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My timing has been off
yeah, I have been playing abit, mostly harvesting, and was trying to lv BST. You are right, I have been on at stange hours lately and seem to be missing everyone, though some haven't been on as much as they normally have been either. I think the last person I was on with was Craig, though we didn't talk much but we were both on. Now that I have some off my epuipment, I like you Maior want to level, but if anyone gets on and wants do anything, I am game, as usual, I should be on more for awhile, so if you get on you should find me. Xilldon if you don't hurry up I may have my AF, by the time you get back. lol, that would be funny, but not likely. see you guys around.
My leveling is going to be complex very soon. My WAR is only 22-24 (I forget the exact level) so I will be needing to level it before long. Before I level WAR, however, I'd like to get NIN up into the late 20s at least.
With NIN higher I can finally sell off my low-level uber MNK/SAM/NIN gear and level up WAR subbed with NIN.
So, for me at least, I guess the static wasn't such a good idea considering how strange my leveling will become.
Even still, I bet we all have jobs at similar levels, so we could probably still make it work.
Vis Maior's Journeys
LVLing your WAR
When you are leveling your War and you need a WHM, if I'm back on I can go, I've been wanting to level WHM up anyway.

"Are you the one just for me?"
Who's list?
Is this RapRot/Meretrix's TODO list, or more in general?
* Head into Ranguemont Pass to kill eyes
We tried that... we nearly died. We will need to level before we can do this comfortably (at least until no one gets any more aggro from the bats).
* Kill pirates for Sand Charm
Looks like the pirates are all level 31-40... and since they are bones (skeletons) taking a monk or two along will mean quick kills (us monks rule at bones). Get the people involved past 40 and I think this one will be a cakewalk if Thirsty or I come along.
* Head to Beadeaux for Rank 5 items
So yes.
* Get Sekzbalm (mule) a linkshell in Rabao
Raven can meet us in Bastok as well. We need to get Penelopy a pearl in Bastok as well, so we should just kill two birds with one stone.
* Walk those interested through getting Tele-Altep Scroll
Again... so yes.
* Try out the fishing in Rabao
Heh, I personally can attest that this is a great place to fish. I would be interested in how much you can catch considering how much higher your fishing is than mine.
Any chance of posting that fishing guide? :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Sooner or later
Well I know when I get back I'm going to level to catch up to yall, but have I missed any mojor LS going ons yet? Keep me informed :-p. 2 MORE WEEKS
"Are you the one just for me?"
What the hell is 'mojor'?
Anyway, not too terribly much has been going on. Trix has been in and out, I have been in and out due to new girlfriend, Thirsty plays during the week but scant little on the weekend (or at least he did last weekend). Drifter is out, you're out, Kyler seems to be working incompatible hours to me now. Raven is still a morning person, and Bomb is MIA.
I got cooking past 40 (43 now). Uh... got my Rice Ball price in Jeuno down to 162 (score). Hmm.... grew several stacks of saplings in your absense.
This weekend I personally am going to level. But we'll see if Trix can get online so we can do some other stuff.
Vis Maior's Journeys
oopss major lol "Are you
oopss major lol
"Are you the one just for me?"