, so really Thersites was the only one who used a "true" 2-hour.
Also, we could have knocked off another 10 seconds on that time if Spotter (Dragon's ally) had not put a few of the party members to sleep before he died. We had to pause for a few seconds to allow the mage to wake everyone up.
Good job to all!
luckly im on the PC version and we got to see Lion!! So I decied to show yall!

Looks like we have the following players so far:
Kitchel THF
Thersites RNG
Raytien WAR
Xilldon RDM
Droopy WHM
Valsery DRG
If everyone shows up, we're good to go.
For those who haven't fought the dragon before, I should say a few words about the strategy for killing this beast. Basically, once the party is assembled around the burning circle, the person doing the mission clicks on it, accepts the mission, then everyone else does the same. Once inside, buff up, eat your food, and wait to be sure everyone is ready. The person doing the mission will see a cutscene here. When everyone is ready, we all run down a short trail to where the dragon is. There we will find the dragon itself and a floating eye. The usual strategy is to have the mages sleep the dragon first while the fighters kill the eye. After the eye is dead everyone attacks the dragon till it is dead. Use your 2 hour abililties and weapon skills as needed. This dragon isn't as tough as he looks. With a party of good players we should have no problem defeating it. Good luck everyone and thanks in advance for helping!
ME ME!!!
i can do it! I have RDM that can sleep of i can be WHM whatever your need.
RDM/WHM would be best for me if thats ok.