Submitted by Tamara on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 01:08.
Recently we have had difficulty securing a tank (PLD or NIN) for Clan AM Thursdays Assault, and next to no one showed up for ClanAM Friday Assault. So for the next ten days I am conducting a poll!
Oh, and by the way - please go and sign up for Kitchel's and Thersites' wedding event! =^_^=
Poll follows: (please read on for more)
Would you show up to participate in Friday, 10PM Eastern, ASSAULT RUNS (minimum of two), then vote FRI10
Would you show up to participate in Saturday, 9PM Eastern, ASSAULT RUNS (minimum of two), then vote SAT9
Would you show up to participate in Saturday, 11PM Eastern, ASSAULT RUNS (minimum of two), then vote SAT11
Your SAT11 vote may well mean some folks are playing till 1:30am on Sunday (like me), but I would really like to do Assaults (best part of FFXI in my opinion).
Here are my votes: FRI10, SAT9, SAT11 (meaning I don't care, just want to do some weekly Assaults and not have to call out for two hours to still have nothing happen)
ClanAM Assaults are fini
ClanAM Assaults are fini.
At least those sponsored by me. Sorry.
Any chance of ever doing these earlier than the times listed? I work in the evening.
I second that
I work most days 8pm to 5am, and play in the mornings. I sometimes work weekends.

SAT11 - would be the only time that i possibably could do it. Other times i am most likely out with friends. This doesn't mean that i can commit to every sat @ 11. It just means that it is the best possible time for my sch.
fri 10
sat 9
sat 11
and someone showed me how to do a assault with only 3 ppl (no tank needed)
So which PSC Assault is
So which PSC Assault is this? Because I have done a lot of assaults and I have never witnessed it.
Cyclonus lists three for Imperial Agent and at that he still has a tank; I prefer four for Imperial Agent (and more). I've seen an unwanted aggro-link on Imperial Agent and losing Experience over an Assault is not a good thing in my mind.
it is....
it is the Goldan Salvage one. the one you have to pick mimics for a golden fegurehead. and actually you only need 1 person to do it but the mission requires at least 3. You need at least 1 smn and the rest can be whatever. it is a bit easier with the more smn you get to come along. so a smn could actually solo this one but for the member requirment.
No shit, really? You don't say...
If only there was some guide that explained stuff like strategies and what job classes you need for each Assault... Funny, something like that would be useful (if people would only read it).
Personally, I can't commit to any of the days or times listed, I simply may or may not be on. I'm afraid the assaults I do in the future will have to be more ad hoc.
Vis Maior's Journeys
We have a guide that explains all the inner workings of how to do and win all of the Assaults?? WHY was I not informed about this great feature of this most excellent website? I am always the last to know like anything. WHY? WHY? Does no one love me anymore? Please help the crazy Mithra keep up on these things. I would be honored for your time and expertize.
Thank You in Advance
Darkkit :-P
Hush Maior, I've read
Hush Maior, I've read Cyclonus's guide and I still don't like three person assualts.
So there.
Best way for points
My goal in assault is generally to maximize how many points I earn. Thus, I prefer 3 person assaults, when they can work.
Vis Maior's Journeys
My vote
I can't really commit to any of the times listed. I know that's not one of the choices, but I didn't want to be silent on the matter either. :)