ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.
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...who's Leroy?
As always, I'm dead.

The "Leeroy Jenkins Phenomina"
Read this.
Long story short, some dork did something terribly stupid that killed his entire party. This terribly stupid death may or may not have been faked (I think it was faked), but it's hard to deny it's pretty funny.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Yeah, but look at the glowing orb... we won anyway and had no EXP loss :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Believe we Won also
Maior I cant believe we won this 1 also...
Dont believe its a fake shot... As *cough * Cough *
We fake very little